本帖最后由 引擎联合设计 于 2024-12-12 13:15 编辑
12 月的北京,像是一座巨大的艺术宝库,大街小巷都弥漫着艺术的气息。从传统的美术馆到时尚的艺术空间,各种类型的展览应有尽有。 引擎联合设计精心整理了 12 月北京艺术展指南,详细梳理了每个展览的时间、地点、主题以及亮点。无论你是对油画、雕塑感兴趣,还是热衷于新媒体艺术,都能在这份指南中找到心仪的去处。12 月,让我们相聚北京,开启这一场属于艺术的奇妙之旅,约起来吧!
1 北京民生现代美术馆 Beijing Minsheng Modern Art Museum 北京市朝阳区酒仙桥北路9号恒通国际创新园-C7
文明的源起:早期中华文明探寻大展 2024年10月1日 - 2025年3月31日
“文明的源起: 早期中华文明探寻大展”,聚焦考古发掘以及一百年以来中国考古的重要发现,涵盖13个主要考古遗址现场。重磅集结故宫博物院、良渚博物院、陕西历史博物馆、殷墟博物馆、二里头夏都遗址博物馆等全国30+博物馆与文博机构;沉浸式展出400+重量级文物与展品。展览追溯中华文明起源、形成与早期发展的历史脉络,见证了中华文明从萌芽、发展到繁荣的漫长过程。旨在探源中华文明赓续不息的基因密码,启迪当代的中国人,知其来,识其在,明所往。
Focusing on archaeological excavations and important discoveries in Chinese archaeology over the past century, covering 13 major archaeological sites. Immersive exhibition of over 400 heavyweight cultural relics and exhibits.The exhibition traces the historical context of the origin, formation, and early development of Chinese civilization, witnessing the long process of Chinese civilization from germination, development to prosperity.
2 现代汽车文化中心 Modern Automotive Culture Center 北京市朝阳区酒仙桥 4 号 798 艺术区E-1号
气 象 站 2024年5月31日 - 2025年2月9日
The Meteorological Station re examines the increasingly severe global climate issue from a new perspective of artificial intelligence and post human. The artist's highly anticipated important projects "Ignite", "Wuyou Township News", and "Mobile Square" will all appear in the exhibition.
3 尤伦斯当代艺术中心 UCCA Center for Contemporary Art 北京市朝阳区酒仙桥 4 号 798 艺术区 4 号路
莫毅:我在我的风景里 2024年9月28日 - 2024年12月29日
UCCA Ullens Center for Contemporary Art presents "Mo Yi: I am in my scenery". As the first institutional solo exhibition in China to comprehensively review the early works of artist Mo Yi, this exhibition showcases over 300 black, white, and color photos, all from Mo Yi's most iconic series of creations, as well as a series of selfie works.
4 中国国家博物馆 National Museum of China 北京市东长安街16号天安门广场东侧
凤凰故国——青铜时代曾楚艺术展 2024年9月14日 - 2024年12月16日
The exhibition showcases over 200 precious Zeng Chu cultural relics from five key museums in Hubei Province, including 45 first-class items. These include intricately crafted bronze ware, finely carved jade artifacts, exquisite lacquerware, and colorful silk fabrics, among a series of materials and styles of Zeng Chu cultural relics unearthed in Hubei Province. It showcases the long history and magnificent art of the two feudal kingdoms of Zeng and Chu, reflects the latest archaeological academic achievements, and showcases the long-standing and brilliant charm of Chinese culture.
李文忠——岐阳世泽 2024年1月25日 -
This set of family cultural relics not only witnesses the changes of the Li family, but also has important historical research and cultural dissemination value due to its close connection with the historical evolution of the Ming and Qing dynasties. Accompanied by a total of 72 sets of related cultural relics and restored costumes.
5 故宫博物院 The Palace Museum 北京市海淀区复兴路甲9号
大道之行——儒家文化特展 2024年10月1日 - 2025年1月5日
The "Journey of the Great Way - Confucian Culture Special Exhibition" will be exhibited at the Meridian Hall of the Palace Museum from October 1, 2024 to January 5, 2025, showcasing 380 pieces (groups) of exhibits from nearly 30 domestic and foreign archaeological and cultural institutions, including collections from the Palace Museum.The theme of this exhibition, "The Journey of the Great Way," is expressed in the chapter "Li Yun" in the Book of Rites, which expresses the Confucian pursuit of establishing a beautiful social order and moral standards such as the rule of law, selecting capable and virtuous individuals, and promoting trust and harmony.
6 北京中间美术馆 Beijing Middle Art 北京市海淀区杏石口路50号中间艺术区
即 兴 2024年9月20日 - 2025年1月19日
Improvisation is one of the characteristics of art and also a method of creation. It emphasizes the unprepared, uncontrollable, external stimulus or internal impulse that will come, and the immediate and rapid use of everything at hand to create.
7 清华大学艺术博物馆 Tsinghua University Art Museum 北京市海淀区清华园1号清华大学校内邻近东南校门
现代的回望:非洲艺术展 2024年9月28日 - 2024年12月15日
The exhibition is divided into four units: "Human and God: Faith and Ritual," "Human and Human: Power and Emotion," "Human and Everything: A Spiritual World," and "Forms of Beauty: The Embezzlement of Modern Art." A total of 200 pieces (groups) of works are exhibited.
小国巨制:西周早期噩侯四器 2024年9月12日 - 2025年1月5日
This exhibition presents all the bronze ware from the tomb of the Marquis of Yazishan, represented by the Four Divine Faced Artifacts. It also includes several bronze ware unearthed from the tomb of Marquis Zeng of Yejiashan, both exquisite and ordinary.
现代艺术之路:林风眠与吴冠中绘画作品展 2024年9月10日 - 2025年1月3日
Exploring the path of modern Chinese art and responding to the call for a century long social transformation is the mission of several generations of artists represented by Lin Fengmian and Wu Guanzhong. Together with the passion of free creation, we have written a glorious chapter in modern Chinese art.
从塞纳河到光华路:“装饰”的现代化 2024年11月2日 - 2025年2月16日
8 光社影像中心 Guangshe Imaging Center 北京市顺义区竺园路12号院56号楼
欢迎再来鸟头世界-齐 2024年10月20日 - 2025年1月5日
The artist Bird Head's project "Welcome to Bird Head World Together", jointly planned by Guangshe Imaging Center and Shenjie Art Fun, will be presented at Guangshe Imaging Art Center on October 20, 2024. The exhibition will be narrated by connecting two levels of space, exploring the materiality, fluidity, and depth of images through new ways of viewing photography.
9 亚洲艺术中心 Asian Art Center 北京市朝阳区酒仙桥路2号798艺术区79号
Michelle Blade: Grace Electric 2024年11月16日 - 2025年1月19日
亚洲艺术中心荣幸地宣布将于2024年11月16日举办米歇尔·布雷德(Michelle Blade)的首次中国个展“Grace Electric”,展出布雷德于2024年创作的14幅画作。这些作品以静物画和风景画的形式,探索了她作为一位母亲、画家和漫游者眼中“一年间的生活”片段。身为第三代洛杉矶人,布雷德的作品深受这座城市的影响,也反映了她与自然世界的深厚联系,描绘了南加州的繁茂野性花园、沙漠景观上空的灿烂日落,以及她的女儿们穿越洛杉矶的景象。布雷德经常带着她的两个女儿,10岁的露拉(Lula)及7岁的奥莉芙(Olive),一起在洛杉矶周边地区寻找创作主题。
These works explore fragments of her "one-year life" as a mother, painter, and wanderer in the form of still life and landscape paintings. It also reflects her deep connection with the natural world, depicting the lush wild gardens of Southern California, the brilliant sunsets over desert landscapes, and the scenes of her daughters crossing Los Angeles. Brad often takes her two daughters, 10-year-old Lula and 7-year-old Olive, to search for creative themes in the surrounding areas of Los Angeles.
10 当代唐人艺术中心-总部 Contemporary Tang Dynasty Art Center 北京市顺义区金航东路3号院B5号楼
息 壤 生 境 2024年11月9日 - 2024年12月21日
洪水滔天,鯀窃帝之息壤以堙洪。”息壤是填洪起始之土,在《山海经》中记载的息壤被描述为拥有不断生长、不断扩大的特殊能力,寓意生长孕育、循环复始。随着人工智能等数字技术“洪流”演进,技术时间的使用替代了纵深的自然时间,我们与“外部”无限自然隔开的窗户也被打破。当保罗·克鲁岑(Paul J.Crutzen)首次使用“人类世”时,似乎已经预示自然和历史主体之间分离的结束,人类世表明了人类姿态和生存环境之间的系统性和物质连续性。“生境”的形象与人类自身连为一体不可分割,如同再生的“息壤”回到最初,8000年前的农耕时代起,伐木林耕,循环已经开始。
With the evolution of digital technologies such as artificial intelligence, the use of technological time has replaced the depth of natural time, and the window that separates us from the infinite nature of the outside has also been broken. When Paul J. Crutzen first used the term 'Anthropocene', it seemed to foreshadow the end of the separation between natural and historical subjects, indicating the systematic and material continuity between human posture and living environment.
11 今日美术馆 Today's Art Museum 北京市朝阳区百子湾路32号苹果社区4号楼
瑞士经典设计展:跨越400年的传承与创新 2024年11月9日 - 2025年1月12日
This exhibition is divided into six chapters, aiming to introduce the classic Swiss architectural design, product design, and graphic design to the public, vividly showcasing the evolution of Swiss craftsmanship and design. Switzerland's design tradition is rooted in the country's own cultural diversity and sustained innovation.
瑞士经典设计展:跨越400年的传承与创新 2024年11月8日 - 2024年12月7日
In traditional ink painting in the past, there was a visual center that received much attention. On Zhou Guangyu's screen, the so-called center of the picture is completely nowhere to be found. The ambiguous lines and blurry space have replaced the traditional fixed point composition; The abstract ripples, vortex lines, and the freely changing lines in the "drip painting" form the main elements of the work, making the picture loose and boundless, fully unfolded, and the primary and secondary are determined by heart.
13 X美术馆 X Art Museum 北京市朝阳区半截塔路53号郎园STATION-E1栋
贡坎:心之全蚀 2024年11月1日 - 2025年2月14日
泰国艺术家贡坎全新个展“心之全蚀”将于2024年11月1日起在X美术馆呈现。此次展览涵盖二层空间的展厅五、展厅六及三个展示平台,囊括了贡坎于近期创作的近二十件作品,包含十余件绘画1日作、四件绘画新作和三件雕塑装置。展览标题“心之全蚀”取自于威尔士女歌手邦妮·泰勒(BonnieTyler)1983年的同名摇滚歌曲。歌词从对爱与人际关系的反思切入,以失落和无力等内趋式的细腻情感出发,描绘出一幅心灵似日全食般空洞的画面,刻画出对自我的思辨探求和广义下爱的渴望此次X美术馆与当代唐人旗下的Art Focus综合艺术空间合作,在展期内于x Lab空间开设展览文创商店。
This exhibition covers Exhibition Hall 5, Exhibition Hall 6, and three display platforms on the second floor, showcasing nearly 20 works created by Gongkan recently, including more than ten daily paintings, four new paintings, and three sculpture installations. The exhibition title "Total Eclipse of the Heart" is taken from the 1983 rock song of the same name by Welsh singer Bonnie Tyler.
14 红砖美术馆 Red Brick Art Museum 北京市朝阳区顺白路何各庄5号
张培力 2024年10月29日 - 2025年3月2日
The Red Brick Art Museum will launch a solo exhibition of the same name by artist Zhang Peili on October 29th. The exhibition, planned by Zhang Ga, is the largest solo exhibition of Zhang Peili, an important figure in contemporary Chinese art. It presents the artist's mechanical, video, and interactive installations, ranging from large-scale works to individual objects, created in recent years.
15 ZERO零艺术中心 Zero Art Center 北京市朝阳区酒仙桥路4号院798艺术区中一街
所见非所见——杨宏伟个展 2024年10月1日 - 2025年4月20日
This exhibition is curated by Professor Shao Yiyang, Vice Dean of the School of Humanities at the Central Academy of Fine Arts, and produced by Ms. Li Mowei, Director of the Zero Art Center. The aim is to lead the audience through the maze of color and light, explore the boundaries of visual perception, and uncover the "truth" of the information age.
16 頌艺术中心 Soul Art Center 北京市朝阳区酒仙桥路2号798艺术区797路B01
歌——两周年群展素 2024年11月2日 - 2024年12月29日
《颂》是一首素歌,一种朴素、规范、庄严的抒情性;一种把情感作为艺术表达主题的久远传统;也意味着一种简朴、节制的风格。Song of Soul,是每一个独立个体的灵魂之歌,是现代与传统的并置,是全球与本土的融通。
Song "is a simple song, with a simple, standardized, and solemn lyrical quality; A long-standing tradition of using emotions as the theme of artistic expression; It also means a simple and restrained style. Song of Soul is the soul song of every independent individual, a juxtaposition of modernity and tradition, and a fusion of global and local elements
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1、北京市·朝阳中传北广传媒基地C222室;2、上海市·杨浦区国权北路1688弄 湾谷科技园A4号楼1206室;3、深圳市·福田区福年广场B座310室;4、重庆市·北部新区金渝大道89号8幢7-2室。