本帖最后由 ZY-Design 于 2020-12-25 18:18 编辑
- 那些审美一致、气质相投的人总是会因为一种无形的“引力”聚集在一起,这种“引力”也激发了我们共同探索生活美学的灵感,九和用设计传递一种生活方式,用设计展现空间的更多可能性。
- Those who have the same aesthetic and similar temperament always come together because of an invisible "gravitation". This "gravitation" also inspires us to explore the aesthetics of life together. Jiuhe conveys a way of life with design. It is more possible to show space with design.
- 九和设计,缘起论语中“和而不同”,即便在两千多年之后的今天,“和而不同”依然散发着顽强而倔强的生命力。一个繁荣兴盛的公司,一个幸福的家庭,一个惬意的空间都有“和而不同”的文化隐藏在其中。
- 九之丰富,和之谐调,九和用异彩纷呈的设计手法,无数细节的把控实现空间的化零为整,设计的井然有序,为客户创造更大价值,为使用者构筑愉悦空间。
- Jiuhe Design, the origin of the Analects of Confucius "Harmony in Diversity", even more than two thousand years later,"Harmony in Diversity" still exudes tenacious and stubborn vitality. A prosperous company, a happy family and a cozy space all have a "Harmony in Diversity" culture hidden in it.
- JIU is rich, HE is harmonious, Jiuhe with colorful design techniques and countless details to realize the integration of space, the orderly design creates greater value for customers and builds a pleasant space for users.
- 九和设计,是成立于2013年的专业室内设计公司。提供整体的空间解决方案:设计--施工管理--软装陈设。
- 与万科、远洋、华夏、金地、首创、众美、亚马逊、华融、万达、华润等知名企业集团结成战略性合作关系 。服务内容涵盖:地产示范区、酒店会所、办公商业、科技教育等众多内容 。
- Jiuhe Design is a professional interior design company established in 2013. Provide overall space solutions: design-construction management-soft furnishings.
- It has formed strategic partnerships with well-known enterprise groups such asVanke, Sino-Ocean, CFLD, Gemdale, Beijing Capital, MXIS, Amazon, Huarong, Wanda, and China Resources, etc.. Services include: real estate demonstration areas, hotel clubs, office commerce, science and technology education, etc..
- “九和”核心团队由不同文化和国际教育背景的精英组成,具有丰富的行业经验和开阔的国际视野,能够“独到而精准的理解客户需求,为客户提供具有创造性与艺术性,专业而合理的服务,胜任来自各方面复杂项目的挑战。
- The core team of “Jiuhe” is composed of elites from different cultures and international educational backgrounds, with rich industry experience and broad international vision, and is able to unique and precise understanding of customer needs, to provide creative, artistic, professional, reasonable services and competent for the challenges from all aspects of complex projects.
- 毕业后从业于国内建筑设计院,之后在加拿大5年建筑事务所项目建筑师经验,2007年回国后就职于凯德置地设计总监,负责北京来福士和其它住宅项目的各专业设计管理工作。
- 2013年共同创立九和设计。善于从建筑师的角度看室内设计,注重各专业对室内设计的影响,更宏观地把握项目设计、效果和进程。
- After graduation, she worked in a domestic architectural design institute, and then worked as a project architect in an architecture firm in Canada for 5 years. After returning to China in 2007, she worked as the design director of CapitaLand, responsible for the professional design and management of Beijing Raffles and other residential projects.
- Co-founded Jiuhe Design in 2013. Be good at looking at interior design from the perspective of architects, pay attention to the influence of various specialties on interior design, and grasp the project design, effect and process more macroscopically.
- 早年在室内设计公司资深设计师,后在凯德置地做地产项目设计管理5年,于2013年共同创立九和设计。
- 在凯德置地期间,公司的大型商业综合体北京来福士广场的设计管理中,凸显兼具审美、工艺、施工现场配合全案经验。
- In his early years, he worked as a senior designer in an interior design company,then worked as a real estate project design management in CapitaLand for five years, and co-founded Jiuhe Design in 2013.
- During the period of CapitaLand, the design management of the company's large-scale commercial complex Beijing Raffles City highlighted the experience of aesthetics, craftsmanship, and construction site coordination.