荷兰Roderick Vos Studio最近在荷兰Hertogenbosch新开张了他们的展厅,展厅内完美的呈现了这个在1990年成立的工作室的理念--设计必要的。
Roderick Vos Studio翻新了1910年的一栋双层建筑,拿出一部分作为设计工作室,一部分作为展厅和零售商店。这个混合空间具有多种可能性。
Roderick Vos Studio's new showroom , Hertogenbosch, Dutch.

↑ 俏皮的展厅,吊灯的电缆呈放射状。整个展厅有一种时尚的蒸汽朋克风格。

According to Plato every soul desires the good, the true and the beautiful especiallyartists and artisans! These are absolute and eternal
qualities that arise from a single source. So anything that is beautiful is naturally good and true, too.
Is this idealistic? Naive? I admit, we have just stepped into the 21st century.
Nowadays everything seems so relative, and Platonic idealism so distant.
But I feel a greater kinship with his ancient philosophies than with our last century's postmodernistic view of the world. Everyone is not right,
and everything is not equal.
I don't want to be constantly entertained, or to entertain others. I want to make you happy with beautifully useful pieces. Objects that exude
aesthetic pleasure. Strong shapes that feel beautiful, good and true. Such sensations are nothing to be ashamed of.
You won't find me daydreaming at my drawing board. I like to see the factories,the machinery and talk to the people who work there. I am
inspired by both old and new production tech-niques. After all, product innovation begins with an awareness of materialsand techniques.
It's not just about form. It is also about material, its use and the finishing touches.
I surround myself with and cherish creative specialists.Artisans making beautiful objects by hand in the Czech Republic, deep in Asia and
closeby in the De Betuwe. I am nothing without these people the men and women who blow glass, weld, cast, construct and upholster my furnitur and more.