01 缘起 ORIGIN
After thousands of years of tempering, the ancient oriental aesthetics has brewed out the exclusive aesthetic art of Chinese people. It is exquisite, elegant and magnificent. We have spread the oriental aesthetics to the world many times, and lost our own cultural language under the immersion of the West.
02溯—千年历史文化的重塑The remolding of millennium history and culture
●●当所有人的目光凝望远方,汹涌波澜的历史在这里回溯;当我们凝汇力量指向未来,千年的文化脉搏在这里重塑。When everyone's eyes gaze into the distance, the turbulent history traces back here;When we gather strength and point to the future, 、the cultural pulse of the millennium is reshaped here.
03归—归属感认同感的营造The construction of sense of belonging and identity
Return to the most simple feelings,Return to her warm embrace
Regain confidence and beauty on the way back,Reshape the love and yearning of life, return to the most primitive attachment and desire of life.
04家—温馨生活提升幸福感Home - warm life promotes happiness
Go home and fix the warmest coordinates here,Let joy have temperature, let life have brilliance.Condense love here, and let all the most beautiful moments in life stay here,This is the meaning and appearance of life.
【项目信息】 项目名称 | 秦洲府 项目地点 | 天水 项目开发 | 天水金鸿房地产开发有限公司 室内设计 | 鲲誉设计KUNYU-DESIGN 设计主创 | 梅晓震 李涵 陈昌杰 室内设计 | 美域高 MIYUKO 设计主创 | 唐琳 设计样本 | 售楼处 项目面积 | 1129 .0㎡ 项目摄影 | Ingallery