Living Spaces³家具展览在米兰设计周上大放异彩。展览场地位于历史悠久,充满大自然华美的布雷拉植物园。丰
富的家具布置在充满优雅和人文感的花园中,结合背景神秘而永恒的气质给予了访客无限惊喜。 Living Spaces³: Living Divani amplifies its visibility during the Milan design week.
As well as the new products at the fair, Living Divani is lead player in two installations in the heart of the Brera
district in Milan: the indoor settings in the new Brerastore showroom at via Fatebenefratelli 10 and the outdoor
collection in the impactful “Giardino Geometrico” installation designed by Lissoni Associati in the open-air green
spaces of the Orto Botanico in Brera. Three parallel presentations demonstrate the key position reached by the
company in the contemporary design world and the ability to create increasingly complete and harmonious living
spaces where the boundaries between interior and exterior are broken down and the pure Living Divani shapes
blend with the enchantment of the natural surroundings. 
在展览场地中看似随意实则进行的布置着各种家具,除此之外还有一个室外凉亭,里面放置了Living Divani品牌
2014年所有新品。 FUORI SALONE The luxuriant beauty of nature, the evocative power of a place filled with history, the minimalist refinement of a
project by Lissoni Associati, the rich texture of the Laminam surfaces and the luxurious comfort of outdoor
furniture by Living Divani: all this is to be found in the “Giardino Geometrico” installation created in the Brera
Botanical Garden as a joint project with the magazine Interni throughout the Milan design week: an open-air
display where elegance is mixed with cultural references, botanical rarities and emotions, to surprise the visitor
and surround him with a timeless and magical atmosphere. While along the paths of the botanical garden vertical surfaces similar to stone, to onyx and to marble are used
to create a sculptural installation, a sort of contemporary maze, punctuated by pleasant rest areas, in the area of
the actual garden outdoor furniture sets are contained inside a lightweight pavilion, a sort of light temporary
architecture, visually very open, where the clean shapes of the Living Divani furniture blend with the enchantment
of the natural surroundings. An evocative, abstract and conceptual setting yet at the same time comfortable and totally usable, a perfect open-
air showcase for the Living Divani outdoor collection. 
A benchmark on the designer furniture scene due to the perfection, symmetry of the proportions and the taste of
understated luxury of its upholstered furniture for interiors, the company has gradually developed a complete
range also for outdoor, intended of home interiors and contract sector targeted by the brand. The growing
aspiration towards the outdoor life has persuaded Living Divani to devise and create solutions which allow greater
fusion between interior and exterior, interlinking and blending spaces. Thus the company has adapted for this
purpose some of its most successful products, alongside designs created especially, interpreting with its own style
the current trend of multiple use of furniture and the contamination between indoor and outdoor spaces. In the installation in the Botanical Garden the historic icons for outdoor stand alongside the 2014’s new products
from Living Divani, to create pleasant situations for meeting and relaxation: from the modularity of the Extrasoft
sofa which allows customisation with class of spaces via infinite compositions, to the non-conventional appearance
of Bubble Rock, a well-proportioned and slightly irreverent item, via the informality of Poncho, an armchair
covered by fabric tautened by Kevlar laces plaited along the edge, to the elegance of Filo Outdoor, a sofa with
ample shapes suspended on a tubular steel frame, painted or galvanized.

