Mary Barensfeld Architecture的新作Hilgard花园,位于加州伯克利大学的附近。
过多的庭院面积,采用了高台地式布局,上面种上了日本枫树和芳香植物。业主希望将室外座椅区和娱乐区布置在靠近房屋的位置。 Hilgard Garden aims to provide the owners with an extended outdoor living space; a garden room. Due to the steeply sloping site,
accessibility to an upper seating area requires navigating a considerable elevation change. To avoid taking up a large swathe of the
smaller backyard square footage with a conventional stair, a ramping meandering path through aromatic groundcover and the
outstretched limbs of sculptural Japanese maples was selected as a more experiential garden path.
Sandwiched between the neighboring townhouses’ rear yards, this Berkeley, California site consists of a 23’ wide by 50’ plot of land
with a 17’-0” elevation change. The owners’ desire for both outdoor seating and entertaining area close to their house, in addition to
an accessible seating area at the top of the site, drove the project program. The neighboring lots solve the elevation change issue by using conventional level terracing and retaining walls of drab paving units.
This technique obliterates any sense of place or uniqueness on the potentially seismic site. The concept of an angular walk through
a Japanese maple sculpture park arose in response to the need to navigate the site elevation, and do so with intention and visual
interest. 业主的房子是一栋建于1964年的联排别墅,这些别墅每4栋连成一排,其中每栋都有自己的私人庭院。别墅采用了雪松木瓦等材料颇
其间的光影,水,材料的细部质感被优雅的体现。 The townhouse was built in 1964 as part of a 4 unit building, with each unit having a private yard. The townhouse style uniquely
combines a cedar shingled roofline with exterior walls reminiscent of traditional Japanese residences (flat white planes with natural
wood border details). The home interior fits the owners’ modernist aesthetic with clean sliding planes and abstract overhead light
wells. Consideration was made to simplify building material and plant choices. The garden aims to use light and shadow, water
reflection, material weathering and material texture as design elements. Ipe wood decking and benches, a floating white granite
patio, a reflecting pool, board-form concrete retaining walls, and weathering steel combine with Japanese maples, aromatic lemon
thyme, creeping jenny and Koi bamboo to form the garden’s material palette.
中的折线灯从坡下串至坡上。坡顶的平台可以欣赏到旧金山和东湾的美景。 The 400 sf lower patio area, located at the base of the site and on the same level as the living room, provides the clients with a
seamless extension of their living space for relaxation and entertaining. It aspires, in the classic modernist sense, to be the new
living room of the townhouse. Upon entering the home, one’s eye is drawn through the existing glass living room doors and out to
the garden's water reflecting pool and 3 sculptural Japanese maples. At night, the back-lit triangular steel panels’ LED lights further
draws your attention out and upwards towards the 60 sf upper terrace seating area and its views over the East Bay and San
Francisco. 业主的女儿非常喜欢庭院中的竹子。两位业主中,一位是工程技术师,一位是平面设计师,他们都对建筑和设计感兴趣,他们被现代
设计特别是使用混凝土的现代设计所震撼。这个现代简约的设计还是观测了可持续理念,采用了中水灌溉系统。 The owners are Bay Area natives with a one year old daughter, who loves to look at the bamboo leaves. One owner works in
technology, the other is a graphic designer. They've both been very interested in architecture and design since they first met 15
years ago and wanted to embrace the modern design found in Berkeley, especially the use of concrete to make a strong impact. Following the Bay Area philosophy to embrace more sustainable building practices, the garden incorporates a greywater drainage
and irrigation system that the owners are currently working to hook into their home’s greywater system.