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program 功能 Museum complex with galleries, curator’s residence, tea room, bookstore, and gardens 画廊,策展人住宅,茶馆,书店和花园
client 业主CIPEA 中国国际实践建筑艺术展览会
facility type 建筑类型 Museum 博物馆New Facility 新建设施
area 面积 3,000 square meters 平方米
budget 预算 $5 million 五百万美元
schedule 阶段 In construction, to be completed in 2010. 施工中,将于2010年完工
Design Architects: Steven Holl, Li Hu,设计建筑师:斯蒂文·霍尔
主管合伙人: 李虎
The new museum is sited at the gateway to the Contemporary International Practical Exhibition of Architecture (CIPEA) in the lush green landscape of the Pearl Spring near Nanjing. The museum explores the shifting viewpoints, layers of space, and expanses of mist and water, which characterize the deep alternating spatial mysteries of early Chinese painting. The museum is formed by a “field” of parallel perspective spaces and garden walls in black bamboo-formed concrete over which a light “figure” hovers. The straight passages on the ground level gradually turn into the winding passage of the figure above. The upper gallery, suspended high in the air, unwraps in a clockwise turning sequence and culminates at “in-position” viewing of the city of Nanjing in the distance. The meaning of this rural site becomes urban through this visual axis to the great Ming Dynasty capital city, Nanjing.
The section of the “figure” with translucent walls and floor is an inversion of the section of the building below with a translucent ceiling. This ceiling is made of solar collectors which permit 30 % light passage to the interior. The 3,000 sq. m. museum’s flexible exhibition spaces are complimented by a Tea House and curator’s residence facing the south light and re-circulated water of the pond.
The courtyard is paved in recycled Old Hutong bricks from the destroyed courtyards in the center of Nanjing. Limiting the colors of the museum to black and white connects it to the ancient paintings, but also gives a background to feature the colors and textures of the artworks and architecture to be exhibited within. Bamboo, previously growing on the site, has been used in bamboo-formed concrete, with a black penetrating stain. Geothermal cooling and heating, recycled storm water, and ow embodied energy materials are part of the green building aims of the project.
美国斯蒂文 霍尔建筑事务所
斯蒂文•霍尔先生于1976年在纽约创立斯蒂文•霍尔建筑师事务所,并于1989年正式注册。斯蒂文•霍尔建筑师事务所以设计为导向,分别在纽约和北京设有办公室,员工总数约50人。该事务所在国际享有盛誉,以设计的高质量而多次获奖、出版、及展览,包括九次美国建筑师协会荣誉大奖,以及近期北京当代MOMA荣获由国际高层建筑与城市住宅协会(CTBUH)所颁发的 “2009年世界最佳高层建筑” 大奖以及2009年西班牙对外银行(BBVA) 基金会知识前沿奖。在许多事务所获取的美国建筑师协会荣誉奖项中,包括了北京当代MOMA项目获得的2008年美国建筑师协会纽约分会可持续设计大奖和凭尼尔森-阿特金斯美术馆获得的2008年美国建筑师协会纽约分会建筑荣誉大奖。
斯蒂文•霍尔建筑师事务所擅长有关艺术和高等教育类型的建筑设计,包括赫尔辛基当代美术馆、纽约普拉特学院设计学院楼、爱荷华大学艺术与艺术史学院楼、西雅图圣伊格内修斯小教堂。最近建成的项目有中国深圳的万科中心、北京当代MOMA、丹麦海宁艺术博物馆、挪威哈姆生中心和在国际上普遍获得好评的堪萨斯市尼尔森-阿特金斯美术馆——《纽约人》杂志称该美术馆为 “近一代美术馆中的佼佼者”。正在设计中的项目包括法国比亚里茨滑浪与海洋中心、纽约哥伦比亚大学体育中心、以及普林斯顿大学创意表演艺术中心。
斯蒂文•霍尔 +李虎 建筑师事务所在中国的四个雄心项目展在中国的四个雄心项目展