科技的發展不僅改變人們的出行方式、時空觀念,美學觀念隨著發生巨大改變。這就使得娛樂產業在科技發展的基礎上得到轉型和提升的空間,壹方面是消費群體嘗試全新消費體驗,另壹方面是娛樂產業投資方的商業價值正在迅速裂變。設計師致力於用科技和人文武裝現代娛樂空間,讓消費者獲得與眾不同的感官沖擊。The development of science and technology has not only changed people's travel mode and space-time concept, but also greatly changed their aesthetic concept.As a result, the entertainment industry has room for transformation and improvement on the basis of scientific and technological development. On the one hand, consumers try new consumption experience; on the other hand, the commercial value of investors in the entertainment industry is rapidly splitting.Designers are committed to using technology and humanities to arm modern entertainment space, so that consumers get distinctive sensory impact.
◆大堂 步入大堂,設計師通過對幾何造型建築感與極間美學的探索與表達,用有趣的思考演化成獨特的空間氛圍。規避歐式厚重感,卻並沒有隨意迎合極間風格的高冷感,壹個特立獨行輕奢時尚的空間應際而生。Entering the lobby, the designer has developed a unique space atmosphere with interesting thinking through the exploration and expression of geometric modeling architectural sense and polar aesthetics. Avoid European heavy feeling, but did not cater to the extreme style of high cold feeling, a maverick light luxury fashion space should be born.
◆过道 設計師結合當地本土文化,打破分解既存的陳舊空間形式、格局和模式。以最新潮的娛樂文化理念,演繹激情張揚的空間調性。時尚動感的節奏,融視聽之享受,更好地迎合當下大眾娛樂消費市場。風格主張新舊融合、兼容並蓄,整體偏於新工業風,同時不失中庸之道,與當地特有的民俗文化遙相呼應。The designer combines the local culture to break down the existing old spatial forms, patterns and patterns. With the most fashionable concept of entertainment culture, interpretation of passion publicity of the space tone. The rhythm of fashionable feeling of feeling, the enjoyment that blends seeing and hearing, better cater to current mass recreational consumption market. The style advocates the integration of the old and the new, as well as the inclusive, the overall preference to the new industrial wind, while not losing the way of the middle, and local folk culture echo from afar.
包间設計,在設計前期設計師背後的邏輯是為投資方的使用讓空間利用率達到最高限度,毫無浪費,由此能帶來高效運營。The designer combines the local culture to break down the existing old spatial forms, patterns and patterns. With the most fashionable concept of entertainment culture, interpretation of passion publicity of the space tone. The rhythm of fashionable feeling of feeling, the enjoyment that blends seeing and hearing, better cater to current mass recreational consumption market. The style advocates the integration of the old and the new, as well as the inclusive, the overall preference to the new industrial wind, while not losing the way of the middle, and local folk culture echo from afar.
在案例設計過程中,如何將當地文化與未來元素融合,在科技未來感冰冷堅硬外殼中找到人文溫暖,是項目設計師們需要突破的難點。In the process of case design, how to integrate local culture with future elements and find humanistic warmth in the cold and hard shell of scientific and technological future is the difficulty that project designers need to break through.
項目名稱:丘北K歌之王KTV 項目地點:雲南省文山州丘北縣 項目面積:2500.0㎡ 設計公司:香港菲尚酒店設計有限公司 設計時間:2018年8月 竣工時間:在建 主創設計:蔡秉才 設計團隊:鄭 宇、徐 帆、 陳 鈞、 林景瑞、 陳嘉洛 商務洽談:139 2658 9488
中國酒店設計創新者 、中國娛樂設計創新者、廣東省雷州市政協委員、廣東商會常務副會長、雲南湛江設計會長