第一百二十四期为您介绍的是毕业于罗德岛设计学院、现工作于Olin Studio 的杜思宇。
A bosom friend afar brings distant land near. The Oversea album shares the lives of Chinese living abroad with all. The No.124 episode features Siyu Du who graduated fromRISDand is now working forOlin Studio.
Step out of your comfort zone and take a look at the world outside.
What left the deepest impression on me was the change in my own thoughts. Gradually, I came to feel that people around the world, regardless of nationality or race, have similar essences and goals; they just express them differently in various environments. The initial culture shock, such as the learning atmosphere in America, the party culture, workplace culture, and even the lifestyle, gradually evolved into reflection and identification.
Family, friends, and public safety
I don’t have plans to return for career development in the short term. However, I will try to go back as often as possible to spend time with my family.
It’s not accurate to say it’s clearer, but rather it’s more comprehensive. The information received and perspectives seen are different when looking from the inside and outside. I really enjoy reading both Chinese and English commentaries on the same project or event, where it becomes clear that the standpoints are different. The viewpoints might be similar, but it’s hard to be completely consistent. Any viewpoint must be based on a context, there is no absolute objectivity.
RISD is a relatively traditional school that pursues a grounded understanding of space, interpreting space from the scale of humans and various organisms, focusing on the environment as the foundation, and providing value. On this basis, it pursues self-expression in design. The learning process emphasizes hands-on ability but also encourages metaphysical and imaginative thinking.
Olin也是一家相对传统的公司,重视空间的营造和景观的功能性。项目的可建成性会在设计最初期的时候就给予很多的考虑。在项目中后期对于细节的控制和项目建成后的可持续性有近乎偏执的追求。如果论人数,OLIN目前已经是美国前几大的纯景观设计公司了,作为女性执掌的公司, 这里没有那种冷淡的“大企业”氛围,反而自上而下的努力营造一种家庭的氛围,年近古稀的老板最喜欢是邀请一堆人去她家开一些美食主题party。
Olin is also a relatively traditional company that values the creation of spaces and the functionality of landscapes. The buildability of a project is given considerable consideration right from the initial design phase. There is an almost obsessive pursuit of detail control in the later stages of the project and sustainability after its completion. In terms of staff size, OLIN is now one of the largest landscape-only design firms in the United States. As a female-owned company, it doesn’t have the impersonal ‘big corporation’ atmosphere. Instead, there is a top-down effort to create a familial atmosphere. The nearly septuagenarian boss’s favorite thing is to invite a bunch of people to her home for gourmet-themed parties.
RIchard Long. 他很多雕塑作品以及大地艺术在我看来就是利用场地本有的东西来建立人为的秩序,有些秩序很微妙,有些又非常具有冲撞性,但是都不觉得突兀,这大概就是我理解在景观设计中刨去功能之后最精彩的内核。另外我个人非常喜爱他对岩石这一“单一”元素的解构与重塑。
Richard Long’s many sculptures and land art, in my view, are about using what is naturally present in a site to establish an artificial order. Some of these orders are subtle, while others are quite impactful, but none feel out of place. This is probably what I consider the most fascinating essence of landscape design, once you strip away the functional aspect. Additionally, I have a personal fondness for his deconstruction and reshaping of rocks, a ‘singular’ element.
In terms of design starting points, there’s often something on a smaller scale, sometimes so small it approaches the realm of industrial design or craftsmanship. The works involve many physical, experimental models, and some very tangible ‘hands-on skills’. Although I have to admit that computer-aided drawing is more efficient in practice, I always try different drawing styles, especially hoping not to be limited to computer graphics but to adopt a more mixed mode.
I have been following it since my undergraduate days, for over a decade now. It’s getting better and more comprehensive! It would be even better if there could be more collaboration in academic publishing.
维护生机盎然的水渠 – 原始灌溉系统下的文化景观
DATE: NOV, 2017
Acequia 是一个古老的重力驱动洪水灌溉系统,它延伸并穿梭于阿尔伯克基市。目前,Acequia 被称为“沟渠”,并被广泛视为城市中的遗留空间。然而,Acequia 系统内嵌着丰富的文化知识,为水和绿色稀缺的密集城市布局提供了河岸廊道。由于维护不足和农业退化,沟渠堤岸被冲刷水流严重侵蚀。设计的目标是使用模块化系统来解决侵蚀问题,同时也旨在振兴这些沟渠空间,并提供一个不同的视角。
The Acequia is an ancient gravity driven flood irrigation system that stretches and weaves through the city of Albuquerque. Currently the Acequia is referred to as “ditches” and is widely considered as left over spaces in the city. Embedded with immense cultural knowledge, however, the Acequia system provides riparian corridors spliced into a dense city fabric where water and green are scarce. Due to the low maintenance and agriculture degradation, the ditch banks are drastically eroded by water brushing through. The Goal of the design is to use a modularized system to solve the erosion problem as well revitalized these ditch spaces and attempts to offer a different lens.
The exploration starts with the understanding of the Irrigation system itself including the overall water cycling system and different ancient mechanisms developed to control and maintain the system.
As an irrigation system, it inevitably tied closely to the ecology as well as people’s living habitat. In order to revitalize the system, two major approaches have been identified- the revitalization of the ecological habitat locally called “Bosque”, and erosion control of the existing ditch channels.
杨树是Bosque系统中的关键物种,无论在生态价值还是文化价值方面都占有重要地位。它需要洪水来繁殖,但现在却难以应对日益变干的Rio Grande洪水。设计的目标方法一即使是利用沟渠系统沿线的空地,通过可控洪水来培育杨树林以达到振兴生态栖息地的目的。
Cottonwood trees are the key species in the Bosque system both in ecological and cultural value. It needs flood to reproduce while now struggling with nowadays more and more volatile flooding in Rio Grande. The proposal is to foster cottonwood fields with controlled flooding utilizing vacant lots along the ditch system so it functions as an ecological revitalization boosting point.
At the same time, a modularized embankment system has been proposed to mitigate the erosion on the channel as well as harvest cottonwood seed working together with the cottonwood field. The modules have been 3D printed to test the performance of erosion control on a sand based water table. A type of locally sourced clay has been identified and tested to be used on the final fabrication of the module.
The biggest highlight of this studio project is the transition between different scales and the requirement for a high level of hands-on manufacturing ability. During the design process, the thinking leaps dramatically from the entire city’s irrigation ecosystem to modules less than half a meter in size. If the thinking about the larger scale still remains on paper and data, then the design and construction of the modules will solidly link the project with the site. This transition between large and small scales, as well as the inspiration from hands-on manufacturing, has continuously permeated my work and studies thereafter.
DATE: MAY, 2016
This design project addresses the legacy of industrial pollution at the site, focusing on remediation and rejuvenation of both land and water. The strategy involves a phased ecological restoration through the establishment of a progressive plant community, specifically curated to rehabilitate the contaminated soil. Concurrently, the introduction of filter-feeding shellfish species such as oysters, mussels, clams, and scallops is proposed to naturally purify the adjacent river. Additionally, an integrated water management system, featuring rain gardens, subterranean tanks, and sedimentation pools, is designed to mitigate the risk of pollutant leaching caused by stormwater runoff.
Integral to this remediation process is the incorporation of historical elements intrinsic to the site’s past. Stone structures, netting, and pilings, reflective of the site’s industrial heritage, are thoughtfully integrated into the design. These features not only facilitate ecological rehabilitation but also create interactive spaces for public engagement. These areas serve as educational and recreational platforms, allowing visitors to witness the transformation of the landscape and engage with the ongoing processes of environmental restoration.
The exploration of the project begins with a study of the site’s history and current environment. The research particularly focuses on the pollution issues of soil and water flow at the site. I found that there are generally two major types of pollution present on the site: toxic substance pollution and nutrient pollution. Toxic pollution consists of large solid particles, residues caused by industry and construction. Nutrient pollution often comes from wastewater discharge, etc. In addition to theoretical research, I also created abstract handmade models to represent the current state of the site.
Utilizing ecological methods to purify the site became the main goal of this project. Through research, I decided to propose a human intervened natural succession system of plants to purify the pollutants in the soil. At the same time, taking a two-pronged approach, I plan to use four different types of shellfish, strategically introduced in phases and at different locations in the water, to purify various pollutants in the water.
The final design of the site presents an ecological peninsula, intended to slow down the flow of water for more effective purification. Along the coast, different levels of trail systems and a variety of interesting activity facilities are designed, integrating many elements already present on the site into these facilities and venues, including a gravel amphitheater, rock climbing, kayaking, piling arrays, and netted areas. The ultimate form of the site will be a community park for resident communities, as well as a community park for the ecological communities.
Managing ecology with ecological means, and the coexistence of humans and nature, has always been a core issue in modern landscape design. This project was my second-semester project at RISD, and from the narrative of the entire project, it can be seen that my exploration started from the perspective of non-human organisms in viewing this site. Human activities and interventions were integrated later on. This approach, to a certain extent, breaks away from the completely anthropocentric design thinking.
这应该是RISD最核心传统的课程,基本可以说代表了RISD的景观课程风格 – 注重观察体会与动手。整个课程要求学生完全摒弃电脑绘图,如同匠人一般用最基础的绘图以及模型制作工具表达自己。在这个课程中,学生的设计以及思考关注于自然现象-如风、光、湿度,地形,土壤,地质运动,水流以及植物群落。项目开始于对自然的观察以及记录,结束于设计一个室外的“教室”用以体验式教学。
This should be considered the most core traditional course at RISD, essentially representing the style of RISD’s landscape courses – emphasizing observation, experience, and hands-on practice. The course requires students to completely abandon computer-aided drawing, expressing themselves like artisans using the most basic drawing and model-making tools. In this course, students’ designs and thoughts focus on natural phenomena – such as wind, light, humidity, topography, soil, geological movements, water flow, and plant communities. The project starts with the observation and recording of nature, ending with the design of an outdoor ‘classroom’ for experiential teaching.
一旦当你感受到平面的图纸已经难以表达这复杂的系统,我就开始付诸手工三维模型。手绘和手工模型无疑是非常耗时的,但正式这一笔一划和一榫一卯绘制让我不断搭建外界与大脑和手的联系 – 学会如何观察,研究以及输出。
The course begins and continues with the use of basic measuring and drawing tools, even forbidding the use of colors other than black and white. I used charcoal, graphite powder, and pencils to record every element and natural phenomenon I observed and experienced. These things are always around us, but as humans, we are too familiar with them, and they often become ‘invisible’. The initial observation and experience was about forgetting these invisible commonplaces, reopening my senses to understand them, how they exist, and how they act upon each other.
Once you feel that flat drawings are insufficient to express this complex system, I began to create handmade three-dimensional models. Hand drawing and model making are undoubtedly time-consuming, but it is precisely this meticulous process of drawing and assembling that continuously builds the connection between the external world, my brain, and hands – learning how to observe, research, and output.
项目最后我选定了海边一块横跨三个生态系统的地块。这里有森林,咸淡水混合湿地,以及沙滩。这个体验式的教室意图用一些列空间意向去强调了不可见的“threshold”。这种生态的系统的区别本质是来源于水的含盐度 – 一种“不可见”的因子,设计意图利用地形的塑造来产生不同形态的潮池,配合弯度长度不同的步行栈道在不同的生态系统下停留,让本来我们习以为常甚至不可见的三种生态系统间空间的转换变得明显且有仪式感。在整个系统的关键转换区域嵌入人的活动聚集空间,满足对于“教室”的活动需求。
For the final project, I selected a site by the sea that spans across three ecosystems: forest, brackish wetland, and beach. This experiential classroom is intended to emphasize the invisible ‘thresholds’ through a series of spatial intentions. The distinction between these ecological systems fundamentally stems from the salinity of the water – an ‘invisible’ element. The design aims to use the shaping of the terrain to create different forms of tide pools, accompanied by deck promenades of varying curves and lengths that linger in different ecosystems, making the transition between the three familiar, and even invisible, ecosystems become apparent and ceremonial. In the key transition areas of the entire system, spaces for human activities are embedded to meet the ‘classroom’s’ functional needs.
Although I had a background in landscape architecture before coming to RISD, I have to admit that this course reestablished my fundamental understanding of landscape design. This foundation is not limited to technical skills, but also extends to ways of thinking and understanding the site and the physical world.
DATE: JAN, 2018
这个词没有直接对等的中文,在我的研究语境里面大概可以翻译为“崇高感”,“庄严感”。 这项研究的目标是通过构建地下“sublime”,来振兴和重新利用被废弃的地下地铁站和月台,提升人们对城市地下重要性的认识。整个调查分为三个阶段进行。第一阶段,通过哲学、音乐、绘画和建筑研究来定义“sublime”,进一步将“sublime”定义为自然“sublime”和科技“sublime”。第二阶段,以地下空间作为“sublime”的载体,以纽约地铁为例,重点阐述城市地下空间对城市可持续性的重要性,并探讨对已经遗弃的地下空间的再利用的方法和可能性。第三阶段,实验从理解、抽象和解构曾对地铁系统产生作用的自然和技术力量开始。最后提出了一个试点提案,将抽象的理论转化为空间和活动。
This was my graduate thesis, an independent exploration and research project guided by my mentor. The initial point of entry given by the mentor was the concept of ‘sublime.’ This starting point was profoundly metaphysical, and our primary task was to define our own ‘sublime.’ Regardless of one’s linguistic background, when attempting to define an abstract and sophisticated emotional descriptor like ‘sublime,’ each individual inevitably brings a subjective interpretation, despite extensive historical and linguistic research.
This term doesn’t have a direct Chinese equivalent, but in the context of my research, it can be approximately translated as ‘a sense of sublimity’ or ‘a sense of solemnity.’ The goal of this research was to construct an underground ‘sublime’ to revitalize and repurpose the abandoned subway stations and platforms, thereby enhancing the awareness of the significance of the urban underground. The entire investigation was divided into three phases. The first phase involved defining ‘sublime’ through research in philosophy, music, painting, and architecture, further categorizing ‘sublime’ into ‘natural sublime’ and ‘technological sublime.’ The second phase treated the underground space as a carrier of ‘sublime,’ taking the New York subway as an example, emphasizing the importance of urban underground spaces for urban sustainability and exploring methods and possibilities for repurposing these abandoned spaces. The third phase began with experiments to understand, abstract, and deconstruct the natural and technological forces that once acted upon the subway system. Finally, a pilot proposal was made, transforming abstract theory into spatial and programmatic interventions.
All projects and research stem from an understanding and exploration of the concept of ‘sublime.’ Through in-depth studies of history and art, I have come to realize that ‘sublime’ represents a conflict-ridden and contradictory emotional experience. For instance, the simultaneous fear and excitement evoked by a volcanic eruption encapsulate this complex sentiment. ‘Sublime’ holds a significant allure for humanity, as seen in numerous artworks, where this awe-inspiring and solemn experience is greatly sought after. I attempted to deconstruct the components of this emotion and its relationship with space and time through analytical and directional diagrams. As the research progressed, I identified two modern branches of ‘sublime’: the natural ‘sublime’ and the technological ‘sublime.’ I used a series of visual juxtapositions to intuitively express the essence of ‘sublime.’ Through this extensive exploration of emotion, I found that underground spaces, especially urban underground spaces, are ideal carriers of the ‘sublime’ emotion, blending both natural and technological aspects of ‘sublime.’
In exploring underground spaces, the New York subway system undoubtedly stands as one of the most magnificent subterranean systems in the city. We are quite familiar with the currently operational subway spaces, and this familiarity often diminishes the evocation of the ‘sublime’ emotion. In contrast, abandoned subway stations, with their unfamiliarity, unnaturalness, and a sense of dread, act as the best catalysts for stimulating ‘sublime’ emotions. Moreover, these underground spaces, originally constructed with substantial investment, have been discarded due to planning and urban renewal issues, representing a significant waste of resources. In my study, I plan to use the emotion of ‘sublime’ as a tool to attract attention, aiming to reactivate and rejuvenate these abandoned spaces. My goal is to transform them back into valuable urban spaces, serving as underground extensions of the city’s green network.
A deeper inquiry into what sparks ‘sublime’ emotions essentially stems from the human reverence for power. The transformation of spatial objects is the result of force, and when this force exceeds an observer’s understanding and control, it evokes ‘sublime’ feelings.
In the study of underground spaces, I first explore the sources of natural ‘sublime’ forces. Extending the temporal scale reveals that technological ‘sublime’ actually originates from natural ‘sublime’ and forms a cycle with it. The study of stimulating ‘sublime’ emotions in underground spaces begins with research into natural subterranean formations. These natural underground spaces are shaped by various forces, the most significant being water erosion, chemical reactions, and geological movements. Based on their morphological characteristics, I liken them to common ecological communities found in mountainous areas. Subsequently, I selected a typical abandoned subway station and used collages and physical models to investigate the emotional impact of its space.
Urban underground spaces are undoubtedly a testament to human architectural technology. In my view, the force embodied in technological ‘sublime’ primarily lies in the technology used for constructing and utilizing these underground spaces and their facilities. Ultimately, I abstractly illustrated both natural and technological ‘sublime.’ To gain a more intuitive experience of this force, I created a series of experimental plaster models. In these models, plaster is used to simulate rock and soil, allowing for the observation of the deformations and manifestations caused by various natural and artificial forces.
Using the manifestations of force as inspiration, I developed a series of spatial forms to express the ‘sublime’ emotion. In this project, I aim to transform abandoned subway stations into not just spectacles but also spaces suitable for public engagement and activity through the integration of plants. To sustain plant life, I conducted feasibility studies on potential green energy sources, lighting, and sustainable utilization of the subway spaces to foster their green development.
Among the numerous abandoned subway stations in New York, I categorized them and attempted to apply the spatial types developed in my earlier designs to a realistic scale. I selected one of these abandoned stations and, based on my previous research on forms, repurposed it into an underground community park centered around a community stage and a café. This exploration was uniquely significant to me. It began with an abstract adjective describing an “emotion,” unfolded into a broader investigation, and culminated in practical application. In contemporary landscape design, grand narratives are often problem-solving focused. However, a landscape inquiry centered on human emotions is undeniably fascinating and engaging in its own right.
DATE: SEP, 2015
This workshop is also considered a signature course at Rhode Island School of Design (RISD), with different renowned masters or professors leading it each year. In our year, the leader was Jun Sato, a master of architectural structures from Japan. Situated in Tillinghast Farm, Barrington, RI, this project represents a collaborative effort of twelve students who dedicated two weeks to constructing a metal installation in the forest. Our exploration centered around the material properties of aluminum sheeting, with an emphasis on creating spatial enclosures and manipulating light. The structural integrity was maintained solely by the aluminum itself. The installation comprised three distinct units, each constructed from four unique module types. These were ingeniously crafted from one hundred and eight 3-feet square aluminum sheets, each a quarter-inch thick, showcasing the versatility and strength of the material in an outdoor setting.
Unlike previous theoretical designs, this installation was destined for actual construction from the start. A profound understanding of materials and structure was crucial to ensure its buildability. In the initial phase of the project, we used one-inch square tin foil as the model material. By manually folding and bending these small squares, we developed a set of modules that could be constructed rapidly. Additionally, we created scaled models using tin foil to further refine our design.
After the successful development of the modules l, we created computer models and drafted intuitive drawings. During this process, we finely adjusted the angles of the modules to ensure that our intention of spatial enclosure was clearly articulated. Professor Jun Sato assisted in establishing a mechanical model for calculations and provided recommendations for structural optimization. All these efforts were aimed at ensuring the theoretical feasibility of the structure before commencing actual construction.
The final construction was divided into two main parts. First, each aluminum sheet was fashioned into individual modules. Due to the use of curved bends, we crafted wooden jigs and fixtures to ensure consistency among the pieces. This part of the work was completed in an indoor woodworking model room.The second part involved transporting all the preliminary assembled modules to the site, where everyone collaboratively worked on the final assembly.
This was the first “completed project” in my landscape architecture career. Undertaking this project significantly deepened my understanding of a single material and its structure, far beyond my prior knowledge. The collaborative and coordinated nature of this workshop, where we all worked together and sweated it out, still brings a smile to my face and moves me when I think back on it.
DATE: 2018-NOW
Architect: RVA
项目的核心景观设计理念是融合基于Santa Clara Valley的历史自然和文化景观,以便为城市环境提供一系列自然生态系统,并能应对如长期干旱和全球气温升高等挑战性气候条件。
The first project I undertook after graduation is yet to be completed, surprisingly. Due to various reasons, it was temporarily halted, during which time I engaged in other projects. Over four years with this team, I evolved from a novice to managing and being responsible for significant portions of design and communication. The project set a very high bar from its inception. Once completed, its green roof will be one of the largest publicly accessible landscapes ever constructed on a structure. It represents a unique opportunity to integrate a large natural system into the urban environment, fostering a symbiosis between humans and nature.
The open spaces on the roof are designed to provide a variety of ecosystem services: enhancing plant biodiversity, offering habitats for migratory birds and pollinating insects, improving air quality, strengthening stormwater management, reducing the urban heat island effect, and numerous health benefits from physical activity and interaction with nature.
The fundamental concept of the landscape design is to integrate the historical natural and cultural landscape based on Santa Clara Valley, enabling the project to provide a range of natural ecosystems for the urban environment and to withstand challenging climatic conditions such as prolonged droughts and rising global temperatures.
The original vision for the green roof project included a combination of urban farms and natural landscapes in a vertical integration. However, due to budget and other constraints, the urban farms and gardens were regrettably omitted. Fortunately, the vertical integration and the sloped roof that connects with the ground were retained. The project also focuses on replicating different types of vegetation native to the local natural environment within the urban setting. The height of the roof varies with the slope, reflecting the real natural plant communities that change with altitude.
The greatest challenge in realizing this project was replicating a natural landscape on the roof. To address this, we conducted extensive research on the roof’s slope and how to sculpt the terrain and plant various types of vegetation without exceeding the structural load capacity.
As a comprehensive development, this project is dedicated to becoming a commercial hub in the region. Apart from the rooftop landscape being the highlight, we also meticulously designed the streetscape at the ground level and two urban plazas. One plaza serves as the main entrance landscape for the office buildings, while the other acts as the central outdoor gathering space for the commercial district. Above the rooftop park, there is an additional layer of outdoor terrace landscape, serving as an amenity for high-end residences, akin to a sky garden.
Although it was a single project, it encompassed all types of public landscape design. Participating in this project significantly enhanced my understanding of the design, structure, and construction challenges associated with almost every type of landscape project. I also gained proficiency in drawing and management software like BIM. The project’s large scale and the extensive team, coupled with collaborations with consultants and suppliers from various disciplines, laid a comprehensive foundation for my professional career.
DATE: 2017
在2017年的三个月的实习期间,我主要参与了一个非常成功的项目,该项目不仅顺利建成,还忠实地体现了最初的设计概念。位于曼哈顿第九大道441号的Hudson Commons是一个具有创新性的商业办公空间,采用了Terrain Work独特的“城市山地”景观设计。这种设计理念巧妙地融合了不同高度上的植物群落、地层和空间规划,打造出三种独特的体验空间:The Grove、The Glades和The Apex。The Grove位于第9层,提供了一个树木茂盛的区域,适合进行户外工作和会议。在结构的中部,The Glades以其带有雕塑感的松树梯田景观为特色。而在顶部的The Apex,则以高山植物和醒目的花岗岩巨石为特点,提供了壮观的哈德逊河和城市标志性建筑的视角,与纽约市的天际线完美融合。
During my 3-month internship in 2017, I was fortunate to be involved in a project that was not only successfully completed but also faithfully implemented the original concept. Hudson Commons, located at 441 Ninth Avenue in Manhattan, is an innovative commercial office space featuring the unique “Urban Mountain” landscape design by Terrain Work. This concept ingeniously integrates plant communities, stratification, and spatial planning at different elevations, creating three distinctive experiences: The Grove, The Glades, and The Apex. On the 9th floor, The Grove offers a shaded area suitable for outdoor work and meetings. In the middle of the structure, The Glades showcases a terraced landscape with sculptural pine trees. At the top, The Apex features alpine plants and striking granite boulders, offering spectacular views of the Hudson River and iconic city buildings, seamlessly blending with the New York City skyline.
在Apex区域的景观设计是整个概念表达的亮点。这里我们放置了多个中空的岩石,并结合了景天属植物,从而营造出一种山顶的氛围。Terrain Work是一家极具创意的公司,无论在设计还是表达上都充满了大胆的尝试。在纽约这样的高楼大厦之上玩转岩石的体验,我相信在任何其他地方都是独特的。
Aligned with the overarching concept of “Urban Mountain,” I was responsible for designing and depicting various spatial and functional nodes. The paving design was particularly intriguing; it started with an abstraction of natural rock textures, leading to the customization of five types of concrete bricks. These were randomly arranged to mimic the effect of mountainous terrain.
The landscape design in the Apex area is a highlight of the conceptual expression. Here, we placed several hollow rocks and incorporated Sedum plants, effectively creating the feel of a mountaintop.Terrain Work is a highly creative company, renowned for its bold endeavors in both design and expression. The experience of manipulating rocks against the skyline, as we did, is an experience I believe to be unrivaled atop any skyscraper in New York.
DATE: 2020-NOW
Architect: CSO
The project, located next to the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C., holds significant political importance. I am honored to have been a key landscape architect involved in this project. It commemorates the early 1990s’ Operation Desert Storm, led by the United States, which halted Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait, marking a pivotal multinational campaign in the Gulf War. In collaboration with sculptors, the spatial design, inspired by desert dunes, guides visitors along a path marked with key elements: depicting the dynamic nature of the conflict, sculptures symbolizing the bravery of American soldiers, and a unified shield representing global solidarity. As the landscape designer, my role encompassed detailed design, collaboration with artists, and liaising with other organizations. This monument, blending art and history, provides a profound space for reflecting on themes of freedom and collective effort.
Visitors walking along the winding path towards the center of the site encounter undulating curvilinear terrain, reminiscent of desert dunes in shape and texture. As they traverse this path, a series of three elements unfolds, each representing the main themes of the conflict. The geopolitical and regional context, as well as the speed and scale of the conflict, are symbolized by a cinematic bas-relief depicting soaring eagles and falcons, framing the progression of the conflict to Kuwait’s liberation. The centerpiece, a unified shield, commemorates the global collaboration, shared service, and sacrifice central to the memorial. Nestled in an oasis-like grove with water features, the shield bears emblems of each coalition nation. The final element is a curved wall on the opposite side, inscribed with different quotes, elucidating the theme and significance of the operation.
In this project, collaborating with the sculptors and fountain artists was undoubtedly my most fascinating experience. Their work was almost entirely in three-dimensional space, involving extensive use of 3D printing and clay modeling. These artists possess an extraordinary understanding and ability to express the nuances of artistic details. However, as landscape architects, our role was crucial in ensuring the integration and accuracy of the overall environmental expression. Particularly in such a high-profile political landscape, our pursuit of precision and accuracy was of the utmost importance, down to the finest detail.
Participating in a project with such significant political, military, and cultural implications was indeed a novel experience for me as a foreigner. This involvement provided me with a more direct and profound understanding of the confidence inherent in American culture and politics.
DATE: 2023
Architect: BIG
Inspired by the U.S. Navy’s connection with global water bodies, this design envisions a ‘Museum in Water’. It features interactive water elements, from still, reflective pools to dynamic fountains, enhancing visitor experiences and commemorating the Navy’s history and future operations. The museum, akin to a ship, is integrated within a waterscape that includes piers and promenades. As the lead landscape architect, I developed this water-centric concept, choreographing spatial sequences within the waterscape. Key features include scrim fountains near the main entry for versatile event hosting, and a plaza that evokes the vastness of the ocean. The design also incorporates a Memorial Garden with an ‘island’ plaza and tranquil waterfalls, creating a serene atmosphere and aural backdrop.
Together with our team, we choreographed the spatial sequence within the water. The water elements create a dramatic display of the museum’s macro artifacts particularly at the northern end of the site near the main entry which is surrounded by scrim fountains that can be turned off to accommodate events of various sizes. The larger scale of the plaza and its open quality evokes for visitors the sense of being on the open ocean. The fountains create beautiful reflections of the building facade and the macro artifacts located within the Honor Court where ceremonies occur. Water is also present in the Memorial Garden creating an “island” plaza and providing a calming atmosphere and cooling effect. Low planted terraces provide seating next to small waterfalls creating a pleasant backdrop of sound.
Inspired by Coastal Plain ecology, this site transitions from ocean to woodland, offering diverse zones: open water, shoreline-like littoral, diverse wetlands, and lush, tree-rich woodlands with terraces and streams.
像所有竞赛项目一样,这个项目的进展非常紧张和高压。除了最终成果令人满意外,我还有幸多次与BIG创始人Bjark Ingels共同开会。在项目初期的概念阶段,我向他汇报了我们的一版方案。会后,在火车站的快餐店意外遇见了去买汉堡的他,让我很激动。本科时期我非常喜欢BIG,所以在偶遇Bjark的时候,我有点紧张到不知如何聊天。
The Honor Court at this site is a versatile plaza for Navy personnel, veterans, and the public, offering a space for ceremonies with fountains that can be turned off for events, and reflecting the building and naval artifacts. The Pier extends across the site, acting as a pedestrian promenade with wood decking and benches, shaded by trees and displaying naval artifacts. The Cafe Terrace at the southern end enhances visitor engagement, even when the museum is closed. Behind the museum, the Memorial Garden offers a serene setting with lush plantings, water features, and terraces, ideal for various activities and events. At the top, the Roof Terrace provides panoramic views of the Capitol and Anacostia River.
Like all competitive projects, this one was fast-paced and high-pressure. Besides the satisfactory final outcome, I had the privilege of attending several meetings with Bjark Ingels, the founder of BIG. During the initial conceptual phase of the project, I presented one of our proposals to him. After the meeting, I coincidentally saw him buying a burger at a fast-food restaurant in the train station, which was quite exciting for me. Having been a big fan of BIG during my undergraduate studies, I was embarrassingly tongue-tied when I unexpectedly encountered Bjarke.
Expanded fields
DATE: 2015-2018
Whether influenced by my school or driven by personal interest – perhaps a combination of both – I have a strong passion for hands-on activities. Beyond my primary studies, I engaged in hand-drawing, photography, and the design and creation of furniture. My fondness for woodworking even led me to consider pursuing furniture design more seriously. Engaging in these smaller-scale artistic and design pursuits seems to effectively compensate for the limitations of implementing large-scale designs in landscape architecture.
When: Since 2015, over 8 years
在海外地点:2015-2018 年在罗德岛州,普罗维登斯市; 2018至今在宾夕法尼亚州,费城。
Where: Providence, RI ; Philadelphia, PA
Who: Siyu Du
From: Inner Mongolia, Baotou
学校or工作单位:罗德岛设计学院 ; Olin Studio.
School/Firm: Rhode Island School of Design/ Olin Studio
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