世博一号位于昆明北市区, 是华夏&金地两位“豪宅专家”在此的联袂首作。 为了树立城市标杆,打造国际品质样板, 弥补此区位的文化艺术氛围空白, 同时,契合目标客群当下和未来的精神取向, 我们的设计师展开了一场空间的艺术之旅。
Expo 1 is located in the north urban area of Kunming, It is the joint debut of two "luxury experts" from Huaxia and Jindi. In order to set a city benchmark and build an international quality model, Make up for the blank of cultural and artistic atmosphere in this location, At the same time, it is in line with the current and future spiritual orientation of the target customer group, Our designers embarked on an artistic journey of space.
为了打造一个 具有艺术、互动、消弭 售楼处属性的空间, 我们把一楼的入口及 整体空间完全纳入艺展的范畴。
To create a With art, interaction and elimination Sales office property space, We put the entrance on the first floor and The overall space is fully included in the scope of the art exhibition.
为了让空间更具艺术氛围 和未来的使用功能, 我们的设计师借助风的想象和力量, 将建筑支撑的柱体包裹在风蚀效果之内。
In order to make the space more artistic atmosphere And future use functions, With the imagination and power of the wind, Wrap the columns supported by the building in the wind erosion effect.
整个空间成为极具现代感的艺展中心, 我们进行后期拍摄的当下, 有一场艺术展正在进行。
The whole space has become a modern art exhibition center, Now that we're shooting, There is an art exhibition going on.
风物是风景和万物, 在视觉中心的尽头 一颗生机勃勃的绿植成为点睛, 让整个空间充满盎然与生机。
Scenery is scenery and everything, At the end of the visual center A vibrant green plant becomes the highlight, Let the whole space be full of life and vitality.
曲线是生命的常态, 楼梯造型极具生命力, 在整个一层空间里, 以单一的墙面肌理漆做整体氛围渲染, 更具艺术感。
Curve is the normal state of life, The stairs have great vitality, In the whole space, The overall atmosphere is rendered with a single wall texture paint, More artistic.
延续空间整体的艺术氛围, 二楼的销售与洽谈等功能区以相同的手法, 借助建筑本身的结构, 继续升级空间感染力。
Continue the overall artistic atmosphere of the space, The sales, negotiation and other functional areas on the second floor use the same method, With the help of the structure of the building itself, Continue to upgrade space appeal.
沙盘区巧妙的利用建筑结构, 以自然采光为主,营造天高云阔的空间氛围, 空间造型与未来的生活图景浑然一体。
The sand table area skillfully uses the building structure, Natural lighting is the main way to create a space atmosphere with high sky and broad clouds, Space modeling is integrated with the future life picture.
不同的弧形交错与开合, 犹如不同风物中的天际线, 带着我们的思绪不断的翱翔在 真实的远方与眼前。
Different arc interleaving and opening and closing, Like the skyline in different scenery, With our thoughts constantly flying in the sky Real distance and present.
充分的考虑到销售场景的实用性, 沙盘区与洽谈区相邻, 方便随时的互通与联动。
Fully considering the practicability of the sales scenario, The sand table area is adjacent to the negotiation area, Convenient communication and linkage at any time.
洽谈区与巨幅落地窗相接, 与户外的自然景观墙融为一体, 阳光肆意的照进现实, 亦是与自然的对话。
The negotiation area is connected with a huge French window, Integrated with the outdoor natural landscape wall, The sun shines wantonly into reality, It is also a dialogue with nature.
软装陈设上也尽量的保持克制, 以大地色与绿色为主, 烘托整体的自然与艺术氛围。
Try to exercise restraint in soft furnishings, Mainly earth color and green, Set off the overall natural and artistic atmosphere.
当绿色的枝丫于天空的倒影中随风轻舞, 自然的意象如水般流淌, 如诗如幻的生活在眼前肆意盎然。
When the green branches dance with the wind in the reflection of the sky, The image of nature flows like water, The poetic and illusory life is in full swing in front of us.
艺术没有尽头, 就像人类对于生命的探索与遥望, 从来不会停止,打开对未来的想象, 向着云端之上。
Art has no end, Just like human beings' exploration and Prospect of life, Never stop, open up your imagination of the future, Towards the cloud.
整个空间给了设计师很多的想象, 三层的建筑结构, 拾级而上,层层铺陈,徐徐展开, 终会到达我们的理想国。
The whole space gives designers a lot of imagination, Three storey building structure, Step up, lay out layers and unfold slowly, Will eventually reach our ideal country.
在这个空间里, 我们的设计师给出一种未来的可能 ——以书籍和绿植围合成一个充满遐想的空间。
In this space, Our designers offer a possibility for the future ——Books and green plants form a space full of reverie.
书是人类进步的阶梯, 是记录生活和未来想象的翅膀,
Books are the ladder of human progress, It is the wing of recording life and future imagination,
希望我们每个人都能在此停下脚步, 仔细翻阅我们曾经的过往和对未来的憧憬。
I hope each of us can stop here, Carefully read our past and our vision for the future.、
经过层层铺陈, 我们把灵魂的空中巴比伦点亮, 期待未来的每一瞬都是 心安之处,归心之所。
After layers of presentation, We light up the sky of the soul, Look forward to every moment of the future A place of peace of mind, a place of return.
让艺术与自然完美和谐的统一, 赋予空间生命与生长, 以唯美单纯的设计语汇, 把未来的美好生活娓娓道来。
Let the perfect and harmonious unity of art and nature, Give life and growth to space, With aesthetic and simple design vocabulary, Tell us the beautiful life in the future.
整个售楼空间通过原始的肌理感, 诉说生命的质感,通过艺术的语言, 试图与每一位造访者展开一场时空对话。
Through the original texture of the whole sales space, Tell the texture of life, through the language of art, Try to have a time-space dialogue with each visitor.