1972年出生于波兰,现居雅典希腊的艺术家Martinakis Adam一直致力于计算机生成媒体视觉(3D数字图像)。这些梦幻般的的抽象作品超现实且有力,
相当震撼人心。 ↑ 预言家 cassandra-complex 艺术是一座桥梁,
人类与宇宙。 我的目标是去探索未知,
去实践新的探索。 在这段旅途中,
不同维度是它的车轮。 从平行的宇宙中攫取灵感,
创造尚未诞生、已经逝去、正在生存的艺术。 ↑ 毁灭 Fatal Artist Statement "I imagine art being a bridge,
a connection between the spirit and the material,
the living and the absent,
the personal and the universal. My aim is to explore the unknown,
to cross the bridge of the existence,
to reveal the ancient answers,
and come up with new quests. My vehicle in this trip is the computer for now,
the wheels are all the dimensions. I create scenes of the unborn, the dead and the living,
visions from a paraller universe." ↑ 金童 golden boy ↑ 最后一吻 last kiss ↑ 物化 materialized ↑ 火根 roots of fire ↑ 头痛 the headache |