Royal Harmony Club
生活里总是向往着诗和远方本质上其实是在对艺术与永恒的向往/Life is always about dreamy lands and poetic songsEssentially, it’s a yearning for perfect arts and eternity
君康轩·君兰和玥会建设方希望为具有浓厚人文气息的佛山顺德,打造一处具有国际性审美与文化的康体会所。基此,睿住天元设计团队在地域性与世界性之间寻找联系,以君兰和玥会作为一座桥梁,在文化和思想的跨越中相互包容,探索一种与时代相融的生活方式。本项目已获得多个国内外知名奖项。 With the trust from the client, we hope to build a world recognized wellness club here in Shunde, Foshan, a city teeming with strong cultural presence. To this end, REMAC TY works to identify relations between regional and international characteristics and explore a culturally-inclusive, modern lifestyle through the creation of Royal Harmony Club.The project has won many well-known awards at home and abroad.
古往今来,志同道合的人往往会选择各式各样的相聚方式,畅谈人生思辨哲学。关注社交的本质,找到精准定义聚集空间的思维模式,君兰和玥会正是为当代精英量身打造的一个充满创意与内涵的聚集空间。 Since ancient times, people like-minded would like to meet each other to air their views and philosophies critically and freely. Only by looking at the essence of social interaction can we define well the model of such gathering space. Royal Harmony Club is such a creative space tailored for elites of modern times.
3F | 社交空间
· 会员客厅·Living Room
社交聚会功能设置在第三层,以会员客厅为起点,作为君兰和玥会的开篇。生活在杯盏觥筹间,远方在诗酒微醺时。社交与威士忌的搭配,仿佛有种与生俱来的默契。威士忌吧作为会员客厅,是夜晚卸下重担时,精英开始自己生活的一处静谧之地。The third floor of Royal Harmony Hub is designed for social gathering and interaction, welcoming you at the living room, which is like the preface of the club. In joy, you play toast to each other; in happiness, you talk about the business while tasting the nice wine. The blend of social interaction and whisky looks quite natural and well matched. At the whisky bar, also the living room for the club, the social elites can sit down, clear their mind, and enjoy the leisure moments.
精炼的几何线条,展示时间的永恒张力,设计以巧妙的几何体块为元素,置入壁炉搭配经典意式家具,营造悠然放松的氛围感。 The delicate geometrical lines showcase the eternity of time. With the geometrical blocks as elements, the design artfully integrates the fireplace and classical Italian furniture into the space, creating a leisurely and brisk mood.
火焰烧过的木炭露出黑色的外壳,跳跃的炉火,散发丝绒般的柔光。置身其中宛如落座夕阳倾洒、树影婆娑的户外,不限于时间的束缚,以一杯美酒凝固了时间的流淌。The burnt charcoal exposing its black shell, the flickering fire light gives off a sense of warmth and affection. Sitting here, you would feel as if resting outdoor looking at the sun setting and shadow of trees dancing in the breeze and as if a glass of nice wine froze the flow of time.
· 简餐区· Snack Area
与会员客厅相连的是简餐区,设计结合当地岭南水乡文化特色,将现代抽象主义与当地特色香云纱的柔软有机共融。 Connected to the living room is the snack area, with its design featured by the local Lingnan water town culture and integrating the modern abstractionism with the softness of local speciality--gambled Guangdong yarn.
硬朗的金属色泽与质感绵柔的飘纱碰撞,产生超乎想象的戏剧性视觉感。 The clash and contrast between the metallic texture and soft yarn creates an incredibly dramatic visual shock.
Inheritance is not about taking, instead, it’s more about giving and breathing new life to better adapt to the times.
漫步过道的每一处停留和转折,都伴随着不同艺术带来的惊喜,仿佛置身于艺术博物馆长廊。 Every turning and stop you make at the passage comes along with the surprises you have bump into upon sight of different forms of arts, and it could make you feel as if in a gallery of an art museum.
· 沉浸式私人包房· Immersive Private Room
四面投影出完全沉浸式的虚拟现实包房,科技与创意的融合展现动态的奇幻之美。 Projection on four sides creates an immersive VR private room, displaying a dynamic wonderland that blends technology with creativity.
· 阅读区· Reading Area
落地玻璃窗将自然光引入室内,让整个空间都很柔和。书籍是墙面最好的装饰品,室内的绿植也为整个空间带来一丝自然清新。The French glass guides the natural light inside, making the whole space look softer and heart-warming. Furthermore, the books well decorate the wall, while the green plants indoors render a sense of freshness and naturalness into the whole space.
· 私人影音室· Private Video Room
简洁优雅的设计,柔和的灯光布局,私密的影音室让人拥有真正的高端享受空间。 The simple yet elegant design, combined with the soft lights, creates an exclusive and decent space for people to enjoy their time to themselves.

3F | 艺术世界 · 主题包房
对于世界性的引入 也是‘创新’的过程之一 Introduction is alsoa part of innovation
以不同风格的创新“艺术品”打造独具特色的主题中餐包房,设计希望通过环境变换,从而激发“创意”。思路的不经意被打断,也许会迫使人面对陌生而新奇的事物,带来了丰富的感官体验,从而“诱导”人们换一个新的视觉看待和思考世界。 The designer applies different kinds of innovative artworks to decorate the Chinese food themed rooms, in hopes of inspiring people through the change of environments. The abrupt interruption might force people to confront the strange and novel things with mixed feelings, thus inducing them to look at and think about the world from a new perspective.
· 中餐主题包房Ⅰ一《南瓜》· Chinese food themed room I--Pumpkin
草间弥生对万物充满好奇,她曾与一颗连着藤蔓的南瓜相遇,这颗南瓜开口跟她说了话,这让她感到诗意般的平和。让她认为“南瓜”仿佛集结了世界各地的和平意愿与庆祝。波点,这种具有强烈风格的标志性的元素,无时无刻不强调着无限的永恒和延续性精神。Yayoi Kusama stays curious about everything around. Once, she met with a pumpkin and suddenly the pumpkin talked to her, which made her feel quite peaceful and think that pumpkin seems to speak for people about their desire for peace.Polkda dot, such a special and iconic element, acts as a constant reminder of the never-dying, eternal spirit.
延续的空间元素,表达了对无限永恒时间的思考。点、圆弧、重复并富有张力的纹案,室内设计语言通过抽象提取《南瓜》作品的意向元素。The dots and circular arc are powerful patterns repeatedly used in the artwork--Pumpkin, and the design also integrates such continuous elements to provoke people’s contemplation about the unlimited and eternal time.
· 中餐主题包房Ⅱ一《百老汇爵士乐》· Chinese food themed room II-Broadway Jazz
《Broadway Boogie Woogie》这里有商业、剧场、影院、夜总会林立的繁华街道,还有规划有序的大小广场,蒙德里安运用艺术的手法将这些丰富多彩,光影闪烁的繁华街道加以抽象化。大小不同的格子构成画面,红、黄、蓝三原色表现了生机与活力,观众注视画作时,仿佛听到穿梭往来的汽车喇叭声和戏院里高亢的歌声。Here, you can see a lot of people moving fast on the streets, in and out of the theater, cinema, and night clubs. You can also see a lot of small and big plazas well lined up. Mondrian depicted the colorful and glowing streets in an abstract way and used large and small cells to construct the painting. The red, blue and yellow represents vigor and vitality, and when the visitors gaze at the painting, it would make them feel as if hearing the car horns from the street and loud sounds from the theater.
· 中餐主题包房Ⅲ一《尘和雪》 · Chinese food themed room III-Ashes and Snow
在时间的源头,天空满是飞翔的大象。祈祷、聆听、忧伤、安抚,人与自然都一一被定格。那些早已成为灰烬的记忆或生命变得鲜活,于是,宏阔的寂静之声,开始轻柔地包裹世界。目光触及,是早已超越了人兽的温暖。仿佛不在人间,既寥廓,又深情,令人顿生朝圣和感恩之心。At the other end, you can see many flying elephants close to the sky. Pray, listen, distress, and comfort. Human beings and the nature are captured with the still lens. Those ashed memories and life become lively. And then, the silent sound starts to embrace the world gently. What you can see around is the the kind of love and warmth that transcends the bond between human being and animal, such delicate, subtle emotions are scarce but touching, triggering people to be more grateful.
· 中餐主题包房Ⅳ一《Woman's head 1939》 ·Chinese food themed room IV--Woman’s head 1939
分解、转化、组合,打破了统一、连续和稳定,他的创意简化了物体,使之自由的与空间紧密地联系在一起。或激昂或狂躁、或可亲或可憎、或诚挚或装假,不可捉摸,但永远忠于“自由”。He jumped out of the unity, continuity, and stability by breaking down, transforming and restructuring objects. His creativity simplifies the objects and links them up with the space freely. Sometimes, it can be exciting or freaking, lovely or hateful, sincere or hypocritical; sometimes, it also can be subtle; however, there is something that remains unchanged--it stays true to “freedom”.
空间设计手法冲破对透视规则的既定想象,以错乱、交错、重贴的空间画面,诱人深入探索未知。The space design frees itself from the stereotyped perspective rule and instead uses disorderly, intersected blocks to trigger people to explore further.
2F | 康体中心 · 接待区 · Reception Area
标志性的几何体块与舒张延伸的线条构成的接待区是连接健身区与SPA区的过渡空间,蕴含着凝固与律动之美。The reception area is a transition space connecting the fitness area with SPA area. In the design, the symbolic geometrical block and stretching lines imply the dynamic rhythm.
· 健身区· Fitness Area
·普拉提室· Pilates Room
在流畅通透的空间中自然地呼吸,感受内心的自由与平静。 Breathe freely in such a bright and transparent space and feel the inner peace and freedom.
· SPA区· SPA area
素色的质感、柔和的光线、半遮的格栅,封锁来自外部世界的感官输入,驱除日常生活芜杂琐屑,传递出了SPA区特有的婉转情愫和清雅静谧空间氛围。The plain color, soft light, and half-sheltered grid hep to take the daily distress and trifles off your mind and create a quiet, special, and elegant SPA area.
延续富有动感的线光,将宾客引向私人护理区。The dynamic and continuous rays of light guides the guests to the personal care area.
君康轩·君兰和玥会 像是献给顺德的一封信 它不意在成为城市的符号 而是想通过承载的回忆、态度和品味去展望未来 用‘看不见’的柔软 编织一座城市的地标
Royal Harmony Hub like a letter to Shunde It does not aim to stand out as the symbol of the city Instead, it aspires to bear the memories look into the future working to create the landmark of the city
项目名称:君康轩·君兰和玥会项目地点:佛山顺德北滘业主单位:佛山市顺德区君兰康体运动有限公司设计单位:广东天元建筑设计有限公司(睿住天元)设计内容:全专业全过程设计建筑面积:3.16万平方米设计指导:危磊室内主创:彭成 室内团队:林良吉,邓思华,杨嘉琳建筑方案:睿住天元 设计一分院 建筑施工图:睿住天元 设计二分院 BIM团队:睿住天元 数字建筑创新中心 景观团队:睿住天元 景观一所 结构团队:睿住天元 设计二分院 结构所 设备团队:睿住天元 设计二分院 机电所 设计时间:2019年9月建成时间:2021年2月