“圆之寓” The definition of "Circle"
Family is reunion, intended to make the whole family happy. 圆,蕴藏着空间上的“有容乃大”,时间上的“生生不息”
圆,出于一种圆润的美 即封闭严实又通透空灵 即直观坦率又含蓄蕴藉
“怎样让“圆”在空间里参演一角?” 我们希望它丰盈、不刻意摆弄 可观可感 、自由灵动
1· 和长辈同住,需要规划好四房需求 ,布置长辈房,考虑到未来的孩子房需求。 2· 整体风格现代简约 ,色调低饱和度,可接受酷酷的黑白灰。
3· 喜欢圆形或者弧形元素 ,不喜欢过于繁琐造型,空间整洁一体化。
步入空间体验后,我们保持原有4个房间,基本格局没有改动,整体动线也不作出大调。重点关注户型功能性的缺失: 通风、采光、对流。 Focus on the lack of housing function: ventilation, lighting, convection.
尝试在局部细节里寻找契机, 以“圆”为灵感元素 ,通过几处巧妙改动 ,做更精准的设计。Try to find opportunities in local details, through a few small actions, to do more accurate design.
Open a round window for the entryway. The entrance and the living room are two Spaces. Create visual connection and interaction.
Undecorated TV background wall, only customized a row of cabinets The TV cabinet connects with the entrance door to extend the functional shoe changing stool
On the right hand side of the entrance is the integrated shoe cabinet.The door panels of the shoe cabinet are designed to be separated by irregular proportions
Replace the original TV cabinet with the sofa wall. There's a multipurpose room behind the couch wall, and after you knock down the whole wall. Create half solid wall, half glass.
Semi-open multi-purpose room with sliding doors. Keep as much glass as possible. With the way of "borrowing light", the kitchen space is not restricted and transparent, and the circumference is not limited
The leaping staircase connects the shoe cabinet and is designed as a "flow arc".Subtly allow a little more space outside the kitchen door
The addition of a dish transfer window is an interesting addition to the kitchen space.
Small Windows that did not have much use were converted into small primary Windows.The reflection through the mirror looks like a pair of cute little eyes.
The study door is cleverly arranged with a three-track sliding door.The entrance to the master bedroom was also "trimmed" and moved into the hallway
The room has plenty of storage space.The flip bed in the cabinet gives the study a temporary function
The master bedroom is an elegant sanctuary devoid of complexity.Follow the minimalist tone, natural material selection, soft colors, crisp lines
The original small balcony was incorporated into the master bedroom.The ground is raised to add more layers to the space
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