本帖最后由 NK-FF 于 2022-7-11 11:23 编辑
N·K studio是致力于以现代极简的设计手法为基调的融合型设计工作室,现在越来越多的人,喜欢更加轻松,简单的居家氛围,私人化的审美,也越来越具备居住者的个人特性。 N-K studio is a fusion design studio dedicated to a modern, minimalist approach to design, with more and more people now preferring a more relaxed, simple home atmosphere, with a private aesthetic that is increasingly personal to the occupant.
The original structure, the long passage ends in a shaped structural wall, the design of the entrance structure cabinet, well divided into areas of space at the same time, but also increase its visibility and storage practicality
波浪饰面板打底搭配玄空书桌,钢板书架,5个毫的钢板门套,配上波兰ZIETA Plopp抛光金属镜面艺术凳子,现代而时尚。 The wave veneer base is paired with a basement desk, steel plate bookshelves and 5 mill steel plate door covers with Polish ZIETA Plopp polished metal mirror art stools, modern and stylish.
斜面吊顶,餐厅没有用传统的吊灯,而是用了内嵌式线型灯,整体空间明净、有质感。 The sloping ceiling, instead of a traditional chandelier, the dining room has a recessed linear light, giving the overall space a clear, textured feel.
黑色渐变台湾KD板,让整体色系,不显得过于沉闷,细节也更加丰富,隐形门的设计,也让整体结构的美观性,更加完整。 The black gradient Taiwan KD panel makes the overall colour scheme, not too dull, more detailed and the invisible door design, also makes the overall structure aesthetically pleasing and more complete.
床头用了整面KD饰面,搭配现代简约的平板布艺床,整体干净且舒适。 The bed is finished in a full KD finish with a modern minimalist flat fabric bed for an overall clean and comfortable look.
无踢角线的墙面结构造型,1.8公分白色平板窗套,窗台白色岩板,一直延伸落地,不做多余的结构,整体空间更简练舒适。 The structural shape of the wall without skirting, the 1.8cm white flat window coverings and the white rock panel of the bay window, which extends all the way down to the floor without superfluous structures, make the overall space more concise and comfortable.
Project Name/世茂锦绣长江
project Area /120.0㎡
Design Company /N·K Studio
设计师 /N·K
Designer /N·K
Color picture making:八斗君
摄影师/ 立明
Photographer /LIMING
write articles/N·K