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英国SBID国际设计大奖(International Design Awards),设立于2011年, 是最具权威性的室内设计奖项之一,广受行业内顶尖水平人士的认可。参与该奖项的每一件作品都经过严格的两轮筛选,最终选出设计目的、预算、美学、安全性、附加值等多方面符合要求的作品。
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入口接待处 Reception Area
For a design firm, its office both acts as a conceptual branding museum, and displays hard capabilities as well as soft artistic comprehensive output. Therefore, the design of the working space is not only a direct business card of a design firm’s aesthetics, it also carries a strong appeal with an artistic core.
Ingenuity Under The Stairs: Terrace Activity Room
我们对办公室的设计构思,核心是建立在品牌存在感与场景体验感的交织、强化之上。我们很期待场景叠加、艺术交融、板块协作会碰撞出怎样的火花?—— 在艺术馆里办公,便是我们对这一期望的终极答案。
“Our core design concept of the office is established on the interaction and consolidation of brand presence and setting experience. We looked forward to the brainchild of setting overlay, artistic interflow and sector cooperation; an art museum, is then our ultimate answer to this anticipation.” Says the designer on the creative process.
二楼公共办公区 Public Workspace, 2nd Fl
一楼展览空间:独立&多功能 Independent & Multipurpose Expo Space, 1st Fl
在艺术馆里办公,是美林设计对于其办公室的氛围定位和品牌融合,重点在于艺术从产生、传递到抵达每一个人,或融入每一种场景,都带着截然不同的解读和定义。与其说美林设计是在塑造一个办公空间,不如说是一场大型的艺术展览和品牌输出 —— 于功能理性之外,在新现代主义的审美基底上,以艺术柔性来赋予空间强烈的文化可塑性,以纯粹的色彩语言和极简的体块造型回应空间品牌内在的丰富度,以不变的创新意识回应变化的时代潮流。
Working inside an art museum is M-Design’s atmospheric positioning and brand integration of its office, and its focus lies in artistic production, transmission, and delivery to each person or to each setting, these processes all come with different definition and understanding. M-Design has created a large scale art exhibition with branding output, rather than a simple workspace. It goes beyond functional rationality into the aesthetic basis of neo-modernism, to put strong cultural flexibility into the space with art, to create spatial branding’s inner diversity with pure color language and minimalist block models, and to respond to the changing trends with lasting will to innovate.
项目信息 Information
项目名称 美林设计机构总部办公楼 项目地点 广东 广州 项目面积 3600.0㎡ 项目时间 2020年 硬装设计 广州市美林文化传播有限公司 软装设计 美林设计机构 总设计师 杨奕荣 & 陈美君
公司简介 Institute Introduction