项目名称: 河岸制果 项目地址: 江苏无锡 项目面积: 70平方米 设计公司: 无锡南筑空间设计事务所 设计主创: 姚伟国、王海、苏阳(室内设计) 陈莹(艺术陈设) 灯光设计: 优为视界 摄影: 陈铭 主要材料: 老木板、白瓷砖、硅藻泥、钢板喷塑 设计时间: 2017.05 建成时间: 2017.07 联系邮箱:nanzhudesign@163.com 联系电话:14751558736 15896460362 Project Name riverside cake lab Project Address Wuxi Jiangsu Project Area 70.0㎡ Architects NONEZONE Space Atelier Architects incharge Wanghai Yaoweiguo Suyang(Interior)Chenying(Art Furnishings) Lighting design lvsunny Photographs Chenming Main Material old woodenfloor white ceramic tile Diatom mud Plastic Spraying with Iron Project Year May 2017 Complete Year July 2017 Contact 14751558736 15896460362
关于我们:南筑设计是一个年轻且具有活力的的设计公司,在2016年成立于无锡,成员分别来自建筑、室内、陈设软装等不同专业领域,作品及研究涵盖了商业、居住、公共空间等方面,致力于结合不同文脉语境下设计的精确表达与创新。 Aboutus:Nanzhu Space Atelier was set up in Wuxi,2016.The group members come from different majors such as Architecture、Interior、SoftDecor. The works and research including commercial、residentialand public architectures, and we work every effort to accurately and creativelyexpress our works with diverse context. 河岸制果位于无锡市一处老居住社区的临街处,以制作烘焙为主,项目以简洁明了的设计手法使其跳脱于原本街区的平凡印象,带来别样感受。 Locatedat the street front of an old residential community in Wuxi, Riverside Cake Labfocuses on baking food. The project has brought about a distinctive feeling bymeans of minimal design, breaking away from the unimpressive image of theexisting street block.
平面为长方形,中段被电梯井借用了空间,布局以收银区划分接待间与操作间,明确了功能。 The rectangle plan is interrupted by theelevator shaft in the middle part. The cashier desk is applied to divide thereception and operation room, so as to confirm the respective functions.
概念/画布 设计以白色和木色作为基调,与周边的环境剥离开来,大部分的留白像一张动态的画布,记录经过的人物和树丛的光影。临街的入口与窗台的材料以木头为主,以“街角的生活”作为理念。通透的设计让走廊也具备了日常休憩的功能,实现了内外空间的交融。 Concept/Canvas
Base on the tones of white and woodencolor, the design has broken away from the surrounding environment. A largeproportion of void, just like a dynamic canvas, has recorded the passers-by, aswell as the light and shadow of groves.Theentrance of street front and sills are mainly made of timber, base on theconcept of “life of street corner”. The penetrating design has provided thecorridor with the function of taking a rest in the daily life, to realize theintegration of interior and exterior.
室内以嵌套的不同材质的界面划分了功能区域,接待区具备社交的属性,收银吧台以一个明确的方式区隔开来,而内部的操作间则以半开放的方式与前端结合,材质与颜色的对比使空间具备了多维度的延伸感。穿透性不仅体现在内外空间上,收银区背面打通了实墙,室外走廊与最里面的操作间也具备了视线交流的可能性。 The interior functional areas are dividedby the embedded interfaces made of various materials. The reception has theattribute of social communication, and the cashier desk is separated from theother space by means of a definite design. And the internal operation room iscombined with the front area as a semi-open space. The contrast of materialsand colors has generated a sense of extension with multiple dimensions in thespace.The penetration is not only reflected onthe interior and exterior space. The solid wall is removed from the back sideof cashier desk, so that it enables an unobstructed view from the exteriorcorridor to the innermost operation room. 立面图