我同Arkan Zeytinoglu一起负责重新设计的天花板灯光部分。
的灵感来自于Omega理念,代表了无限以及公司能够不受外界的影响而产生“美好”的事物。同时,这种设计还传递了“永恒”的信息。 I was in charge of the lighting aspect of the redesigning wertinvest in collaboration with Arkan Zeytinoglu.
It was impossible to hang a lamp because the ceiling are not high enough. Therefore, I got an idea designing a flat object. I hung one by one 9000 copper
rings, which is a real material and will never end up being useless. The inspiration behind is the Omega concept. Which stands for infinity and that
everything good happening for the company stays in the company without the outside world having an effect on it. The message also implies the feeling of
"forever" ... 第二个项目是雇员区的天花板。该天花板共有两种不同的表面,一面有光泽,而另一面则没有光泽。两种材料呈水平和垂直交替设置,可以激发强烈的团队
意识、无限的创意与灵感。 考虑到人们如何在空间中发现自我、如何让灯光帮助他们获得存在感十分重要。此次设计采用与空间契合并且与环境相融的单纯材质材料。一般来说,我个
人比较偏爱LED灯,因为它不仅环保,还能激发我的创作灵感。 The second project is a fixture designed for the employee floor. There are two surface, one matt the other shiny, one lays horizontally the other vertically.
It should encourage a strong teamwork and a healthy environment where ideas must flow. It is very important to consider the space in which people find themselves and how light can help them exist in that space. The goal is to use pure materials,
those that not only compliment the space but also the environment. I mostly work with LED lighting which is environmentally friendly, and that is
important for me as a creator. |