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设计公司:YOD design lab 位置:乌克兰 类型:休闲 娱乐 餐厅 文章分类:餐饮
Sazha餐厅是一间位于苏梅的烤肉餐厅,该餐厅旨在展现美味的牛排文化。餐厅所在的建筑与沿街建筑风貌一致,展现出苏维埃建构主义形式。因此,设计师认为,一种与传统牛排餐厅相异的,具有现代主义风格的室内设计是不错的选择。餐厅选用了一个独特的乌克兰语名字“Sazha”(烟灰是沉积在壁炉或烟囱中不完全燃烧的燃料粉末)概括了餐厅的整体氛围,也展现了餐厅的整体概念。 Sazha – it’s a meat restaurant in Sumy, focused on developing the culture of consumption of steaks in the city.The restaurant’s building, like the whole architectural ensemble of the street where it is located, is an example of Soviet constructivism. Therefore, in our opinion, it was the quite logical decision to realize the interior of restaurant in a modern style, departing from the principle of the classic steakhouse. A picturesque Ukrainian name “Sazha” (soot – is a black powder mass that is deposited in the furnaces, chimneys owing to incomplete combustion of fuel) became both a starting point for creating the atmosphere of the restaurant, and bright reflection of its overall concept. 餐厅的室内设计以黑色和灰色石材为底,配有亮铜及蓝色家具作为装点,恰好的灯光和闪烁的篝火也烘托了餐厅的整体氛围。此外,餐厅的设计还引用了煎牛排的过程为概念:花岗岩和干燥的橡木好似热源,滚烫的金属被烧制成特别的形态,这些在视觉上像是鲜肉煎制的过程。 The restaurant’s interior is realized in black and gray tones with blotches of bright copper color in the decoration and blue in the furniture. Such color gamma, enhanced by the play of light and shadow, creates the impression of flicker of fire. Also in the design of the restaurant used materials that have undergone heat treatment similar to the way that meat goes: granite and dry oak tree are heat treated; hot rolled metal with scales, visually resembling meat in the cut of fiber, is burned; and on the glass thermal printing is used. 室内装饰的点睛之笔是X射线下的各种动物照片。这些照片作为隔墙贯穿于整个餐厅之中,并将整个空间分隔成不同区域。这些动物的样貌在X射线下展现其真实之美。室内设计的另一个点睛之笔是可移动的悬浮餐桌。这些餐桌可以根据用餐人数的多少进行拼接和组合,而拼接在一起的长长的餐桌如同食肉工厂里传送动物肉质的传送带。肉与肉加工过程都是围绕该餐厅室内设计理念的重要设计元素,因此在设计过程中,设计师有意将这肉质制作过程中的每一个步骤都完整呈现。
The anchor element of the interior is a large screen with X-ray images of various animals. It passes along the entire reataurant and zone it into two parts. On these pictures are depicted the skeletons of animals, and through the prism of X-rays it’s possible to see their inherent beauty. Another highlight of the restaurant is the pendant tables, which also are the movable sections. It is possible to link them among themselves depending on the number of people in the company. The line of the pendant tables symbolizes a conveyor for carcasses in the meat department. Meat and concomitant processes of its preparation are the key elements, around which the whole concept of the institution is tied. That’s why at implementation of this project we tried to reflect fully the entire aesthetics of backstage processes in the culture of meat consumption.