In: 挪威Id: 2329444Fs: 49
简介:Snøhetta values human interaction. All of our work strives to enhance our sense of place, identity and relationship to others and the physical spaces we inhabit, whether natural or human-made. Art museums, reindeer observatories, urban places and dollhouses receive the same care and attention to purpose. Essence, rather than trends drive our thoughts.For over 25 years, we have been working internationally on a number of important public, landscape, and cultural projects. Snøhetta started its career in 1989 with the competition-winning entry for the new library of Alexandria, Egypt. This was later followed by the commission for the Norwegian National Opera in Oslo and the National September 11 Memorial Museum Pavilion at the World Trade Center in New York City, among many others. Since its inception, the practice has maintained its original trans-disciplinary approach, integrating architectural, landscape and interior design in all projects.Our strength is our inclusive working methodology and values of human interaction and social sustainability. The methodology ensures a site-specific solution is created that meets Client and User needs for a successful and engaging public space.Currently, Snøhetta is working on cultural and public projects across the US, including the redevelopment Times Square, under construction in New York City, the expansion of the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art Expansion in California, the Far Rockaway Public Library in Queens and the Westchester Branch Library in the Bronx. Internationally, we are also working on the Calgary Public Library and the Ryerson University Student Learning Centre in Canada, as well as the Museo de Ciencias Ambientales, an envionmental science museum in Guadalajara, Mexico, the Lascaux Caves Museum in Lascaux, France, and the Vaven Cultural Centre in Umea, Sweden.Among its many recognitions, Snøhetta received the World Architecture Award for the Bibliotheca Alexandrina and the Norwegian National Opera and Ballet, and the Aga Kahn Prize for Architecture for Alexandria Library. Since its completion in 2008, the Norwegian National Opera and Ballet has also garnered the Mies van der Rohe European Union Prize for Architecture and the EDRA (Environmental Design Research Association) Great Places Award, as well as the European Prize for Urban Public Space, The International Architecture Award and The Global Award for Sustainable Architecture in 2010.
联系电话:+47 24 15 60 60
联系地址:Akershusstranda 21, Skur 39 N-0150 Oslo, Norway
账号建于:2020-01-10 15:57
La Nube | Snøhetta | 2025 | 美国
2025-02-18 01:02|建筑设计La Nube以其云朵般的形态、闪烁的外部照明和77000平方英尺富有想象力、包容性的学习空间,成为边境城市居民了解可持续发展、区域认同和“蓝天学习”概念的令人敬畏的地方。我们与埃尔帕索建筑师Exigo和展览设计师G ...

法拉盛图书馆 | Snøhetta | 2024 | 美国
2024-10-11 01:40|建筑设计新图书馆位于中央大道和莫特大道的繁忙交汇处,将成为法拉盛社区的支柱,进一步推动该市在市中心地区的振兴工作,并改变经历了数十年投资减少的社区。
新建筑的设计和建造成本为 3900 万美元,是一座两层楼的建筑 ...

Čoarvemátta 文化与教育中心 | Snøhetta | 2024 | 挪威
2024-08-26 14:52|建筑设计全新的Čoarvemátta文化与教育中心由Snøhetta与70°N建筑事务所和艺术家Joar Nango合作完成,设计从萨米遗产和传统建筑习俗中汲取灵感,该方案于2021年新萨米剧院和学校建筑竞赛中拔得头筹,并于近日正式落成。 ...

挪威滑雪博物馆 | Snøhetta | 2024 | 挪威
2024-03-25 23:37|建筑设计滑雪博物馆最初因 2010 年最新升级后的霍尔门科伦跳台滑雪场的宏伟而黯然失色,但在经历了一次变革过程后,滑雪博物馆重新焕发了光芒。 通过拆除滑雪跳台下方的部分建筑并引入新的扩建部分和入口,博物馆现在拥有 ...

德国 | Duett Düsseldorf | 歌剧院 | 概念 | 2021 | Snøhetta
2021-10-04 18:39|建筑设计这座名为 Duett Düsseldorf 的新歌剧院与附近的 Hofgarten 公园、莱茵河和受欢迎的 Königsallee 街建立了清晰的联系,旨在创造一个公共空间,将人们聚集在一起。该项目拥有最先进的歌剧院、酒店、餐厅和咖啡馆、 ...

挪威 | Knubben | 海港浴场 | 概念 | 2021 | Snøhetta
2021-08-18 20:42|建筑设计,Snøhetta 公布了其翻新挪威阿伦达尔市传统海港浴场的计划,该浴场的分层结构看起来像该地区的地形图。
,Knubben 浴场建于 1937 年,十年后关闭,将被重新设想为一个充满活力的聚会场所,拥有多用途设施和模 ...

挪威Tverrfjellhytta亭子 | 2011 | Snøhetta
2020-12-05 03:21|建筑设计建筑物和装置,文化建筑,挪威
, 面积:90 m²
,摄影, Ketil Jacobsen
,建造商:Focus, Romerike peis og varme AS
,室内建筑和景观设计:Snø ...

普里达姆大厅-澳大利亚经向大学(2019)(Snøhetta+JPE Design Studio+Jam Factory)设计
2020-10-17 06:24|建筑设计Repúblicas, Adelaide, Austrália,设计师:JPE Design Studio, Jam Factory, Snøhetta,年份:2019,摄影:Mark Syke,建造商:Fytogreen
设计师描述 | Designer description:A Universidade da Austrál ...

埃尔帕索儿童博物馆方案概念设计(The El Paso Children’s Museum)Snøhetta设计
2020-10-07 20:51|建筑设计After winning the competition for the new El Paso Children’s Museum, Snøhetta has designed a light filled, lofty and playful museum in the heart of the city. Snøhetta has partnered with El Paso ar ...
