本帖最后由 瑞坤设计 于 2015-1-24 15:15 编辑
项目面积:1200 平方米 创作时间:2013年 设计企业:瑞坤设计 微信公众:瑞坤设计 项目地址:中国 佛山
作品介绍: 本案为四星级标准酒店大堂空间,设计师通过对原有建筑结构柱网重新进行梳理,采用中轴线的布局手法,在空间中整合十根柱子的整体阵列方式,解决了原有入口处四根柱子所造成的压抑感,取而代之的是整个空间呈现出的有机秩序感,彰显出一种尊贵感,使得整个空间更显大气庄重。
The case is about a four-star standardhotel lobby space. The designer re-sorts column grid of the original buildingstructure by using axis layout techniques. Moreover, the way which integratesten pillars of the overall array in space, makes the space a sense of order,besides eliminates the sense of oppression caused by the pillars at theoriginal entrance. It highlights the noble and solemn atmosphere, indeed.
The designer captures inspiration fromnature, and integrate red art glass chandelier and leaf-shaped flower elements intospace by contemporary design techniques, while retaining the warm and noble yetpersonalized sense.
欢迎关注瑞坤设计 | LUCIEN DESIGN 微信号:luciendhk 瑞坤设计合作联系: TEL:0757-81858801 ADD:广东省金融高新区保利壹号公馆信苑3404 / Room 3404, Xinyuan, No.1 Mansion•Poly, 20 Denghu St., Financial High-tech Zone, Guangdong Province