位于上海的泛文中国设计机构目前正在招聘英才,详情点击 HERE 汉诺威是一家专注高档男女皮衣的高端成熟品牌公司,2013年泛文中国设计机构受业主方的委托对原空间规划为样衣展示厅。 原有空间为有隔断的皮料仓库,设计师将整个空间划分为三个不同的区域,分别为男时装区、男装休闲区和男装商务区,在各个区域还设立VIP专区,供商
务洽谈、休闲与私人订制服务。设计师希望通过这种空间的布局给人们带来视觉上的延伸和冲击。 In 2013, Favourorg received a commission to redesign a warehouse space into a Brand Concept Showroom for HEANWE, a clothing label specializing in
high-end leather apparel for men and women. Originally a storage warehouse for leather materials, the newly designed HEANWE Showroom is comprised of three separate Men’s Fashion sections,
including Formal, Leisure, and Business apparel. Each section also contains fully-serviced VIP areas where business meetings can be conducted. The
layout design of the HEANWE Showroom is meant to emphasize an emboldening sense of expansive space. The partitions and perimeter of the HEANWE Showroom combine to form an asymmetric pentagonal shape. The pentagonal structure, along with the
ceiling and interspersed closet units, forms an organic whole that minimalizes the sense of clutter throughout the entirety of the space.
排列的洞石墙面形成搭配和对比,在原有的时尚基础上更显示出商务的品质。 设计在材料的使用上更加注重环保与再生资源利用,让整个空间变得有机而明快。围绕着整个展厅四周的立柜和衣架透过灵动的曲线造型,让时尚与流行的
In an adjacent is a standalone section dedicated to Men’s Formal Wear, steel pipe clothing hangers protruding from a painted wall offer a chic dynamic
contrast. Meanwhile, a triangular shape is employed for the Men’s Leisure Wear section, where bulky interlocking elements dominate to display a noble
and elegant affect. And finally, for the Men’s Business Wear section, extensive skewed rose gold metal bars serve as wall hangers, while asymmetric closet units surround the
perimeter. In a central display in the middle of the space, a hanging metal bar rose gold structure outlines the shape of a pyramid and serves as a hanging
apparatus for apparel. The shape contrasts the travertine limestone walls, which are slightly recessed to resemble the individuals stone units of pyramids
in Egypt. All of which together gives a sense of formal business proceedings, while maintaining a haute couture veneer. In regards to materials, the design utilizes sustainable and renewable resources, giving the entire space a brightly organic atmosphere. The closets and
hangers surrounding the HEANWE Showroom are built to include ergonomic design, which blends together with pop fashion elements. With lighting, wooden logs, unadorned cement, travertine and other sustainable-minded materials, a balanced contrast is maintained between soft and
rigid elements, as well as shadows and light, throughout the HEANWE Showroom. The overall aura of the space inspires a sense of energy and unlimited
possibility and strength. 工程名称: 汉诺威样衣展示厅
面积: 650.0㎡
使用材料:清水泥墙面 白洞石 玫瑰金板材 镀锌烤漆管 美国白蜡木 环氧水泥地面 Project: HEANWE Brand Concept Showroom
Design Firm:Favourorg China
Lead Designer:Jiang Huajian
Date of Completion: March 2014
Materials:Plain Cement Concrete Walls, White Travertine Limestone, Rose Gold Boards, Galvanized Metal Piping, American Ash Wood, Epoxy Cement
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