本帖最后由 ZY-Design 于 2020-12-24 17:38 编辑
- 后疫情时代,审美之外,人们对空间有了更多元的需求,“九和”也为多元的生活的交出了答卷。
- In the post-epidemic era, in addition to aesthetics, people have a more diverse demand for space, and "Jiuhe" has also handed over the answer for a pluralistic life.
- 我们对家的要求已经不仅仅是简单满足生活需求,一张床,一把椅子,一张桌椅就能过下去的时代已经过去,取而代之的是一个功能完备的家,除了生活必须以外还要承担起精神寄托,展现出气质。就像穿什么风格的衣服,拿什么样式的包包,涂什么颜色的口红都是个人气质的体现。一个功能完备的家需要在软装上细细考究一番,展现出独特的气质。
- Our requirements for home are no longer simply to meet the needs of life, the era of a bed, a chair, a table and chair has passed, and it has been replaced by a fully functional home. In addition to the necessity of life, we have to bear spiritual sustenance and show temperament. Like what style of clothes to wear, what style of bag to take, and what color lipstick to wear are the embodiment of personal temperament. A fully functional home needs to be carefully decorated in soft furnishings to show a unique temperament.
- 01 Please yourself, starting with the living room
- 客厅窗运用白色木质百叶和布帘的结合,既保证了空间的私密性,又可以随意转动百叶的角度,使得光会在特定或不特定“时间境”中跳动,赋予空间灵动性。
- The window of living room uses the combination of white wooden shutters and curtains, which not only ensures the privacy of the space, but also can rotate the angle of the shutters at will, so that the light will jump in a specific or non-specific time and endow the space with flexibility.
- 回到家中,躺在沙发上,放下一切的你,享受这个空间里的静谧。高雅灰与哑光白为主色调,渐变的红色作为点缀色烘托气氛,远离喧闹但又不会过分单调,阳光透过大大的落地窗洒进客厅,慵懒柔和的气息萦绕于质感现代的家居之中。
- Go home, lie on the sofa, put everything down, and enjoy the stillness of this space. Elegant gray and matte white as the main tone, gradual red as the decorated color to set off the atmosphere, away from the noise but not too monotonous, the sunlight shines through the large floor-to-ceiling windows into the living room , lazy and soft lingering in the texture of modern home.
- 顶天立地的收纳柜内分别为健身区、胶片区、咖啡收藏区。白色哑光面板一合,便“兼职”起投影幕布,完美还原电影画质,满足一家人幸福时刻的品质需求。
- 面板之内,两侧分立的健身区和胶片收藏区与中间部分的咖啡收藏区,共同组成了夫妻俩的“爱好小天地”,这里是展示设计的多元的过程。
- The storage cabinets are the fitness area, the film area and the coffee collection area. When the white matte panel is combined, the projection screen can be "part-time", which perfectly restores the film quality and meets the quality needs of the happy moment of the family.
- Inside the panel, the separate fitness area, the film collection area, and the coffee collection area in the middle part of the panel together form the "love world" of the couple, which is the process of showing the diversity of design.
- 02 Let the balcony go and make it fun
- 提起「阳台」,「晾衣服」是多数人的阳台第一功能,但明媚的阳光只分给衣服岂不浪费,本案结合后疫情时代需求,赋予阳台新的使命。
- When it comes to "balcony", "drying clothes" is the first function of most people's balcony, but isn't it a waste that bright sunshine is only distributed to clothes? in this case, combined with the needs of the post-epidemic era, the balcony is given a new mission.
- 不想去人多的地方,不妨在阳台上完成健身。阳台的吊环、瑜伽球、小哑铃、健身包、拳击手套、运动水壶,设备齐全的阳台,让人足不出户便能拥有专属健身空间。养成健康的生活习惯。
- If you don't want to go to a crowded place, you might as well complete your workout on the balcony. Gymnastics rings, yoga balls, small dumbbells, gym bags, boxing gloves, sports bottles, well-equipped balcony, so that people can have their own fitness space without leaving home. Develop healthy living habits.
- 03 The poetry spread from the dining room
- 拿出旅行收藏的食器,盛起亲手烹制的美食,在平凡又琐碎的日子里找到生活的诗意和不愿将就的勇气。
- Take out the food utensils of the travel collection, hold the delicious cooked by yourself, and find the poetry of life and the courage not to make do with it in the ordinary and trivial days.
- 餐厅空间以暖白与原木为主调,烂漫的花朵与清新的绿植点缀其间,为空间注入纯净甜美的自然气息。
- 转角卡座的设计,在提供收纳功能的同时,也制造出这一角落满满的文艺与小浪漫。卡座上方柜中的书籍和咖啡豆,更是让这方天地变身咖啡吧,填满一家三口温馨的下午茶时光。
- The dining room is dominated by warm white and logs, embellished with romantic flowers and fresh green plants, injecting pure and sweet natural atmosphere into the space.
- The design of the corner booth not only provides the storage function, but also creates a corner full of art and romance. The books and coffee beans in the cabinet above the deck turn this place into a coffee bar, filling the warm tea time for a family.
- 安静的午后时光,一切都简简单单,让人放松和沉静。静静触摸器物,细细品味茶食,在这刚刚好的餐桌上,没有多余的线条和复杂的结构,设计师保留了一张折叠桌朴实、优雅的本质。希望这份恰到好处的幸福感,可以伴你度过更好的人生岁月。
- Afternoon time, everything is simple, relaxing and quiet. Quietly touching the utensils and savoring tea and food. On the just-appointed dining table, there are no extra lines and complicated structures. The designer retains the simple and elegant essence of a folding table. Hope this sense of happiness can accompany you through a better life.
- 04Of lovers sleeping tight and have a sweet dream
- 一缕清新洒进室内,唤醒身体里的每一个细胞,写意,乐活、随性,在心底点点晕开,慢慢化作宁静流淌。
- A ray of freshness spilled into the room, awakening every cell in the body, freehand, happy, casual, dizzy in the bottom of my heart, slowly turning into tranquility.
- 卧室也做了充足的收纳区,延伸一面墙的长度,上层休息,下层收纳。这个高度适合席地而坐。比起放一把座椅在卧室,席地而坐不失为一种洒脱,也避免的空间拥挤和磕碰。
- The bedroom has also made an ample storage area, extending the length of a wall, with the upper layer resting and the lower floor storing. This height is suitable for sitting on the ground. Compared to putting a chair in the bedroom, sitting on the floor is a free and easy way, and it also avoids crowding and bumping in the space.
- 阳光是这个世界上最普通,也最奢侈的装饰品。一处受到阳光祈福的家,所带来的远不止美的视觉感受,更创造一种充满希望与闲适的生活美学。
- Sunlight is the most common and luxurious decoration in the world. A home blessed by sunlight brings not only the visual feeling of beauty, but also a kind of life aesthetics full of hope and leisure.
- 05 Create a Kingdom of fairy tales for her/him
- 色彩是儿童房有别于成年人房间的元素之一,房间里明亮而活泼的配色让孩子置身于一个轻松而愉悦的环境之中,幸福童年从这里开始。
- Color is one of the elements that distinguishes the children's room from the adult room. The bright and lively color matching in the room places the child in a relaxed and pleasant environment, where a happy childhood begins.
- 给孩子最好的礼物,莫过于一个美满的童年。色彩鲜明的画作,萌萌的卡通云朵,可爱的桌椅,在这刚刚好的日子里,享受生活,享受童真。
- The best gift for children is a happy childhood. Brightly colored paintings, cute cartoon clouds, cute tables and chairs, enjoy life and innocence in this just fine day.
- 项目信息
- 项目名称 | 固安拾光锦云95户型样板间
- 项目地点 | 河北廊坊固安
- 开 发 商 | 大悦城地产 + 华夏幸福地产
- 设计团队 | 九和空间设计有限公司
- 主创人员 | 孙继东 刘源远 周艳秋
- 摄 影 | 鲁哈哈
- 模 特 | 刘宇薇
- 特邀顾问 | 张亚卓、董青、董鑫、王钰琦、王澎、宋锦山
- 设计面积 | 80.0㎡
- 九和设计"九和”核心团队由不同文化和国际教育背景的精英组成,具有丰富的行业经验和开阔的国际视野,能够“独到而精准的理解客户需求,为客户提供具有创造性与艺术性,专业而合理的服务,胜任来自各方面复杂项目的挑战。
- JIUHE DESIGN The core team of “Jiuhe” is composed of elites from different cultures and international educational backgrounds, with rich industry experience and broad international vision, and is able to unique and precise understanding of customer needs, to provide creative, artistic, professional, reasonable services and competent for the challenges from all aspects of complex projects.