设计的竖直门窗与旧建筑的开窗方式巧妙融合。 It was felt important from the outset that the new works drew from the original house as a basis for investigation, concrete as a heavy material was selected
over framed construction. The new works boldly reinterprets the structure and materiality of the elements that make up the original Victorian era cottage. The off form concrete draws on the solidity of the original masonry structure whilst introducing a new materiality. The narrow openings of the original facade
are reinterpreted in similarly proportioned forms for a new period. An emphasis on vertical openings creates an alliance with the original fenestration. 该设计的重点并非建筑与外部空间的联系,而在于其独立内部空间的相互关联,因此创造性地选择了边框门窗。外部混凝土元素与木质元素的对比碰撞进一步
划分出住宅内部的各个区域及不同的功能。 住宅间隔分布的外凸门窗造型本身构成一个狭小的空间,营造一种封闭外壳的感觉。该部分是连接住宅内部与外部的中间区域;同时作为住宅内部的核心区,
其他功能区由此互联。 从结构上来说,该建筑向我们提出了许多要求,我们希望添加的混凝土元素看上去对外观产生零负载压力。就此,我们组织了多次会议与结构工程师们一起寻
求解决方法。令人欣慰的是,最近,该设计在首届ACSE大赛上获得“最佳小型建筑”的殊荣。 住宅的热性能采用3D图解模型加以展示,混凝土的运用极大提高了住宅的保暖性,甚至不再需要双层玻璃。 The project is not primarily focused on the connection to external spaces but looks inward with interconnections of cloistered spaces, created and selected
framed openings. The outer concrete elements contrast with the timber elements that further define the various internal zones and functions within the
house. The depth of the rear facade creates an interstitial threshold which is a space in itself to be occupied and provide a sense of enclosure. The idea is to create
intermediating spaces that ground the house in relation to both its interior and exterior.
Within the house the void acts as a centralising space via which other areas of the house interconnect. Structurally the house created many demands, we wanted the stacked concrete elements of the rear facade to appear to load at “zero points” at the surface of
the facade. We worked with the structural engineers over many meetings to find a resolution that worked for all. Gratefully the house has recently been
awarded best small building at the inaugural ACSE awards. Thermal modeling was performed on the schematic 3D model and the use of concrete added to the thermal performance of the building considerably to the
point where double glazing was not considered necessary.
15米长仿原木地板 、固定黑色铝板、不锈钢、橡木等新材料遍布整个住宅的内部区域,新旧特色完美融合。这些材料的选择在不掩盖旧居华丽装饰风格的同时
完美地展现了其固有特点。 该项目的基本理念是创造一个满足居住者不同需求、公共区间和独立空间并存的温暖的家居环境。 Complementing materials of near raw fifteen metre continuous length floor boards and a restrained palette of black aluminium, stainless steel and oak appear
throughout the house and create a cohesive connection between original and new. These materials were selected, partially, so as not to compete with the
ornate patterning of the original house along with their own inherent qualities. The project’s fundamental rationale is to create a family home that recognised the various needs of the occupiers, spaces for children and adults with a
flexibility for both retreat and engagement.
整体混凝土构造的热工效能非常适合悉尼的气候,各项材料均达到环保认证。 Sustainability
Significant sections of the house are constructed from single skin concrete, which given its thermal mass,longevity and embodied energy as say in comparison
to steel was considered a sound choice as a building material for the temperate climate of Sydney
Thermal modeling was performed on the schematic 3D model and the use of concrete added to the thermal performance of the building considerably to the
point where double glazing was not considered necessary. Transport of concrete was from the Hanson site in Glebe less than 2km from the site.
The house is designed and constructed for longevity. Aside from the materiality the use of narrow openings with deep reveals to the rear western facade aids
in reducing direct sun in the summer months.
The timber flooring material is from a fourth generation family owned business from plantation forests FSC and PEFC certification. The flooring is finished
with soap and lye which are inert materials with E0 organic volatile emission.
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Project Name Glebe House Location Sydney, Australia Site Area 392 sq.m
House Area 250 sq.m
Completion Date December 2013
Design Team Sean Radford, Alison Nobbs
Project Architect Sean Radford
Assistant Architects Trevor Black
Laura Bagnato
Structural Engineer Partridge Structural Interiors Nobbs Radford Architects Contractor Yuncken Construction |