本帖最后由 1997Ljr 于 2019-3-14 12:08 编辑
貝思特精品酒店坐落於雲南省昆明市呈貢區大學城附近,是如夢如幻的度假勝地。作為棲息與大學城上的全新精品酒店,它既容納了周圍環境的熱鬧氛圍 ,又於其自身享有壹處難得的平靜。距離該區域3公裏處有中國“壹帶壹路”規劃中輻射東南亞的重要基礎設施,也是雲南省“五網”建設中路網的重要交通樞紐,是集高鐵、地鐵、公交、出租等交通方式為壹體的特大型綜合交通樞紐站(昆明南站)。和如藍水晶般的閃耀水面的白龍潭。大自然的瑰麗與熱鬧鮮活的酒店生活遙相呼應。酒店遠離日落觀景處擁擠的遊人,深居於當地社區之中。獨特的設計理念,讓來訪者以平靜怯意的方式感受生動的休閑生活。 Best boutique hotel is located in chenggong district, kunming city, yunnan province, near the university city, is a dream resort.As the new boutique hotel on the residence and university town, it not only accommodates the lively atmosphere of the surrounding environment, but also enjoys a rare calm in itself.3 km away from this region, there is an important infrastructure that radiates southeast Asia in China's "one belt and one road" planning, and is also an important transportation hub of the "five networks" construction in yunnan province. It is an extremely large comprehensive transportation hub station (kunming south station) integrating high-speed rail, subway, bus, taxi and other transportation modes.And the white dragon pool shining like blue crystal.The magnificent nature echoes the lively hotel life.The hotel is located in the local community, away from the crowds of visitors who flock to the sunset viewing area.Unique design concept, so that visitors in a calm and timid way to feel the lively leisure life.
◆從城市公路望向建築,view from the highway of the city 酒店共包含161間客房和6間套房,另設有棋牌室、自助餐廳和辦公室區。兩層高的真空區域為客人們提供了壹處放松身心的綠洲,在帶來隱蔽私人空間的同時,也為酒店內部引入壹絲街道上的生活氣息。設計團隊從古中國建築上汲取靈感,以現代化的語言詮釋了雲南景觀中蘊含的色彩與紋理特征。充滿設計感的元素遍布了室內空間的每個角落,豐富的色彩與肌理共同折射出昆明別具壹格的民族風情。 The hotel has 161 guest rooms and 6 suites, plus a chess and card room, a cafeteria and an office area. The two-storey high vacuum area provides guests with an oasis to relax and unwind, bringing in a sense of street life while concealing private space. Drawing inspiration from ancient Chinese architecture, the design team interpreted the color and texture features of yunnan landscape in modern language. Elements full of design sense are everywhere in the interior space, and the rich colors and textures reflect the unique ethnic customs of kunming.
◆酒店大堂,The hotel lobby 不同的功能區域被謹慎而連貫地排布在核心筒兩側,每層樓的平面布局無論從空間還是技術的角度上看都十分縝密且高效。中央核心筒容納了縱向的交通空間,為建築帶來更多可以靈活使用的空間,同時也使立面得到重充分的利用。總體上看,建築的平面簡單、合理且易於辨識。在每個樓層,走廊的兩端均設有寬闊的窗戶,使呈橫向分布的室內空間能夠充分地享受自然光照。 Different functional areas are carefully and coherently arranged on both sides of the core cylinder, and the layout of each floor is meticulous and efficient from both spatial and technical perspectives. The central core tube accommodates the longitudinal traffic space, providing more flexible Spaces for the building, while also making full use of the facade. In general, the plan of the building is simple, reasonable and easy to identify. On each floor, wide Windows are placed at both ends of the corridor, allowing the interior Spaces to be distributed horizontally to enjoy natural light.
◆酒店過道,The hotel corridor
The interior environment of the hotel rooms presents a delicate light luxury aesthetic feeling, which brings guests a sense of being far away from the city. The details such as material and form all passed meticulous consideration, used soft brunet carpet, walnut and rose gold adornment and the headboard with special make to order.
◆酒店客房,Hotel rooms 浴室的設計優雅而前衛:天然石材、煙色玻璃和設計款家具形成和諧的搭配。套房內鋪設著蜂蜜色調的鑲木地板和手工編織的嵌入式地毯。裝有玻璃的鋼制隔墻劃分出臥室和客廳的區域。 The design of the bathroom is elegant and avant-garde: natural stone, smoke glass and design furniture form a harmonious collocation. The suite is lined with honey-toned parquet floors and hand-woven carpeting. A glazed steel partition divides the living and bedroom areas.
◆酒店浴室,The hotel bathroom
項目名稱:貝思特精品酒店 項目地點:雲南省昆明市呈貢區 項目面積:11050.0㎡ 設計公司:香港菲尚酒店設計有限公司 設計時間:2018年3月 竣工時間:在建 主創設計:蔡秉才 設計團隊:鄭 宇、徐 帆、 陳 鈞、 林景瑞、 陳嘉洛 商務洽談:139 2658 9488
主要材料:大理石拼花、雅士白大理石、玫瑰金不銹鋼、胡桃木、 Kevin
中國酒店設計創新者 、中國娛樂設計創新者、廣東省雷州市政協委員、廣東商會常務副會長、雲南湛江設計會長
我們專業做 酒店、
联系电话:13033365076 微信:ljr1997x QQ:462278301