近日,浆果设计研究所再获喜讯,收到来自陈设中国·晶麒麟奖的佳音, The X Macallan Bar作品荣膺2022年度优秀奖!再一次验证商业与专业的共生力量! Recently, Jingle Design has received another good news from the Art Display China Crystal Kylin Awards. The X Macallan Bar has won the Annual Excellence Award 2022. Once again, it has proved the symbiotic power of business and professionalism! 陈设中国·晶麒麟奖 历届评审团 THE FORMER EXPERT REVIEW PANEL — 【陈设中国·晶麒麟奖】在中国室内装饰协会(CIDA)陈设艺术专业委员会(ADCC)的学术指导下,于2010年创立。奖讯以“艺术介入生活、设计关注人文”为理念,致力于推动设计的产业价值、社会价值。 Established in 2010, the Art Display China Crystal Kylin Awards is under the academic guidance of the Art Display & Decoration Committee (ADCC) of the China Interior Decoration Association (CIDA). With the concept of "Art displays life and design focuses on humanities", the award is dedicated to promoting the industrial and social value of design. 该奖项涵盖了对全产业链重要环节优秀企业、个人的行为及作品的表彰,促进中国空间陈设艺术行业发展,引领空间生活艺术、树立行业典范,集结世界设计力量,成为设计爱好者在全球经济体中的指引。 The award covers the recognition of the acts and works of outstanding enterprises and individuals in the important links of the whole industry chain, promoting the development of China's space art display industry. It leads the art of space living, set industry examples, and gather the world's design power, becoming a guide for design enthusiasts in the global economy. ▼# 获奖作品链接 麦卡伦酒吧 The X Macallan Bar 浆果设计研究所为The X Macallan Bar塑造的场景,完美地还原了想象中的饮酒情境,导演了一曲绝对沉浸的复古旋律,创造一个都市节奏之外的空间。大面积墙地一体化的色彩控制是该场所的文化指向性策略之一。抛却了多余的装饰,庞大的空间骨骼,橡木桶的叠加构筑,矩阵式的排布形成了空间的独特感受 —— 时光流淌,意境折叠。 The scene shaped by the Jingle Design for the X Macallan Bar perfectly recreates an imaginary drinking situation, conveying an absolutely immersive retro melody to create a space outside the hustling city. The color control of the large wall-to-floor integration is one of the cultural oriented strategy. Leaving behind superfluous decoration, the huge spatial skeleton, the stacked construction of oak barrels and the matrix arrangement exude a unique feeling of the space - time flows and the mood folds. 项目 NAME|The X Macallan Bar 地址 LOCATION|中国·沈阳 面积 AREA|175.0㎡ 时间 DATE|2021年 2月 设计 FIRM|Jingle Design 浆果设计研究所 主创 DESIGNER|周博、蔡雨洋 团队 TEAM|张世勇、曾凡龙、贺恩博、宋柳彤 摄影 PHOTOGRAHPY|图派视觉 视频 VIDEO | 叁斧半影视 材料 MATERIALS|木饰面、瓷砖、涂料、金属、石材、玻璃 ▼ 相关新闻链接 浆果 Jingle Design 寓意澎湃鲜活的果实。 Jingle Signifies A Surging and Vibrant Fruit. 浆果设计研究所由周博和蔡雨洋两位先锋设计师创立于2016年,于上海、沈阳分别设有公司,团队致力于“用商业逻辑成就空间美学价值;为美好体验持续创造无限惊喜”。提供从商业定位与规划、空间设计、软装陈设、装置艺术的全局观专业服务,为商业品牌打造持久续航力。 Jingle Design Institute was founded in 2016 by two pioneering designers, Zhou Bo and Cai Yuyang, with offices in Shanghai and Shenyang respectively. The team is committed to " achieving spatial aesthetics with business logic; creating amazing experiences continuously". Jingle Design provides holistic professional services, from business positioning and planning, space design to soft furnishings and installation art, which help to create sustainable value for commercial brands. 周博 & 蔡雨洋 浆果设计研究所联合创始人 秉持“让商业空间更鲜活”的品牌理念,浆果设计持续探索商业空间与交互体验中的无限可能。作为空间体验的导演与生活方式的意见领袖,浆果团队不断推翻昨天的自己,呈现更具前沿思考的设计。作品涵盖精品酒店、度假温泉、餐饮零售空间、美业会所与展厅设计等多元商业领域,让空间体验者沉浸于美学与体验并呈的感官互动之中。 With the brand concept of "making commercial spaces vibrant", Jingle Design constantly explores the possibilities in commercial spaces and interactive experiences. As directors of spatial experiences and lifestyle opinion leaders, the Jingle team overturns the past to present more cutting-edge design. Their work covers diverse commercial spaces, including boutique hotels, resort spas, food and beverage retail spaces, beauty clubs and showroom designs, which allow the space to be both aesthetically and experientially satisfying.