Clug是一款3D打印的自行车停靠架,由温哥华设计师Jon Winebrenner设计。Jon Winebrenner提到温哥华有许

The challenge, designer Jon Winebrenner explains, “was to create something new to perfprm the storage task
efficiently, while offering surprise and delight.As with so many others who live in Vancouver, cycling is an
essential part of my life, and storage is crucial when it comes to maximizing the use of space in a small apartment
or house. Our team has used many different storage solutions but we felt some things could be improved. We
think that giving more people access to usable bike storage is a small but important step in reducing hurdles
preventing people from ditching their cars in favour of bikes”.
The Hurdler team has been using Clug for several months to ensure that the clips are robust enough to keep
your bike secure even after incorporating some extra weight hanging from the handle bars (e.g. a helmet).
Hurdler is pursuing online sales channels as well as embracing a new digital sales model where one can purchase
Clug’s 3D printer-ready digital files that can be used to print on a 3D printer similar to the Makerbot Replicator
2 (the 3D printer Hurdler used to design Clug).
The Clug system encases two screws concealed within a very robust push-fitcover that mounts to a wall or other
surface at the correct height, holding the bike upright and secure without damaging the bike frame or rims.
The plastic body comes in a variety of colours and can be easily installed in minutes out of the box and onto any
surface. Clug integrates style and technology, while offering urban bikers a new storage solution. The project is
currently seeking funding through kickstarter.
