/ 室內設計 / 陳設藝術 /產品研發 / 品牌策劃
The Building materials industry must be a popular speaking of “Those Win the world at the top of the world”.
Under previous commercial form much emphasize “Scope”,But as the speed of Technology Popularization as much fast, the product of homogenization are much high, The marketing demand to emphasize “Deepness”.
The space of commerce is not only buying and selling, and it is not only simple for exhibition of product.
In the traditional commercial form rules, The product function is the most important, the User experience is the function of products, also is the core for user buy the product.
To be a new commercial form space, we need product with a temperatures,and it is the most important direction for transition of commercial at present.
Influencing client’s element is not the product itself, but product’s temperatures.Attempting to use the space between “Object” and “Human-being” to create a new relation of “Intermingle”
The ancient has Six-feet Lane, the meaning is the ancients will keep three-feet space to be a Lane when they building the house.
The door designs Florina brand follow gesture of “Retreat” to show modestly decline and at the same time it coming into focus.
Connecting outdoor with indoor on visual sense to be formation with function of formal and real:
The entrance of brand exhibition in the product’s showcase and straight of space and physical of space and the material selection of tea area for business negotiation and the settle accounts of Coffee bar area.
Started from entrance and table of Bar in Warm wood finishing, contrasting with pure white space to create an atmosphere of comfortable.
Authorized of YEAR-V Building materials you xian Limited about Florina brand at shop of Nan Chang, In the name of care for Interpretation with temperatures.
Having an affection on spirit and sensibility of experience in sympathy .
Making a brand in Humanistic feelings.
/ 主要建材:費羅娜水泥磚、奧卡壁材木紋紙、研光所。
BST.DESIGN / 博思道設計博思道(BOSI TAO)設計顧問有限公司為一家定位為中小型頂尖設計公司。是以設計為核心,提升品牌價值的整合設計服務。涵蓋室內空間,品牌平面設計,產品設計和後期軟裝配套設計等服務。
博思道(BOSI TAO)的理念根植於“博無界,思有道”的哲學去滿足不同層次的審美需求。著力於為客戶提供新鮮有用的設計(Provide fresh useful design)這條貫穿始終的精髓。 對不同品牌與文化的熱愛,均建基於采用不同的物料、意念多作嘗試,將內涵注入設計,為每個項目加添前所未有的元素,開啟新的可能性。每個設計概念都力求獨一無二,務求針對客戶的目標,令設計成為實用的商業成果。
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