本帖最后由 博思道 于 2016-4-27 14:46 编辑
/ 創意 / 美學/ 產品 / 商業 /
Space and goods are two sides of one body. They are complement each other, there are German lines of origin in the building materials brand unique inside a low-key existence. Is a focused and rigorous ceramic brand, has been fine farming in the export of the global market.
Located in the headquarters of the wisdom of the new city hall has a total of two floors, about 1500 square. The overall planning of the ceramic tile and the spatial attributes (such as living room, bathroom, study, coffee shop, Japanese tea ceremony or clothing store) the match.
Microscopic characteristics of the products, trying to get rid of the traditional ceramic exhibition hall with gorgeous materials reflect the practice of brand positioning, according to the characteristics of the product and business philosophy, we in a context of exhibition space.
Design techniques for the production of artistic volume by overlapping, interleaving and block. In addition to the emphasis on the tone of the ceramic texture and order, but also want to try to use a modern concept to present the situation of space. Let the space experience the natural aesthetics of the product. The use of a variety of natural materials to express fashion style style, rigorous and clean.
蔡祝源 / 博思道設計顧問有限公司合夥人 榮譽 / AWARD 高級室內建築師 艾特奖分赛区执委会执行主席 中國建築學會室內分會(CIID)佛山副會長 國際品牌與設計交流中心設計委員會佛山執行秘書長 中國建築學會室內分會(CIID)會員 深圳室內設計理事單位 “聯合國70+華人當代藝術成就展” 國際空間設計大獎艾特獎最佳餐飲空間設計 國室內設計年度評選金堂獎年度優秀餐飲空間設計 CIID佛山十年十人入選十佳 現代裝飾雜誌佛山十大設計新勢力 國際建築藝術作品大獎賽銅獎