有趣的不止山石本身 而是隐藏在 他们「内部」洞窟和 「之间」狭缝的万妙 #01 山即是城 城即是山 重 庆 重庆是西南地区重要的国家中心城市。格局大山大水,是巴渝文化的发祥地。起伏多变的原生山水基底造就了重庆立体的城市形态,丰富的城市发展历程沉淀出包容、开放的城市文化。诸多元素相互叠加共同影响着城市建设的发展方向,并赋予了重庆多样、独特的城市标签。 Chongqing is an important national central city in the southwest region. It has a landscape of mountains and rivers, and is the birthplace of Bayu culture. The undulating base of native mountains and rivers has created a three-dimensional urban form of Chongqing; the rich urban development process has precipitated an inclusive and open urban culture. Overlapping each other, various elements together affect the development direction of urban construction, and label Chongqing a diverse and unique city.
图片 图片来源于网络 - 与场地对话,与建筑对话。重庆复地公园和光其设计呼应了城市人文和特有的场所氛围,所有的空间元素及意向都自然而然地发生。 Dialogues take place with the site and the building. The design of the housing estate, Chongqing Fudi Gongyuan Heguang, echoes the urban humanities and unique atmosphere of it, and all spatial elements and intentions occur. #02 营窟而栖居 内 部 上古「穴居」而野处,后世圣人易之以宫室。 In ancient times, "cave dwelling" was in the wild, and later saints changed their accommodations to palaces. 设计依建筑原本如山石般的体块感,以“洞穴”的形态意境为原型,同时取人类最原始的居住方式。营窟而居作为设计概念,形成穴居山洞般的奇妙氛围。 It is designed according to the original rock-like mass of the building, taking the form and artistic conception of "cave" as its prototype, and at the same time taking the most primitive way of living of mankind, which is living in a cave, as its design concept, forming a wonderful atmosphere like cave dwelling. 设计师使用氟碳喷涂工艺模拟山石纹理,墙面的立体造型仿佛人工开凿所留下的痕迹,丰富空间的体验感受。 The designer used a fluorocarbon spraying process to simulate the texture of mountains and rocks. The three-dimensional shape of the wall looks like traces left by manual excavation, enriching the sense of experience. 大理石吧台底部悬空设计削弱了吧台的体量感。简洁利落的线条与立体的墙面相得益彰,营造出冷峻而高级的室内氛围。 The floating design at the bottom of the marble bar weakens the sense of volume of the bar. The simple and clean lines complement the three-dimensional wall, creating a cold and advanced interior atmosphere. 从线条、材质、形态到色调,从接待区到吧台设计一气呵成。墙面的立体造型与天花灯光共同勾勒出人与人交流的舒适空间尺度。 The design, from lines, materials, shapes to colors, from the reception area to the bar design, is in one take. The three-dimensional shape of the wall and the ceiling lighting together outline a comfortable space scale for communication between people. 皮革高脚凳呈现沉稳的亲和力,大理石的冷冽质感则营造出安静的氛围,两者结合碰撞出新的视觉感受。 The leather high stoolsshow a calm affinity, while the cold texture of the marble creates a quiet atmosphere, the combination of which creates a brand new visual experience. #03 石缝而生花 之 间 一个有逻辑顺序和知识秩序的空间,运用「感官」赋予其生机勃勃 "A space with logical and knowledge order,Is endowed vitality with ‘senses’." 将墙体体块进行分割,使空间富有大体块的张力与层次感。似山石裂缝一般,石缝中的绿意盎然,是自然的场景对生命表达敬畏。 The wall blocks are divided to make the space full of tension and layering of large mass, like mountain and rock cracks. The greenery in the stone cracks is a natural scene showing the awe of life. 沙发柔软的皮革与布艺搭配墨色画作,烘托出轻松的交流氛围。围坐交谈或是一人品茗都能乐享弥足珍贵的悠闲时光。 The wall blocks are divided to make the space full of tension and layering of large mass, like mountain and rock cracks. The greenery in the stone cracks is a natural scene showing the awe of. #04 微光奕奕凌天河 星 光 仰望苍穹,那些遥远的星辰都是夜空的「装点」 Looking up at the sky, those distant stars are the "decoration" of the sky. 星辰闪烁下,是独自一个人的星空漫步。颗颗星辰释放点点微光,这点点微光照亮了天河。 Under the twinkling stars, oneis walking alone under the starry sky. The stars release a little light, whichilluminates the Milkway. 极具艺术的灯光装置巧妙融入空间,表达着人与建筑、建筑与自然的紧密关联,在不经意间,渗透着生活的美好。 The artistic lighting installations are cleverly integrated into the space, expressing the close relationship between man and architecture, architecture and nature, which, inadvertently, permeates the beauty of life.
项目名称| 重庆复地公园和光售楼处 设计单位| KLID達觀國際建築設計事務所 设计范围| 室内 主案设计| 凌子达、杨家瑀 项目面积| 800.0㎡ 图片 KLID達觀國際 凌子达 / 创始人及设计总监 - 毕业于台湾逢甲大学建筑系,取得法国CNAM 建筑管理硕士学位。并且于2001年在上海成立了「KLID達觀國際建築設計事務所」,致力于建筑室内空间设计领域。2006 出版个人作品集《達觀室界Ⅰ》,2020出版第二本个人作品集《達觀室界Ⅱ》。 Graduated from the Department of Architecture, Fengchia University, Taiwan. CNAM obtained a master's degree in architectural management from France. In 2001, (KLID) Kris Lin International Design office was founded in Shanghai, dedicated to the field of architectural interior space design. In 2006, he published a collection of his personal works, "KLID vision Ⅰ". In 2020, published the "KLID vision Ⅱ". 从事设计专业23年,致力于建筑设计、室内设计及景观设计的不断专研和创新。一直坚持主创,匠心规划设计地产高端项目。在国际各大专业设计比赛屡获佳绩。截止2021年5月,KLID達觀國際建築設計事務所共累计荣获全球奖项1066项。 Engaged in professional design for 23 years, has been committed to architectural design, interior design and landscape design of continuous research and innovation. Always adhere to the original, KLID all projects are personally design by Kris Lin. In the international major professional design competition has repeatedly achieved good results. By May 2021, KLID has won 1066 global awards. 以实现城市品质人居生活为出发点,「地产设计趋势」定位于地产设计领域,关注全球地产设计趋势,探索地产设计产品力,发现中国地产好设计。 我们坚持设计的人文理想,以全球化设计视野、专业的地产产品力逻辑来经营该平台。我们鼓励推陈出新的研发,真正为人居环境提供优秀的解决方案;我们关注在地产设计领域专研与精耕的人物,让专业者输出有价值的观点;我们报道优秀的地产产品体系、建筑设计、景观设计、室内与软装设计作品。