A cubic body of glass emerging into view on top of the old theatreRafael de La-Hoz在具有古典气息的Teatro Góngora剧院顶端设计了多功能的玻璃方体。这个冉冉升起的方体成为了科尔多瓦创新而独特的新空间。
Rafael de La-Hoz has designed a multipurpose box on the rooftop of the classical Teatro Góngora in Cordoba; an innovative and unique new
space for the city.
建筑师Rafael de La-Hoz承担了翻修Teatro Góngora剧院的任务。这座已经废弃的建筑由西班牙建筑师Luis Gutiérrez Soto建造(1929-1932)。
The architect, commissioned to completely refurbish the Teatro Góngora, has recovered the old abandoned building –a project of Luis Gutiérrez
Soto (1929-1932)-, which was a reference point for architecture in Cordoba in the twentieth century, and added a visionary multipurpose space
contrasting with the current classical model, to ensure a greater variety of uses and promote the cultural life of Cordoba in the twenty first century.
Rafael de La-Hoz翻新了能容纳700人的观众厅。该观众厅位于科尔多瓦的历史心脏区域,被评为世界文化遗产的区域旁边,靠近坦蒂里亚斯广场,
Rafael de La-Hoz has refurbished the existing auditorium with an audience capacity of 700, centrally located at the historic heart of Cordoba,
alongside the area awarded World Heritage status, close to the Plaza de las Tendillas, and totally integrated in its commercial zone. In addition
he has added a new multipurpose space on the rooftop of the building by making use of the space provided by the former outdoor summer cinema
to create a covered and enclosed auditorium, which is highly practical and functional, and entirely open-plan. The idea is to make the most of the
building and to create a kind of space unlike any other in Cordoba today. The project also adds a fifth glass façade to the somewhat primitive theatre.
The multipurpose space, experimental theatre or black-box concept is a risky strategy, with a glass body emerging into view on top of the old
theatre, and with its multiple potential uses –Italian or front-facing theatre, central stage, rehearsals room, film set, hall for chamber music
concerts, exhibitions, conferences, presentations, debates, or dance or banqueting hall- resulting from a 6m high space without any kind of
predetermined or fixed position for stages or audiences. Stages can be assembled according to need anywhere in the space using modular platforms.
The entire space is covered with a simple tubular structure so a wide variety of elements can be hung from the ceiling: spotlights, canvases, speakers,
engines, etc. during performances. There are also 4 fixed retractile stands for audiences. The main one of these enables a classical front-facing layout
with the best possible visibility, and a maximum audience capacity of more than 200. The other three stands provide for a range of layouts of the space
depending on the type of event being held, the size of the audience, the desired ambience, etc.
The architectural work maintains the same cultural use, for the enjoyment and interrelation of the general public, as envisaged for the original
building. And it establishes a centre in which a wide variety of theatrical and musical activities can be held, as well as events, ceremonies, functions,
etc, all with their own needs, formats and layouts, at the very heart of the city of Cordoba.
Name of the project:Refurbishment of the Teatro Gongora in Córdoba and design of a Multipurpose Box
Location: Calle Jesús y María, Córdoba. Spain
Client:Cordoba City Council
Architect:Rafael de La-Hoz Castanys
Collaborating architects RAFAEL DE LA-HOZ Arquitectos:
Project Director: Ángel Rolán
Project Team: Liliana Borges and Lorenza Donati
Graphic design: Luis Muñoz and Daniel Roris
Models: Víctor Hugo Coronel and Fernando Mont
Quantity Surveyor: Rafael Vegas
Restorer Advisor
Eduardo Corona
Construction company:Ferrovial-Agromán S.A.
Manager Works: Javier Fernández
Start-end Works:2009-2013
Built-up surface:3,615 sqm
Use: Theatre and multipurpose Room
Photographer:Javier Callejas