Monica Fried Design是一家位于纽约的室内设计工作室,由设计师Monica Fried独立创建并负责运营。设计团队包括项目经理和设计师在内共6名成员,目前在纽约、汉普顿、韦斯特切斯特和康涅狄格州完成了多个设计项目。
Monica Fried Design is an interior design studio based in New York City, independently founded and run by designer Monica Fried. The six-member design team, including a project manager and designer, has completed multiple design projects in New York, the Hamptons, Westchester and Connecticut.
Old Westbury
Monica Fried以“宜居性和时尚感”作为设计切入,通过精心挑选的面料与中性的色调混合,来凸显业主的艺术性审美。餐厅被打造成时尚的、儿童友好型的空间,并大量使用经久耐用的纺织品来满足家庭的日常需要。住宅内的主要区域更倾向于营造一种精致而非海滨休闲的氛围,融入了中世纪的艺术品,在注入个性的同时,使空间更加趋于真实。
With "livability and a sense of style" as the key to the design, Monica Fried highlights the owner's artistic aesthetic through carefully selected fabrics mixed with neutral tones. The dining room has been created as a stylish, child-friendly space and makes extensive use of durable textiles to meet the daily needs of the family. The main areas within the house tend to create a sophisticated rather than beachside casual atmosphere, incorporating medieval art, while injecting personality and making the space more authentic.
Nyc Pied Á Terre
Monica Fried将这间位于上东区的住宅定义为“经典的公寓”。来自迈阿密的业主希望拥有一处时髦的现代化居住空间,并在里面展示他们的艺术收藏品。设计师保留了旧日的氛围,同时以轻松的格调对其进行翻修。每间房都有着类似于70年代风格的复古色调,以及大胆的石材选择和经典的配饰。
Monica Fried defines this Upper East Side home as a "classic apartment." The owners, from Miami, wanted a stylish, modern living space where they could display their art collection. The designers have retained the old atmosphere while renovating it with a relaxed touch. Each room has a retro hue similar to the 70s style, as well as bold stone choices and classic accessories.
Scarsdale Tudor
Scarsdale Tudor是一座极具生活质感的住宅,设计师通过定制化软装,来构建其独特的美感。现代与传统相融合,给人耳目一新的视觉享受;色彩的反差与陈设材质的对比,为这个家增添了新鲜的活力。Monica Fried并不局限于某种特定的风格,而是将艺术品、灯饰和家具等看作是一种精准的表达语言,借以达到感官上的平衡。
Scarsdale Tudor is a living house with a unique aesthetic created by custom soft furnishings. Modern and traditional fusion, giving a refreshing visual enjoyment; The contrast of colors and furnishings adds a fresh vitality to this home. Monica Fried is not limited to a particular style, but sees art, lighting and furniture as a precise language of expression to achieve sensory balance.