一种艺术姿态的方式呈现,有别於大众街店咖啡厅或艺廊的空间概念。 隐身於中原大学旁的巷弄间,以流动弯曲线的思考切割,打破狭长型店铺的既定框架。低调纯朴、空间环境必须隐含了美学事物,并将空间的弹性变化、动线规划、使用机能作为规划之操作重点。 进门的左右两侧皆为展示区域。右侧墙面可依画作尺寸调配吊画轨道与展示比例,左侧壁面则规划了网格框架及展示台面。网格框架延伸至天花板,可利於日後需求作固定展示层板与垂吊画作使用。在规划平面图时,为了达到空间中视觉的最大化,操作吧台适度的退让,人们进门後得以看见空间的最大深度,而弧形吧台与展示台面延伸,则增添了空间趣味性。 当空间不再被冠上既定名词,空间的可调配性则相对地活泼了,亦如「艺术」一样有深度的。空间中的活动圆杆犹如空间指挥家,操控着空间之动线与行为可能。
The concept of this F&B space is slightly different from general cafes or art galleries concept, which is more likely presented by an artistic way. Fundamentally the lengthy narrow shaped shop lot is hidden between buildings and alleys which is not given much natural sunlight. Thus, we tried to break through the ordinary narrow layout with more curvy and variable elements. We also do believe that a minimalist environment does not equal to simple and dull. On the contrary, it is definitely including certain aesthetically elements, alongside with flexibility space, flexibility pathways, and variable interactions possibilities. Viewing from the entrance, both sides of the lengthy walls given the opportunities to organized as display areas. Hanging rails are installed in the flat white wall which can be hanging variable size of art paintings. On the opposite wall, we created a large grid frame which is able to place and connect with the portable racks, and hanging art works. On the other hand, the curvy-look coffee bar physically given out more space for the display area, as well as to enlarge the look of the narrow-like shop house. Apparently, there is no certain title nor adjective to describe a certain artwork. Thus, instead of labelling areas or spaces with designated titles, we believe that areas can be labelling itself by various behaviours and objects, with different arrangements by movable steel poles which are designed with track and wheels.