本帖最后由 材契空间设计 于 2022-6-3 16:41 编辑
项目是旧房改造,由原先的两房一厅改成大客厅和卧室。旧房改造的难点在于对结构的把控,以及对于未拆除前的所有未知的预想和规划。好的设计是经过深思熟虑,给人以美感。室内布局打破平庸的二房,整合空间采光优势,重塑整个空间。 The project is the renovation of an old house, from the original two bedrooms and one living room into a large living room and bedroom. The difficulty of the renovation of old houses lies in the control of the structure, as well as all the unknown predictions and plans before demolition. Good design is well thought out and aesthetically pleasing. The interior layout breaks the mediocre second-bedroom, integrates the advantages of space lighting, and reshapes the entire space.
主案设计:许哲 涂萍 Principal Designer:Xu Zhe,Carrie·Tu 项目地址:深圳 Location:ShenZhen 项目面积:66 m2 Area:66 m2
Dinning room
艺术的进境先是基于丰富的遗产之上,艺术创作也不能完全脱离以往的传统基础而独立,所以那就从我们的老一辈说起。梁思成的《中国建筑史》开篇,《营造法式》第一讲,便是“大木作制度”,这也是全篇最重要的部分。“材栔”。 2.度量单位。“凡构屋之制,皆以材为祖。材有八等,度屋之大小,因而用之。” 两材之间,以斗垫托其空隙,其空隙距离为六分,称为“栔”。