英国女性陶瓷艺术家Katharine Morling自2003年开设自己的陶瓷工作室以来,在国际上屡获殊荣。她的等真大小3D陶瓷绘画作品通常选取日常组件,以饱
满的生活性以及生命力与大家产生着情感还有心灵的交流。 我的作品可以看作是陶瓷的3D绘画。从表面看每一件毫无生气的元素都被赋予了层层的情感和故事,等待着读者去品读。这些元素拼凑在一起便组成了充满
生命力的日常物品画面。 模仿真实大小的作品和令人意外的规模会为流连其中的你带来轻微的超现实感。直觉带引我从一个元素到下一个元素,我尝试着不去设定目标,甚至不去思
考为什么要制作这样的作品,因为我相信我能通过陶瓷进行交流。我的探索永不会完结,每一件作品都是一段探索答案却带来更多问题的旅程。 My work can be described as 3 dimensional drawings, in the medium of ceramics. Each piece, on the surface, an inanimate object, has been given layers of
emotion and embedded with stories, which are open for interpretation in the viewer’s mind. When put together, the pieces combine to make a tableau
staging the still lives of everyday objects. The life size pieces and the unexpectedness of the scale create a slightly surreal experience as you walk through
this strange environment. I work very instinctively, one piece leads to the next, I try not to pin down what I am doing or even why. I have to trust and
believe that I can communicate through this medium. My searching is never complete; each piece is a journey for answers that are only hinted at, with
more questions. ↑ 针线盒 a stitch in timesmaller ↑ 蝴蝶盒&蝴蝶框 butterfly box & butterfly cabinet ↑ 蝴蝶气泡&零星杂物 butterfly bubble & rummage gather ↑ 蝴蝶抽屉 butterfly drawer ↑ 打开的储物箱 call out ↑ 狐狸 fox ↑ 长颈鹿 & 斑马 Giraffe&Zebra ↑ 装进袋子的器具 appliances in bag ↑ 日常用具 household utensils ↑ 装链上锁的箱子 locked and chained smaller ↑ 大自然盒子 nature box ↑ "移动"的钻石 shifting diamonds ↑ 熟睡的女孩 sleeping girl ↑ 缝纫 stitched up ↑ 时光&传声筒 time & undercurrent |