Awards statuette
radiates strength
By 2022 Design
泰坦 / 地产设计奖TITAN奖旨在庆祝和表彰房地产开发、室内设计、建筑、景观设计和营销领域的最高成就,重点关注人体工程学、创新性、生活水平、原创性和可持续性。
TITANPROPERTY AWARDSTheTITAN Property Awards program recognizes, celebrates, and honors the highestlevels of achievement in property development, interior design, architecture,landscape design, and marketing。
From residential to commercial and local tointernational, who aim to improve our daily lives, implement sustainability,and preserve the environment
TITANAwards 小雕像以传奇的摩艾雕像为基础,散发出力量和坚固的光芒。与企业一样,多方面的结构描绘了在逆境和困难中坚持不懈的商业行业中各种各样的人才。
SYMBOLOF EXCELLENCEBased onthe legendary Mo’ai statues, the TITAN Awards statuette radiates strength andsturdiness. As with a business, the multi-faceted structures depict the wideassortment of talents within the business industry that persevered throughadversities and hardships.
TITAN Property Awards 相信好的设计理念可以让每个人都能过上更美好、更安全的生活。
Recognizingall planned projects, projects in development, or conceptual projects createdwithin the last five years from all around the world, encompassing: creativity,quality, vision, and other viable qualities.
Propertydevelopment is the profession of all of these activities, converting ideas frompaper to real property. With that, TITAN Property Awards believes in yourawe-inspiring concepts, allowing everyone to live a better and safer life.
评审团 / 介绍
Our jurypanel consist s of leading real estate professionals, whose talents andcontributions to both nation and environment are instrumental to building awell-constructed community.
These individuals pave the way towards modernconstructions and architectures, being an integral part of a new modernizedsociety.
We wouldlike to thank our highly esteemed jurors for their dedication, passion, andhard work in adjudicating these wonderful projects.