In: 挪威Id: 2329444Fs: 49
简介:Snøhetta values human interaction. All of our work strives to enhance our sense of place, identity and relationship to others and the physical spaces we inhabit, whether natural or human-made. Art museums, reindeer observatories, urban places and dollhouses receive the same care and attention to purpose. Essence, rather than trends drive our thoughts.For over 25 years, we have been working internationally on a number of important public, landscape, and cultural projects. Snøhetta started its career in 1989 with the competition-winning entry for the new library of Alexandria, Egypt. This was later followed by the commission for the Norwegian National Opera in Oslo and the National September 11 Memorial Museum Pavilion at the World Trade Center in New York City, among many others. Since its inception, the practice has maintained its original trans-disciplinary approach, integrating architectural, landscape and interior design in all projects.Our strength is our inclusive working methodology and values of human interaction and social sustainability. The methodology ensures a site-specific solution is created that meets Client and User needs for a successful and engaging public space.Currently, Snøhetta is working on cultural and public projects across the US, including the redevelopment Times Square, under construction in New York City, the expansion of the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art Expansion in California, the Far Rockaway Public Library in Queens and the Westchester Branch Library in the Bronx. Internationally, we are also working on the Calgary Public Library and the Ryerson University Student Learning Centre in Canada, as well as the Museo de Ciencias Ambientales, an envionmental science museum in Guadalajara, Mexico, the Lascaux Caves Museum in Lascaux, France, and the Vaven Cultural Centre in Umea, Sweden.Among its many recognitions, Snøhetta received the World Architecture Award for the Bibliotheca Alexandrina and the Norwegian National Opera and Ballet, and the Aga Kahn Prize for Architecture for Alexandria Library. Since its completion in 2008, the Norwegian National Opera and Ballet has also garnered the Mies van der Rohe European Union Prize for Architecture and the EDRA (Environmental Design Research Association) Great Places Award, as well as the European Prize for Urban Public Space, The International Architecture Award and The Global Award for Sustainable Architecture in 2010.
联系电话:+47 24 15 60 60
联系地址:Akershusstranda 21, Skur 39 N-0150 Oslo, Norway
账号建于:2020-01-10 15:57
丹麦 | Ordrupgaard 博物馆 | 扩建 | 2021 | Snøhetta
2021-08-18 20:49|文化教育,建筑工作室 Snøhetta 已经完成了对丹麦 Ordrupgaard 博物馆的扩建,将原始的乡村庄园建筑和 2005 年扎哈·哈迪德(Zaha Hadid)的新建筑与新的地下画廊结合在一起,使雕塑突出到景观中。
,Ordrupgaard 博物 ...

美国费城查尔斯图书馆 | 2019 | Snøhetta
2021-07-17 19:15|文化教育图书馆, Philadelphia, 美国,建筑师:Snøhetta , 面积:0 m²,项目年份:2019,摄影师: Michael Grimm,建筑、景观及室内设计:Snøhetta,执行建筑师:Snøhetta & Stantec,项目合作:Stantec,土木工程 ...

法国Carnavalet博物馆 | 2021 | Snøhetta
2021-06-03 21:40|文化教育博物馆, 更新项目, Paris, 法国,建筑设计:Snøhetta,项目年份:2021,摄影师: Antoine Mercusot, Pierre ANTOINE,City:Paris,Country:法国,更新后的博物馆改善了游客的体验,通过独特的时间之旅使游客 ...

2020-09-02 13:04|文化教育, Alexandria, 埃及,建筑师:Snøhetta,项目年份:2001,项目完工照片 | Finished Photos

卡尔加里中央图书馆 | Snøhetta
2020-01-10 16:06|文化教育北美最大的图书馆之一正式向公众开放
2018年11月1日,Snøhetta事务所和DIALOG事务所联手设计的新中央图书馆正式向公众开放。图书馆的扩建部分面积达到24万平方英尺,希望每年来访的游客量能增加一倍,未来图书馆将 ...
