Tsuruichi Yakiniku ,是一家高人气的日本烧肉店,位于日本大阪东部的鹤桥地区,以其独特的牛肉烧烤闻名当地。那里是旅日韩国人与当地日本
Tsuruichi Yakiniku is a very popular Japanese Yakinikum restaurant famous for its wonderful beef barbecue. It is located in Tsuruichi area, east
of Osaka, where many Korean families live among the local Japanese households, and therefore, it sees a unique and diverse culture there.
Tsuruichi, in Japanese, means “the top one in Tsuruichi area”, and actually, it is the first Yakinikum restaurant in this area in the recent hundred

We used strip-type partition board in this project, because it is always used in Japanese architecture. And in fact, the use of numerous close-
grained stripes, to some extent, satisfied the aesthetics of the Japanese people, because we found an interesting way of drawing rains in Ukiyo-e
(a famous Japanese painting collection) when we were finding materials and inspiration for the design: the drawer Utagawa Hiroshige used dense
strips to paint the pouring rains in Summer in the picture named Sudden Rain Falling on the Bridge of his Hundred Beautiful Sceneries in Edo Era
collection. The sudden change of weather and the instant reactions of pedestrians were captured by the drawer and showed in the pictures,
making a great painting collection and even attracting Vincent van Gogh’s attention and therefore, the picture collection became well-known in
the world. This way of painting rain is unique also because you can neither see it in the Western paintings nor in Chinese ink paintings.

设计理念抽象的还原了日本大阪鹤桥地区的拥挤的街道建筑形象, 餐厅的两个入口安排在”山墙” (中国建筑语汇)上, 进入餐厅三角型的坡顶映入眼
帘, 我们刻意压低房檐, 意图用强烈的三角形房顶来表达日式建筑与山林的关系。 在日本建筑中, 如果入口开山墙上, 就叫做”妻入式”; 相反的, 如果
是从平顺的房檐下进入室内, 这种方式就叫”平入式”。 房檐的高度是2.1米, 即使作为住宅, 这个高度也很低。作为餐饮公共空间, 让客人穿过这么低
矮的房檐进出包房, 设计这个高度被甲方投诉我们毫无常识可言, 这个高度伸手都能触到房顶了。 房檐设计这么矮, 意在弱化墙面, 强调错落的三角形
房顶, 墙壁消失于房檐的阴影下, 凸显了在都市建筑丛林中的小小山林。

In the design, the restaurant echoes the crowded streets and dense buildings: the two entrances are at the gable walls, and when you are inside the
restaurant, the tri-angle slope crest immediately comes to your sight. Also, we intentionally lower the eaves in order to use the tri-angle roof to
indicate the relationship between Japanese architecture and the hill of woods. In Japanese architecture circle, if the entrance is in the gable wall,
it is called “tsuma iri”, otherwise, if the entrance is under the eave, it’s called “hira iri”. The eave of this restaurant is only 2.1 meters, which is very
low even for a residential building, let alone this is a restaurant, a public building. So we were claimed by the Developer that we have no common
sense of architecture, and the customers are able to touch the roof as long as they stretch their arms. But we explained to them that we made the
eave so low is because we want to make the walls hided by the eaves and their shades, in this way, the tri-angle roof can be stood out and
therefore make the restaurant look like a small hill among the modern buildings in the city.

项目名称 : 鹤一烧肉 北京
设计师(公司) : 古鲁奇公司
设计团队 : 利旭恒 , 赵爽 , 郑雅楠
客 户 : 日本鹤一烧肉
项目位置 : 中国北京
项目面积 : 350平方米
完成时间 : 2013年11月
摄 影 : 孙翔宇
Project Name: Tsuruichi Yakiniku Beijing
Design : Golucci International Design
Design team: Lee Hsuheng, Zhao Shuang, Ji Wen
Client: Tsuruichi Yakiniku ( Janpan)
Location: Beijing China
Built area: 350m2
Completion (date): 2013.11
Photographer: Sun Xiangyu
MORE: Golucci