近日,布鲁盟设计再添喜讯,其文旅代表作品「爱漫文旅小镇隐庐别院」,凭借自然灵感、人文创意、艺术深度,从全球数千份作品中脱颖而出,斩获2020 A&D AWARDS 金奖的至高荣耀,这是继2020英国SBID Overall Winner(全球唯一年度大奖)之后再次折桂全球! A&D大奖(A&D Awards)前身是A&D Trophy Awards,由知名的PERSPECTIVE透视杂志创办于2004年。17年以来,该奖项为建筑师和设计师们提供了展示佳作的首选平台,在建筑和室内设计领域设立了行业标杆,成为真正被业界尊重和认可的国际奖项。夺得A&D大奖金奖的作品,代表了业界权威所认可的专业设计水平与绝佳创意,在创造性、功能性、审美与环保等多个维度上都是满足世界级评选标准的精品。 《爱漫文旅小镇隐庐别院》部分荣誉展示 - ·2020 SBID Overall Winner(全球唯一年度大奖) ·2020 A&D AWARDS 金奖 ·2020 Dezeen Awards 大奖 ·2019 国际设计传媒奖软装陈设空间大奖 - BEST TEMPORARY STRUCTURE·GOLD - 【 爱漫文旅小镇隐庐别院 】 by 布鲁盟设计 应城国家矿山公园,由中萃集团总投资80亿元,预打造成一座集旅游度假、居住养生于一体的生态旅游新城,包含膏都文化广场、博物馆、四季温泉馆、东南亚风情园等多项目。布鲁盟设计担纲了其营销展示中心爱漫文旅小镇隐庐别院的设计。 - Developed by Chungsui Group with a total investment of 8 billion yuan, Yingcheng National Mining Park is created to be a new ecotourism town composed of Gypsum Cultural Square, Museum, Four seasons Hot Spring Resort, Southeast Asian Garden, etc. The sales and exhibition center is designed by the well-known design organization, Bluemoon Design. 设计的灵感来自自然的遗珠:膏岩层。这种地质现象,在江汉平原分布广泛,却少人了解。作为亿万年水汽蒸发的结晶,膏岩光洁白亮的外表上,留下了水和时间共同的刻痕。 - During the early research, the designer Bangbang discovered a perfect material: the gypsolyte. This geological structure is widely distributed in the Jianghan Plain, but few people know it. As the crystallization of hundreds of millions of years of water evaporation, the bright white surface of the gypsolyte is full of marks of water and time. 遭受海水蚀空的岩石、树根、树皮鳞片、风化的骨骼,在这里 一一 出现。设计师希望这些细节能提供另一种“时间与记忆的通道” —— 将水、岩、光、色当做介质,改变进入者对时间和心理节奏的感知与需求。 - Presented in this project are sea-eroded rocks, tree roots and barks, and weathered skeletons. The designer hopes to take advantage of these details to provide a time and memory channel that back to the past. Using water, rocks, light, and colors as medium, it changes visitors' perception and demand of time and psychological rhythm. 设计对空间的营造,不止是风格与艺术的展演,更有生活况味与精神归属的延伸。设计从色调形状,到流势动态,岩、水以及与之相关的种种细节,偷偷将另一组时间速率刻入进入者的心理,协调统一的气氛,与进入者的想象和回忆产生共鸣。 - Space design is not only to present a kind of style or art, but to highlight the beauty of life and bring the sense of belonging. From the color, shape, to flow dynamics, rocks, water and related details, the design secretly engraves another set of time rates into the psychology of visitors, harmonizing the atmosphere and resonating with the imagination and memories of visitors. 在布鲁盟设计的标准里,真正有生命力的设计,始于空间设计的韵律,终于感观认知的节奏;源于对场景变迁的适应,归于对心理时间的调整;既是对生活态度的确认,更是对情感和记忆的发掘。 - For Bluemoon Design, the design with real vitality begins with the rhythm of space design, and ends with the perception and cognition; it comes from the adaption to the changes of scenes, and attributes to the adjustment of psychological time; it is not only about life attitude, but also the exploration of emotion and memory. “在一切以效率为先的时代,我想让时间慢下来,从传统和自然中寻找某种理想的人性存在。我们用当地的文化来做设计铺垫,将一些看似自然的产物,用新的方式或材质来表达”,创办人邦邦如是诠释其设计。 - 'I hope time can slow down and seek for some ideal humanity from tradition and nature in the era that put much emphasis on the efficiency. Based on local culture, we try to interpret them in a new manner with carefully selected materials', said Bangbang, the founder of Bluemoon Design. 布鲁盟设计以看似不经意的手笔着墨出自然朴素而内敛的情调,以多情而富含想象的艺术形式,在精简与质朴中,呈现出返璞归真的纯粹,空间中婉转流淌的是与自然绵长而细腻的对话,营造一场真正的“慢旅”。 - By using imaginative art forms, with simple but elaborate skills, Bluemoon Design hopes to present the scene of original simplicity and creates a harmonious space that dialogues with nature, so as to offer a real 'slow journey'. - 项目名称 | 爱漫文旅小镇隐庐别院 项目地址 | 中国湖北省应城市国际矿山公园 项目面积 | 584.0㎡ 业主单位 | 湖北爱漫文化旅游发展有限公司 硬装设计 | 布鲁盟设计 软装设计 | 布鲁盟设计 项目摄影 | 感光映画、严丽霞 深圳市布鲁盟室内设计有限公司,亦可称为Bluemoon,寓意着千载难逢,坚信心中美好。布鲁盟诞生于2002年,公司一直专注于室内外空间设计、软装设计领域,服务范畴包括酒店、会所、售楼中心、样板房等。 邦邦 Kelly Lin 布鲁盟设计创始人|创意总监 19年的沉淀,现拥有150余人的国际设计团队。作为中国室内设计的代表之一,布鲁盟一直站在国际视野的高度,整合自然的艺术智慧和灵感,将美学素养和设计意识完美融入,为每一个项目营造超乎所想的独特风格。今天,布鲁盟室内设计不但引领着摩登奢华的都市地产类设计,也是中国当代富有影响力的文旅地产设计公司之一。 _ Works _ 近期作品 ^ 昆明汉华·天马山国际温泉度假区营销中心 昆明汉华·天马山国际温泉度假区叠墅 武汉华侨城·原岸 美学生活馆 三亚实地海棠华著 陌上花开