豫章故郡,洪都新府,城市文脉留存于滚滚朝前的时代车辙之中。落址于南昌的中海·寰宇天下U-Lake,紧邻规划中的城市阳台,对接以青山湖、赣江为串联的城市综合绿色走廊,以生活社区的美好提案,激活人与周边环境的场地关系,繁华之中敬呈都市湖居封面,缔造高品质的城市住区。 The Nanchang city’s cultural heritage remains in the ruts of the rolling era. LA CITE·U Lake, which is located in Nanchang, is adjacent to the planning urban balcony and connected to the integrated urban green corridor with Qingshan Lake and Ganjiang River. In the pursuit of a beautiful living community, it aims to invigorate the site relationship between humanity and surroundings, presenting the symbol of a high-quality urban lake residence in the midst of prosperity. 秉持“设计在美学之外”的哲学,柘壹设计Z ONE⁺深谙地产产品的顶层逻辑与展示空间的长效构建,本次担纲南昌中海·寰宇天下U-Lake售楼处的室内设计。源起于甲乙方思维和以用户为中心的产品视角,设计师王承超引领团队,深度展开对未来社区的无限探索: Guided by the philosophy of “Design beyond aesthetics”, Z ONE⁺ knows well the top logic of real estate products and the long-acting construction of display space, undertaking the interior design of LA CITE·U Lake Sales Center in Nanchang. With the party A and party B thinking and user-oriented product perspective, the designer Chengchao Wang has led the team to deeply explore the future community.
滑动查看更多 Slide to more 为美好生活提案,为此时此刻创造,为未来生活赋能,柘壹设计Z ONE⁺启动“城市浪人计划”,对产品背后真实的生活需求追问到底,旨在营造一个涵容艺术、设计、文化、自媒体等多元业态的真实共同体,让人文、创新和科技等各个界面相互交织,发掘人与场地的丰富可能。 In order to pursue and create a better life at this moment and empower the future life, Z ONE⁺ has launched the “urban ronin project” to meet the real living demands behind products. It’s aimed at creating a true community with multiple business forms including art, design, culture and self-media, making humanities, innovation and science and technology interweave with each other, to tape the rich possibilities of humanity and sites.
在美学之外,思维没有定式。当“去售楼处化”已成大势所趋,作为体验馆的售楼处,不再只是完成未来社区的雏形,而是营造真实而日常的社区,将生活半径内的公共功能移入其中,恰似一个城市里的聚落,向内生长,连接生命,留存人潮互动的黏性。 There is no fixed thinking beyond aesthetics. As de-sales center has gained popularity, the sales center as an experience hall is no longer just a prototype of the future community, but a real and daily community that includes public services. It resembles an urban cluster that grows inwards, connects lives and keeps the sticky quality of interpersonal interaction.
在柘壹设计笔下,“城市浪人计划”既是一个产品策略,亦是一种空间形态,展呈出人与社区场地关系的深深共融。可移动的推车陈列架,启幕文化名片,喻示着在时间洪流中坚守本真、在潮流更新中多元流动的生活哲思。 According to Z ONE⁺, the “urban ronin project” is not only a product strategy, but also a space form to showcase the deep integration of the site relationship between humanity and community. The movable trolley display is a cultural name card that symbolize the philosophy of staying true to the original mission in the flow of times and of keeping diversity in the development of trends.
“思想的交织、文化的共鸣、艺术的熏陶、LED科技的启示、精神的同频、情感的归属......在‘城市浪人计划’中,功能与美学结成了同一阵线,对应的是时光的轨迹、城市的记忆。”写意浪漫的花屿岛台,是花店与水吧的结合体,一面繁花朝着门户,一面静谧吧台掩于花后,勾起人们对生活方式的丰沛想象 —— 昼咖夜酒,惬意微醺,共享自在。 “Here witnesses the interweaving of thinking, cultural resonance, artistic inculcation, enlightenment of LED technology, echo of spirit and emotional belongings. In the “urban ronin project”, function and aesthetics are united to correspond to the trace of times and memory of the city.” The romantic flower island is a combination of flower store and water bar, with flowers facing the portal on the one side and a serene water bar hidden behind flowers on the other side, evoking people’s rich imagination of lifestyle- drinking coffee during the day and alcohol at night, intoxicated and leisurely.
当人们享有时间,那么相应的,他们将需要一个空间载体来储存时光记忆,无论是物理空间还是精神空间,都是一种介质,联结着人与人之间的凝聚力。沿着游览动线的变化,设计师对未来社区复合态模块的打磨,以材质语素来牵引空间叙事节奏,温润如木艺,雅致如金属,共同烘托着时空界面的一致性,以及某种专属于极简的高级趣味。 When people enjoy time, then correspondingly, they will need a space carrier to store their time memories, whether it is physical space or spiritual space, both of which are a kind of medium to link the cohesion between people. Along the changeable motion lines, the designer polishes the complex modules of future community with warm wooden craft and elegant metal, to jointly create a consistent space and a high-level interest that exclusively belongs to minimalism.
深究于社群关系的互动场景,柘壹设计聚焦于人、人的兴趣、人的关系场,于是场景的生活化气息愈加浓郁,而商业转化就根植于生活的点点滴滴里。多元而开放,交织并独立,此刻与未来,看似矛盾的两极共存于空间之中,生活意趣历久弥新。 With a focus on people, their interests, and their relationship, the interactive scene of community relations exude growing vitality, while the business transformation is rooted in the life bits. The space embraces diversity and openness, interplay and independence, the moment and the future, with life interest remaining fresh and everlasting.
半径之内是熟悉的生活,半径之外是广阔的未来,社区正如一个圆,划定边界,却并不拘于边界,而是在内外互动中反复叠加个性与共性,不断激活新的交集。光影游走其中,定格朝夕守望的瞬间,而人们停驻其间,上上自习、写写作业、组织手工课、开个阅读会、见见老朋友......动静之间,每一席座椅,都不是美的摆设,都有无限的可能性,投入于日复一日的社区共享活动中。 With the familiar life and the broad future, the community is just like a circle, which defines the boundary but does not confine to it, constantly activating new intersections. Here, the moment are framed when people study by themselves, do homework, organize a handicraft class, read books, and meet with old friends. Each seat, not a beautiful decoration, has been put into use for shared activities of the community day after day.
热热闹闹、和乐融融,是社区的底色,亦是社区的意义所在 —— 链接每家每户,构建多元聚场,赋新未来生活。未设隔断的公共区,既是一个个独立的生活方式触点,亦是连成一片的美好集合体,公共区之外则是一隅相对安静、私密的洽谈区。在这里,场景的审美品位被拔高,社区会客厅的属性更加明显,一个个细节将品质感与艺术性娓娓道来,流露出源源不断的空间吸引力。 The vitality, happiness and harmony are the foundation of the community, as well as the meaning we pursue- connecting each household to create a diverse gathering place and empower future life. The unpartitioned public area is both an independent lifestyle touch point and a beautiful collection of connected areas, outside which there is a relatively quiet and private negotiation area. Here, the aesthetic taste of the scene is elevated and the attributes of the community living room are more obvious, with each detail showing the sense of quality and artistry, and revealing the constant attraction of the space.
伴随着高速的城市化进程,生活在鳞次栉比的高楼大厦之中,人与人的关系联结似乎愈发微弱,这与近年来的人类学热门议题“消失的附近”几乎互文,共同追问着社区的未来走向。 With the rapid urbanization, the relations between people living in skyscrapers seem to be increasingly weaker, echoing with the anthropological hot topic “the vanishing neighborhood ”in recent years, both of which ask the future direction of the community. 追根溯源,柘壹设计对于社区产品的多维认知早已驾轻就熟,“不同于以往,售楼处不再是纯粹的营销场所,更是产品价值观与未来社区生活方式的理想昭示,以复刻真实生活的情景化方式。”南昌中海·寰宇天下U-Lake一案的未来社区规划与设计,是柘壹设计验证“美学之外”理念的又一力作。在这里,回归于此时此地,回归于理想化的生活,回归于日常化的场景,回归于邻里守望相助的温情,眺望于未来的美好期冀,重塑社区精神。 Tracing the source, Z ONE⁺ has long been familiar with the multi-dimensional cognition of community products, "Unlike the past, the sales office is no longer a pure marketing place, but an ideal indication of product values and future community lifestyle, in a way that replicates the real life scenario." The future community planning and design of Nanchang LA CITE·U-Lake case is another masterpiece of Z ONE⁺ to verify the concept of "Beyond Aesthetics". Here, we return to the idealized life, to the daily scenes, to the warmth of neighbors who help each other, and to the bright expectations of the future, in an effort to reshape the community spirit.
滑动查看更多 Slide to more 项目信息 PROJECT INFO. 项目名称 | 南昌中海·寰宇天下售楼处 Project Name: Nanchang China Overseas·LA CITE U-Lake Sales Center 项目位置 | 中国 南昌 Location: Nanchang, China 业主信息 | 中海地产南昌分公司 Owner: China Overseas Real Estate Nanchang Branch 设计面积 | 200m² Area: 200m² 室内设计 | 柘壹设计Z ONE⁺ Interior Design: Z ONE⁺ 设计时间 | 2022.06 Date of Design: Jun, 2022 完成时间 | 2022.09 Date of Completion: Sep, 2022 项目摄影 | 陈建忠 Photography: Chen Jianzhong 特别鸣谢 | 罗涛、曹新红、凌晨、简伟杰、王可玥 Special Thanks to : Luo Tao, Cao Xinhong, Ling Chen, Jian Weijie, Wang Keyue
柘壹设计Z ONE⁺创立于深圳,根植于地产、商业、办公、住宅等领域,坚持以用户为中心的产品视角,对产品背后真实的生活需求追问到底,为客户提供售楼处、样板房、精装标准研发、公区架空层会所、商业办公、私人住宅等硬装、软装及灯光设计一体化解决方案。 做美学之外的设计,是柘壹设计Z ONE⁺的核心主张。作为深谙产品策略和甲乙方思维的新型创意服务机构,汇集了来自知名地产公司和著名设计机构任职背景的优秀设计团队,致力于突破单一的美学思维定式,发掘项目的独特灵魂和内核,成为超越流行风潮的空间营造者和生活引导者。在设计中,我们横向评估、纵深推导,围绕研究、设计、验证的三维一体逻辑,在复杂叙事之中洞见生活本真,超预期满足客户的价值诉求。
源于地产,更懂地产 作为中国当代建筑室内设计师,他拥有在知名地产商担任全国室内负责人、在知名乙方设计公司担任设计总监的多元背景,擅长以兼顾甲、乙方需求的解题思路,从全局管控、细节优化的系统策略出发,以设计不断实现产品力的赋新以及场景体验的进阶。同时,长期游学海外的丰富经历,使他构建起一种先锋而立体的艺术世界观,进而更透彻地洞察不同产品核心,发掘精神趣味,延展商业价值。其作品呈现出国际化的时代品质和不拘一格的审美调性,涵容当代设计的精度,升华文化精神的尺度。 柘壹设计近期案例 —