▽建筑外观©Atelier Sergio Rebelo
▽地面视角©Atelier Sergio Rebelo
▽软木建筑外壳与织物结构天蓬©Atelier Sergio Rebelo
▽建筑夜景©Atelier Sergio Rebelo
▽内部展览空间©Atelier Sergio Rebelo
▽内部展览空间©Atelier Sergio Rebelo
▽内部展览空间©Atelier Sergio Rebelo
▽休闲空间©Atelier Sergio Rebelo
▽休闲空间细部©Atelier Sergio Rebelo
▽屋顶平面图©Atelier Sergio Rebelo
▽底层平面图©Atelier Sergio Rebelo
▽二层平面图©Atelier Sergio Rebelo
Project : Portuguese Pavilion for International Expo in Osaka 2025
Project type: Pavilion
Location: Osaka, Japan
Size: 1 480 m2
Status: Competition
Year: 2023
Team: Sérgio Rebelo, La-Salete Carvalho, Joana Portela, Mariana Pires, Nuno Borges, Bruna Rocha, Tiago Martins, Ricardo Gouveia, Daria Ciobanu-Enescu, Morgane Ribeiro, Camilo Gonbi, Eva Meca Lima
Construction and Engineering: ES Global
Architecture: Unemori Architects
Art director: Filipa Ramos
Exhibition design: Diogo Passarinho Studio
Graphic design: Eduardo Aires Studio
Experience design: Local Projects
Scientific director: Ricardo Santos
Historical Relations: Alexandra Curvelo
Artists: Sofia Crespo and Luís Quinta.