- 客户:Alcon,
- 面积:46,285 sqft
- 年份:2022
- 坐落:Warsaw, Poland,
- 行业: Healthcare,
- Colliers Define designed the Alcon offices with thoughtful details and space for an expanding company in Warsaw, Poland.
- New Alcon Poland’s office in Warsaw, Poland connects diverse professional and cultural backgrounds in the company. Colliers Define was responsible for the workplace strategy, design, building consultancy and fit-out execution.
- Alcon Poland’s previous headquarters have been sized for under 50 people and their workplace had a traditional layout with separated, closed offices. The exciting opportunity to expand and refresh the space came when the company decided to locate a regional Alcon Global Services (AGS), a shared services center, in Warsaw.
- As a result of the office’s expansion, the number of employees was supposed to increase, including many non-Polish natives. The main challenge was to create a space that combines the needs of people working for many years in the organization (accustomed to a closed work ecosystem), with the needs of non-employees yet (accustomed to agile methodologies and office transparency).
- The new office supports collaboration across teams through the use of an open and flexible layout. The workstations are equipped with ergonomic desks and armchairs, and a hot-desk system has been planned for those working remotely. For tasks that cannot be performed in open work spaces there are boutiques, conference rooms and alcoves for meetings. To support wellbeing, places for rest and relaxation were also incorporated in the work space layout.
- New interiors encourage innovative thinking. Flexible meeting spaces foster spontaneous interactions as well as planned meetings, and high acoustic comfort promotes comfortable conversation. A unique space has also been designed for creating educational projects for specialists in the field of ophthalmology and eye care.
- The various perceptions of the office were achieved through different forms of expression (colors, materials, patterns, etc.). To tell the story of the organization, the colors of the materials are taken from Alcon’s visual values. The pastel blues, intense navy blues and turquoise tones, warmed by elements inspired by nature, derive from human-centered design ideas that make the user of a space feel good in it on a multi-sensory level.
- Project Team: Dorota Osiecka, Grzegorz Rajca, Zuzanna Jaszczuk, Jan Szymuś, Aleksandra Adamczyk, Monika Gut-Kintzi, Grzegorz Roman, Krzysztof Pasterski, Jakub Nurzyński, Jarosław Szulc
18 Images | expand for additional detail
- 转载自:Office Snapshots
- 语言:English
- 编辑:序赞网
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