供遇见和实现交流的可能性。这种通透连续的空间体验促进了中心里的各个部门-研究,再教育,行政等部门的有机联合。 使用者不仅从外部也可以从内部体验到建筑的尺度感。圆形中庭在这个深且紧凑的建筑中纵横交错。这些看似随意的圆形中庭缓和了单调与明确分割的楼板系
构是相互作用的。室内的斜柱只是支撑楼板而室外的支撑结构使建筑形成一个整体。这些外露的,尺度大的立面结构使Holcim中心与周围的工业建筑相互呼应。 Perfectly circular openings in ceilings and floors afford views in and through the large corporate building. They provide many opportunities for employees
and visitors to see and meet one another. This fosters close contact and exchange among the operating areas of research, further education and
administration. Users of the building sense its size not only outside but inside as well. The atriums crisscross the deep and compact building. The seemingly arbitrary
arrangement of circular openings tempers the simple, clear-cut supports and plates that define its structure. In this design, irrational, vertical, baroque vistas
and rational, horizontal, ordinary construction meet and are mutually defining. The inner and outer walls of the building are completely separate thermal
and structural entities. The hinged pillars in the interior keep changing direction as they follow the diagonal layout of the atriums. Disc-shaped supports on
the façade function like wind braces, consisting of breast walls, escape balconies and stairs. The inner and outer loadbearing structures of the building are
mutually dependent. The inner pillars support only the floors while the outer ones brace the building as a whole. The shell becomes the core; the skin
becomes an exterior skeleton. This gives the concrete building the impression of a technically defined, large-scale façade, which relates the HCC to the
industrial landmarks of the surrounding landscape.
Holderbank, Switzerland, 2008
Competition 1st prize.
Office building.
Main Team Member: Christian Kerez, Michael Buschor.
Structural engineer: Dr. Schwartz Consulting AG, Zug, Joseph Schwartz.
Mechanical consultant: Urs Rieder, Adligenswil
Photo Credit: Hisao Suzuki, Walter Mair, Christian Kerez, Milan Rohrer |