“ 发自内心的文化认同才是“文化自信”的基础。真正的好设计,应该在时代中,用相对艺术的方式去守望文化,又返本开新,从而超越界限,对话世界。 —— 布鲁盟设计 邦邦 Cultural recognition from the bottom of heart is the basis of cultural confidence. A good design should use a relatively artistic way to protect and inherit culture, and return basis to open a new road, so as to dialogue with the world beyond the boundary.—— by Kelly Lin, Bluemoon Design ” 真正的文化自信 要在当代语境中深刻思索 Real cultural confidence should be thought about in the contemporary context ▁ 今天的中国,室内设计已然蔚然繁华。布鲁盟设计作为行业发展不可多得的见证者,亦是深度参与者,思考最多的课题是“文化自信”。在力高大港·樾澜山生活体验馆,这个问题如影随行。 - In today’s China, the interior design is prosperous. As the witness and participant in this field, what Bluemoon De-sign concerns most is cultural confidence. This problem can be shown in the experience center of Redco Dagang Yuelanshan. 泉州,作为古代海上丝绸之路的东端起点,自古便是梯航万国、风樯林立、舶货山积的繁荣所在,于东西交汇与融合中,沉淀了风格迥异的红瓦古厝,孕育出气质独特的文明内涵。印象中的泉州,是“海滨邹鲁”,是“光明之城”,是“世界宗教博物馆”。 - As the eastern beginning of ancient Silk Road, Quanzhou has been thriving and prosperous since ancient time. With the integration of eastern and western culture, it shaped distinctive architecture style featured with red bricks, and nurtured unique civilization. Quanzhou, is widely known ‘Zou and Lu on the Seaside’, ‘City of Light’, and ‘The World Religious Museum’.
“走在泉州的街头,沿路经过连成片的红砖建筑,隐约听到轻柔缓慢的南音雅乐,鼻尖嗅到若有若无的香火气息,朦胧可见远处海天一线的平静意境……这一切的地缘与人文,皆扎根于过往千年的历史之中,成为如今泉州不可磨灭的文化印迹。” - Walking along the street in Quanzhou, you may pass by buildings with red bricks, encounter soft and relaxing light music, feel the vitality of daily life, and have a brilliant view of boundless sea and sky in the distance. All these humanistic spiritual elements, rooted in the thousand years of history, now has profound cultural influence.
- Put it simply, only focusing on the traditional culture and local culture can’t make breakthrough under the globalization. How to make a difference by the means of design expression and transcend culture and time? Whether is international orient or the reverse? Designers needs to create something that is associated with the reality but has some distance as well. Kelly Lin firmly believes, cultural recognition from the bottom of heart is the basis of cultural confidence.
“世界宗教博物馆” 城市文化名片与国际语言的介质 ‘The World Religious Museum’ city's culture card & medium of international language ▁ 事实上,城市的在地文化与国际语言的介质是一个始终需要深度挖掘的课题。如何根植于泉州文脉,不单是美学营造,更是精神层面的赋予,以自然与人文的交糅焕新,塑造泉州的文旅名片,是布鲁盟设计要面对的。 - In fact, the local culture of a city and the medium of international language has always been a subject needs explore. How to root in the thousand years of history, not only the high aesthetic requirements for space, but also the need for combining nature and humanity from spiritual perspective, and build a cultural-tourism brand for Quanzhou, are the problems Bluemoon Design faces with in the design. 迎宾区 The Reception 设计师最终交出了答卷 —— “隐喻、象征与链接”。设计以“世界宗教博物馆”与“海上丝绸”作为空间场景的灵感之源,以抽象化的美学创想,独特且当代的方式关照城市人文,营造一个纯净美好的审美乌托邦,建构并重构海内外闽南族群在现代性语境中的记忆与价值认同。 - The technique of metaphor, symbolization, and connection is adopted in the design. Inspired by ‘The World Religious Museum’ and ‘Maritime Silk Road’, the design uses the the abstract aesthetics, unique and contemporary ways to pay emphasis on urban humanity. It creates a pure and wonderful utopia, reconstructs memory and value recognition for Minnan groups home and abroad in the contemporary context. 入口 Entrance 设计师对于面料、材质、色彩的艺术化呈现有着敏锐的直觉,她将海面的流动形态与丝绸的缎面轮廓,具象化融到一幅墙饰装置里,以交错的层次致意在地人文的深度。 - Kelly Lin has a keen intuition for the artistic presentation of fabric, material and color. She presents the fluid form of the sea and the satin outline of silk in a wall decoration installation, using the intertwining layers to show the profoundness of humanity. 对材料反常规的处理,让空间中的光线得以自由流动,而透明弧片与金属线条的组合,形构起一面镂空状的艺术隔断,在落日夕照下,似微风拂浪的海面,又若民居的红砖瓦片,闪耀着粼粼光泽。 - The irregular use of materials lets natural light flow freely in the space. The combination of transparent arc pieces and metal lines forms a hollowed-out artistic panel. In the sunset, it looks like a breezy sea or the shimmering red brick tiles of residential houses. 楼梯 The Stairs 楼梯在衔接空间功能的基础上,实现一种由外及内的美学过渡,蜿蜒的弧线勾勒出结构的层序性,渲染空间艺术格调。 - More than the basic function of connecting the space, the stairs aims to create an aesthetic transition from the exterior to the interior. The winding curves add more layers and dimensions to the space and enrich its artistic styles. 巧于因借“海”与“渔” 当代设计语言中的人文与自然 Inspired by sea and fishing interpret humanity and nature in the contemporary design ▁ 在海的底色之上,设计取意海的肌理、山的棱峰,在网的结构之间,设计师将自然与人文转译为丝丝缕缕、意态轻柔的艺术装置,作为传达信息的媒介。 - By using the color of sea as its base and the structures of nets, the meaning of the design is the ripples of sea and the ridge peak of mountains. The designer transfers it into a silky, soft artistic installation gently flowing in the air, creating a humanistic scene. 装置以抽象的形式在空间中形成构图,从深蓝、湛蓝与莹白的色调变奏,空间弥漫着清雅湃然的气息。 - The abstract installation forms a painting in the space. The azure blue and bright white color tone fills the space with an elegant but lively atmosphere. 洽谈区 Negotiation Area 洽谈区的空间设色以深灰与浅灰的拼接为主要形式,勾勒出如同岩层的脉络与质感,在有序与不规则的叠加中,丝绒单椅、弧形沙发、礁石状茶几、花器与花艺在光影下格调相协,静逸中有雅致。 - The color of the space takes the splicing of dark gray and light gray as the main tone, which outlines the layer and texture like the rock. Velvet chairs, curved sofas, reef-shaped coffee tables, floral wares and floral art are in harmony with light and shadow, tranquil and elegant. VIP洽谈区 VIP Room VIP洽谈区造型别致的单椅、通透的白瓷灯饰、墨蓝晕染的地毯、优雅的帝王花……空间中的一切美学,都与自然的况味、文化的蕴涵、生活的意趣相连接。 - In the VIP negotiation area, exquisite chairs, transparent white porcelain lamps, ink-blue dyeing carpet, elegant protea... all these aesthetic elements in the space are closely connected with the natural taste, cultural implication, and the joy of life. 兼纳美学与功能 营造生活悦享社区 With aesthetics and functionality build a joyful community ▁ 真正的好设计,要在时代之中经得住细致精微的审美分析,并且在人们的生活中焕新出彩。 - Real good designs, should stand the aesthetic analysis in the times, and glow in daily life. 茶室 Tea Room 力高大港·樾澜山生活体验馆的设计,在美学营造之余,从人们的生活方式和社区需求出发,围绕人文的基底,构筑起涵盖茶室、儿童娱乐区、风雅颂书局、健身房、四点半学堂、无人超市等功能区的生活休闲场域。 - Besides the creation of aesthetic, the design of the experience center is on basis of humanity, and fully takes people’s life style and community needs into account, which is composed by Tea Room, Children Area, Feng Ya Song Book Area, Gym, Academy, Self-service Market and several areas. 研究如何满足人们在功能、美学、精神层面上的需求,是布鲁盟设计借助色彩、饰物、部品表达空间时所要考量的尺度。在茶室,设计师以两面落地窗借景自然,光影透过百叶窗的间隙,串联起内与外之间的视觉美学互动,闲雅舒然。 - How to meet people’s need from functional, aesthetic, and spiritual level is what Bluemoon concerns about when taking advantage of colors, decorations, and accessories in design. In the Tea Room area, the designer french windows, light and shadow shine through the gap of windows. 儿童娱乐区 Children Area 经由一个圆拱门进入儿童娱乐区,映入眼帘的是毛茸茸的小木马、活泼可爱的兔子、层次丰富的星空墙饰、不规则形状的椅橔,设计以孩童视角里的趣味界定空间格调,在几何形式与动物元素中启发童梦。 - Passing a round arch gate, it is Children Area. What you can see is furry ponies, cute bunnies, layers of starry decorations, and irregularly shaped chairs. From children’s angles, the design mainly emphasizes on enjoyment, utilizing geometrical and animal elements to help children make inspiration. “室内设计不仅仅是造物与陈设,空间的美学灵魂在于精神的升华。”过去的18年,布鲁盟设计始终追求有精神高度的创意设计,他们总在不断地实验采用新的表达和构造方式,不重复、不落窠臼。在本案中,设计师再一次从过往的经验中挣脱出来,在城市、文脉与自然之间汲取艺术灵感,让设计承载思想的厚度与自由的灵性,在守望文化的同时,对话时代,对话世界。 - ‘Furnishing can’t rely on the decorations while the aesthetic aspect of space needs spiritual awakening’. In the past 18 year, Bluemoon Design sticks to the creative design with high spiritual value, keeps experimenting on new ways of expression and construction, and has an original and unconventional style. In this project, the designer liberates from the previous experience again and gets inspiration from city, humanity, and nature, so as to create thoughtful and spiritual design. Protect and inherit the culture as well as dialogue with the world. 项目名称 | 力高大港·樾澜山生活体验馆 项目地址 | 福建 泉州 业主单位 | 力高集团 项目面积 | 1900.0㎡ 竣工时间 | 2020年10月 硬装设计 | 布鲁盟设计 软装设计 | 布鲁盟设计 项目摄影 | 翱翔、景观周摄影-蒋镇东 -
Project Name | Redco Dagang · Yuelanshan Location | Quanzhou, Fujian Property | Redco Real Estate Area | 1900.0㎡ Completion | Oct. 2020 Interior Design | Bluemoon Design Decoration Design | Bluemoon Design Photographer | Ao Xiang, Landscape-zhou - Jiang Zhengdong
深圳市布鲁盟室内设计有限公司,亦可称为Bluemoon,寓意着千载难逢,坚信心中美好。布鲁盟诞生于2002年,公司一直专注于室内外空间设计、软装设计领域,服务范畴包括酒店、会所、售楼中心、样板房等。 邦邦 Kelly Lin 布鲁盟设计创始人|创意总监 18年的沉淀,现拥有150余人的国际设计团队。作为中国室内设计的代表之一,布鲁盟一直站在国际视野的高度,整合自然的艺术智慧和灵感,将美学素养和设计意识完美融入,为每一个项目营造超乎所想的独特风格。今天,布鲁盟室内设计不但引领着摩登奢华的都市地产类设计,也是中国当代富有影响力的文旅地产设计公司之一。 _ Works _ 近期作品 ^ 应城爱漫·文旅小镇隐庐别院 昆明汉华·天马山国际温泉度假区营销中心 昆明汉华·天马山国际温泉度假区叠墅 武汉华侨城·原岸 美学生活馆 三亚实地海棠华著 陌上花开