在这里,夏天可以是安静的,纯洁的, 在波涛汹涌的海浪里、万物生长的繁复里,悄无声息的。
Here, summer can be quiet and pure, In the rough waves, the growth of all things in the complex, silent.
夏日海滨也有了另外一种表达, 充满艺术气息的梵与璞。
Therefore, summer also has another expression, full of atmosphere of Sanskrit and PU.
本案的设定为一个艺术家之家, 我们的设计在于营造家的艺术与诗意内核。
This case is designed as an artist's home, Our design lies in the artistic and poetic core of the builder,
为了匹配居住者的生活方式, 设计师使用了大块面的材料来保持空间的整体感。
In order to match the lifestyle of the residents, The designer used the surface to maintain the overall sense of space.
白木纹的大理石与灰白色的地面水磨石给出整体的空间基调, 一侧墙壁用岩板衬托,简洁有序。
with gray white give the overall space tone, One side of the wall is set off with rock plate, simple and orderly.
开放式的餐厅使空间更加开阔通透, 整体空间色调以灰白为主,没有运用过多的颜色, 因为另一侧的玻璃门已经将四季的海边景色映入眼帘。
The open restaurant makes the space more open and transparent, The overall color of the space is mainly gray and white, Because the glass door on the other side has scenery of the four seasons.
开放式的餐厅使空间更加开阔通透, 整体空间色调以灰白为主。
The open restaurant makes the more open and transparent, The overall color of the space is mainly gray,
没有运用过多的颜色, 因为另一侧的玻璃门 已经将四季的海边景色映入眼帘。
I didn't use too many colors, Because of the glass door on the other side The seaside scenery of the four seasons has come into view.
哑光黑铜做结构, 搭配原木板, 成为联通三层的旋转楼梯。
The structure is made of matte black copper, Match with the original board, It becomes a revolving staircase connecting three floors.
Life up and down, With a sense of breath and ritual.
由旋转楼梯联通起生活起居, 增加了视觉核心和空间联系。
The revolving stairs connect the daily life, Added visual core and spatial connection,
当设计遇上艺术, 就像是多年的老友偶遇, 一个个的契合点不断的迸发, 扩展,最终落地成景。
When design meets art, it's like meeting an old friend for many years, One by one, the meeting points constantly burst out, expanded, and finally landed into a scene.
卧室的设计亦延续整体性的风格与理念, 将电视墙与衣柜统一,保持整体性。
The design of the bedroom also continues the overall style and concept, Unifies the television wall and the wardrobe, maintains the integrity
翻阅生活的每个瞬间, 定格每一帧如诗的人生画布。
read every moment of life,freeze frame each poetic canvas of life.
本案最后的空间, 定格在一个颇具未来感的场景里。
The final space of this case is fixed in a scene with a sense of future.
松木条一层层的铺陈开来, 一旁嵌入式的灯带, 将冥想和远方无限的拉近, 将时间和未来凝结在一起。
The pine strips are laid out layer by layer, One side of the embedded light band, Bring meditation closer to infinity in the distance, Condense time and future together.
闲暇之余蒸蒸桑拿是个不错的放松方式, 原木材质在此营造出温暖舒适又完全放松的氛围, 一整天的疲惫瞬间就被卸下。
Sauna is a good way to relax in your spare time, Log materials create a warm, comfortable and completely relaxed atmosphere here, The tiredness of the whole day was instantly relieved.
设计师大胆的想象, 赋予空间强烈的时空穿梭感。
The designer's bold imagination gives the space a strong sense of time and space,
【项目信息】 项目名称 | 金海岸 · 曼墅 项目地点 | 温州洞头 项目开发 | 温州洞头金海岸大酒店开发有限公司 室内设计 | 鲲誉设计 KUNYU-DESIGN 设计主创 | 李晓辉 梅晓震 陈设艺术 | 美域高 MIYUKO 设计主创 | 杨玲玲 郑姗姗 黄殊慧 设计样本 | 滨海度假别墅样板间 G户型 项目面积 | 414.0㎡ 项目摄影 | Ingallery