景观建筑,房屋,普恩特伊格莱西亚斯,哥伦比亚- 设计师:Hernán Arango , MDE estudio
- 面积: 580 .0m²
- 年份:2021
- 供应商: AutoDesk, Casa Medina, Conmarmoles, DECORCERAMICA, TBLRS
- 景观设计:Hernán Arango
- 城市:Puente Iglesias
- 国家:哥伦比亚
- 设计师描述 | Designer description: The house is located on one of the slopes near the Cauca River in the Department of Antioquia. Located at an altitude of 750 meters above sea level, and close to the municipality of Puente Iglesias, it is arranged in such a way that it can capture landscape attributes of great value such as the Cauca River, the La pintada cliffs and Cerro La Mama.
- Despite having a wide availability to choose the precise place of construction, the existence of 2 centennial trees, called ear pinions, serve as a prelude to the configuration of the place. Then you arrive, after going down a small curved slope, which opens the landscape again, and later, to the reception garden of the house.
- The general arrangement seeks to establish 2 main warehouses with wide perimeter corridors accompanied by lush vegetation. The typical proposal of the Antioquia corridor house complied with the aforementioned landscape attributes to which the house had to respond, in addition to a language that sought, at the client's request, certain reminiscences of the critical regionalism of Latin American architecture in terms of sobriety and character.
- To complement the scheme, it is proposed to place a tectonic emphasis on the design of the roofs. In the task of covering the wide corridors as well as the social area, it was decided to advance in the design of a structure in scissor wooden trusses, in order to achieve the most important artisan effect of the project. In addition to this, a height is defined after which, in height, everything will be developed through the same material.
- The details and specifications finish giving the house a certain sense of austerity mixed with a constant presence of tropical vegetation. The landscape design proposes intermingling and naturalness as well as points of color and areas of shadows suitable for the place and the occasion.
- Finally, the social area of the house is configured with the strictly necessary elements: a large elongated dining table and a u-shaped unit in masonry that serves as a room open to the landscape and that in turn precedes the area of the pool. This one, built in natural black slate, seeks to contrast strongly with the deck, also in wood, and give the greatest feeling of naturalness possible. Thus, the visitor remains here in an open space surrounded by plants, giving way to one of the most important geographical landmarks in the region: Los farallones de la pintada.
- 转载自:Archdaily
- 设计师:Hernán Arango
- 分类:Landscape Architecture
- 语言:英语
- 编辑:序赞网
- 翻译:序赞网
- 声明:原创翻译,严禁转载;一经发现,法律追究
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