现居德国的奥地利雕塑家Mario Dilitz利用高品质层压木进行人像雕塑。
Mario Dilitz将传统技术与当代问题相结合,创造出一系列栩栩如生的雕塑。他的作品不光
然材料所达不到的。层压木算得上是Mario Dilitz的常用材料,此外他还用红胶签名。
非常感谢Mario Dilitz将以下内容授权gooood发行。
Appreciation towards Mario Dilitz for providing the following description:

The ability to give expression to the human form, to transmit and translate its language
is an ability, which the sculptor Mario Dilitz definitely has.He combines traditional
sculptural knowledge and technical skills with contemporary issues and thereby
manages to create sculptures of great intensity and appeal.His work does polarize.
There is a contrast between the aesthetic beauty of his sculptures and the content of
the issues, where a profound confrontation with the vagaries of human existence takes
place.On the one hand Mario Dilitz manifests the contradictions occuring in human
nature, on the other hand he knows to unite them in his work.Even his choice of material
reveals these contradictions. His sculptures, most of them life-sized, are created out of
high quality laminated wood. After a process of destruction and then construction the
wood has reached a new form of stability, which wouldn’t have been possible in its
natural condition. This process is made visible by the joints of glue in the laminated
wood. Mario Dilitz chooses red glue thereby signing his creations unmistakably.Mario
Dilitz (*1973 in Innsbruck, Austria) now works and lives in Axams nearby Innsbruck and

正在工作的Mario Dilitz
