“溯洄从之,道阻且长” “溯游从之,宛在水中央” 我们寄希望于以时间之手,遁入疗愈的缝隙。 "Going back and forth from it, theroad is blocked and long." "Swim back from it and swim in themiddle of the water." We hope that with the hand of time, wecan escape into the gap of healing. .01
觥筹间的闲适,弥漫着乐趣,待暮色与木色为空间注入温暖的色调和生机,以艺术的形式给予生活仪式感。木和白彼此映衬,在昼与夜的更替中,光与影的变化里,成为浓墨重彩的一笔,不可替代。 The leisure in the garden is filled withfun, and the twilight and wood color will inject warm colors and vitality intothe space, giving a sense of life ceremony in the form of art. Wood and whiteset off each other, and in the alternation of day and night, in the change oflight and shadow, they become an irreplaceable stroke. .02
一窗一植,一椅一毯,形态在简,木色润泽,由形达意,不言而自明。 Onewindow, one plant, one chair and one blanket, the shape is simple, the woodcolor is moist, and it is self-evident. .03
体块围合,纹理造型交互,沉默与克制共融相生,行走坐卧间,隐逸宁静的美学应运而生。 Theaesthetics of volume enclosure, interactive texture modeling, silence and restraintcoexist, walking, sitting and lying, seclusion and tranquility came into being. .04
餐厅为日常居住本身的空间叙事,木色温润,琉璃硬朗,恰当的进退尺度在其间反复溢长,理想乌托邦在生活中生成具象。 Thedining room narrates the space of daily living itself, with warm wood color andtough glass, during which the appropriate scale of advance and retreatoverflows repeatedly, and the ideal utopia is figurative in life. .05
顶面直线明快,墙面曲线灵动,纵横起伏之间,塑其身,铸其魂,一半干练,一半懒惰,定格的空间中,是人与自我本身对话的意境。 Thetop surface is straight and bright, the wall curve is smart, and betweenvertical and horizontal ups and downs, it is the artistic conception ofdialogue between man and himself to shape his body and cast his soul, halfcapable and half lazy. .06
磨砂玻璃砖错落堆砌为床头置物,层叠之间颜色浓度深浅交替,上有一盏宣纸灯,莹莹幽光,一室暗香,我们与其邂逅,被其触动。 Frostedglass bricks are piled up at random for bedside storage, and the colorconcentration varies between layers. There is a rice paper lamp on the bed,which is bright and fragrant. We met with it and were touched by it. .07
光引意境,夕阳微光在空间中构成交错,将无形的光以有形的形式去布置,延伸的光线便有了感知空间的能力,新的故事也由此缓缓道出。 Light leads to artistic conception, andthe twilight of the setting sun is interlaced in space. When the invisiblelight is arranged in a tangible form, the extended light has the ability toperceive space, and new stories are slowly told. .08 原始结构图 & 平面布置图
- 项目地址:金麟府
- 项目地址:浙江宁波
- 项目面积:130M²
- 设计公司:杭州向右设计
- 主案设计:刘嘉伟,仰银辉
- 项目摄影:川河映像