本帖最后由 1997Ljr 于 2019-3-14 12:14 编辑
KTV燈光設計外觀帖在燈的設計是非常重要的,它是壹個重要的象征,吸引客戶在晚上。在招牌燈的設計確保的前提下,照明用的顏色選擇,細心的朋友可以發現現在的KTV招牌燈的外觀設計是豐富多彩的,當夜晚來臨,相當有吸引力的。KTV lighting design appearance post in the lamp design is very important, it is an important symbol to attract customers at night. In the premise that the design of signboard lamp ensures, the color choice that illuminates USES, attentive friend can discover the exterior design of KTV signboard lamp now is rich and colorful, when night comes, quite attractive.
本案以第壹次工業革命為理念拓展而出,生銹的鋼鐵,轉動的工業齒輪,與其工業時代的家居軟裝搭配下,閃爍出其獨特的風格韻味。整個空間設計以灰黑色調為主,用最藝術的鋪設方法將各種各樣的黑白磚做成空間主旋律,或點、或圓、或弧形,打造獨特的視覺,傳遞出時尚潮流的體驗感。The case with the first industrial revolution for the concept of expansion, rusty steel, rotating industrial gear, and the industrial era of household soft outfit collocation, flashing its unique style charm.Whole space design is given priority to with gray black attune, use the laid method of the most art to make all sorts of black and white brick space thematic rhythm, or dot, or circle, or arc, make distinctive vision, deliver the experience feeling of fashionable tide.
◆大堂 The lobby 步入大堂,大面積連綿凹凸的金屬齒輪天花讓人耳目壹新,以及墻面夢幻的金屬波浪板讓人情不自禁的想靠近、穿越。Step into the lobby, the large area of continuous concave and convex metal gear ceiling lets a person find everything new and fresh, and the metal wave plate of metope dream lets a person cannot help wanting to be close to, through.
◆過道 The corridor 設計師通過對幾何造型建築感與極簡美學的探索與表達,用有趣的思考演化成獨特的空間氛圍。規避歐式厚重感,卻並沒有隨意迎合極簡風格的高冷感,壹個特立獨行輕奢時尚的空間應際而生。Through the exploration and expression of geometric modeling architectural sense and minimalist aesthetics, the designer evolves a unique spatial atmosphere with interesting thinking. Avoid the European heavy sense, but did not cater to the minimalist style of high cold sense, a maverick light luxury fashion space should be born.
◆包間 rooms 黑白大理石在包間得到更深層的擴展,波點、三角形、菱形、弧形等幾何圖案變幻莫測,給每壹個空間都配上了壹個幾何主題。黑白的裝飾畫也采用相應的方式,與整個空間形成完美的呼應,包間內引入投影巨幕,動感十足,打造全新的KTV娛樂體驗感。Black and white marble in the room to get a deeper extension, wave point, triangle, diamond, arc and other geometric patterns unpredictable, to each space with a geometric theme. The black and white decoration painting also adopts the corresponding way to form a perfect echo with the whole space. The large projection screen is introduced into the private room to create a brand-new KTV entertainment experience.
項目名稱:山東維坊昌樂K歌之王 項目地點:山東維坊昌樂縣 項目面積:1720.0㎡ 設計公司:香港菲尚酒店設計有限公司 設計時間:2018年8月 竣工時間:在建 主創設計:蔡秉才、鄭 宇 設計團隊:徐 帆、 陳 鈞、 林景瑞、 陳嘉洛 商務洽談:139 2658 9488
中國酒店設計創新者 、中國娛樂設計創新者、廣東省雷州市政協委員、廣東商會常務副會長、雲南湛江設計會長
我們專業做 酒店、
联系电话:13033365076 微信:ljr1997x QQ:462278301