本帖最后由 材契空间设计 于 2023-5-2 00:18 编辑
我们能够从当代的设计中察觉到「Less is More」的痕迹。无论是家具形态、建筑元素还是装饰细节,都体现其精简、实用的设计宗旨。去除不必要的形式主义,回归物体本身的质色、功能,以满足人的物质所需与精神满足。被时光洗礼过的古朴家具,自带时间滤镜,让人产生美好纯粹慢生活的无限向往,辅以简约的空间布局、略显跳脱的色彩点缀,不仅不显突兀,反而显露出纯正自然的复古韵味。
We can detect the traces of "Less is more" from contemporary design. Whether it is furniture, architectural elements, or decorative details, it reflects its streamlined and practical design purpose. Remove unnecessary formalism and return to the color and function of the object itself to meet the needs and spiritual satisfaction of human material. The simple furniture that has been baptized by time, with a time filter, allows people to produce an infinite longing for a beautiful and pure slow life. It is supplemented by a simple space layout and the color embellishment that is slightly dismissed. Retro charm.
主案设计:许哲 涂萍 Principal Designer:Xu Zhe,Carrie·Tu 项目地址:深圳 Location:ShenZhen 项目面积:90平方米 Area:90m2
Dining room
Living room
Master bedroom
Secondary decubitus
Wash basin
主案设计:许哲 涂萍 项目咨询/邀稿联系 微信号:13714717071