本帖最后由 vooping 于 2015-4-8 17:05 编辑
项目名称:109 STONE
项目地址:中国 佛山
项目面积:500 平方米
本案设计师以低调简约的设计,打造出一所别具一格的当代石材美术馆。黑白灰的合理搭配,使本来不大的空间显得非常舒适。简约清爽的黑白灰装饰,过滤掉一切不相干的色彩,愈发衬托出空间卓尔不凡的高雅气质。空间的简洁、低调,让石材成了空间的主角,恰恰彰显出其艺术魅力。设计师巧妙的利用灯光元素作修饰,点状光源充分展现出每块石材的纹路、肌理以及通透性,石材仿若一件件艺术品,绽放出各自的独特气质。In this case the designers used low-key and contracted design, to create a unique contemporary stone gallery.The use of the black, white and grey, let the space become pure, and make stone play the role in the space. Concise, low-key as the space be, accentuate the artistic charm of the protagonist.The designers use lighting elements for modification. The point light source is sufficient to show each stone lines, texture and permeability. Stones are like pieces of art, bursting out with their own unique qualities.